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# Contribution Guide
## Style Tips
- In order to keep code concise and improve readability, please try to make your
functions as short as possible while keeping variable names descriptive! For
instance, use inline `do:` blocks for short functions and make your aliases as
short as possible without introducing ambiguity.
- I.e. since there's only one `Changeset` in the app, please alias
`Changeset.t(Type.t())` instead of using `Ecto.Changeset.t(Long.Type.t())`
- Use pipelines when possible. If only calling a single method, a pipeline isn't
strictly necessary but still encouraged for future modification.
- Please add typespecs to your functions! Even your private functions may be
used by others later down the line, and typespecs will be able to help
document your code just a little bit better, and improve the debugging
- Typespec arguments can be named like `@spec function(arg_name :: type()) ::
return_type()`. Please use these for generic types, such as `map()` when the
input data isn't immediately obvious.
- Please define all typespecs for a function together in one place, instead of
each function header.
- When making new models, please take inspiration from the existing models in
regards to layout of sections, typespec design, and formatting.
- With Elixir convention, for methods that raise on error please name them like
`function_that_raises!()`, and functions that return a boolean like
`function_that_returns_boolean?()`. For other methods, it's encouraged to use
status tuples for other functions like `{:ok, result}` or `{:error,
reason_or_changeset}` instead of just returning `result` or `nil` for easy
pattern matching.
- Instead of using the `.` operator, try to use pattern matching instead,
especially for function headers. `.` in templates is fine to keep things
- Use `Enum` functions over comprehensions whenever possible for clarity.
However, comprehensions in templates are fine for legibility.
- When adding text, please use `gettext` macros to enable things to be
translated in the future. After adding `gettext` macros, run `mix format` in
order to add your new text strings to the files in `priv/gettext`.
- Existing domains: `"default"` (for anything general), `"prompts"`
(informational messages as a result of the user doing an action, i.e. in
flashes), `"actions"` (actions that the user can take), `"emails"`, and
`"errors"`. Using these domains accurately will let translators know which
translations are higher and lower priority. Thank you!
- Before submitting a PR, please make sure all tests are passing using `mix
# Technical Information
- Created using the [Phoenix Framework](https://www.phoenixframework.org)
- User Registration/Sign in via
- `Dockerfile` and example `docker-compose.yml`
- Automatic migrations in `MIX_ENV=prod` or Docker image
- JS linting with [standard.js](https://standardjs.com), HEEx linting with
## Docs
More information can be found in the documentation generated by `mix docs`.
These are located in the `/docs` folder, and are generated in HTML and ePub.
Check them out!
# Instructions
1. Clone the repo
1. Install the elixir and erlang binaries. I recommend using [asdf version
which will use the `.tool-versions` file to install the correct versions of
Erlang, Elixir and npm for this project!
1. Run `mix deps.get` and `mix compile` to fetch all dependencies
1. Run `mix setup` to initialize your database. You can reset your database at
any time with `mix ecto.reset`.
1. Run migrations with `mix ecto.migrate` or rollback with `mix ecto.rollback`.
1. Run `mix phx.server` to start the development server.
# Configuration
For development, I recommend setting environment variables with
By default, Lokal will always bind to all external IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in
`dev` and `prod` mode, respectively. If you would like to use different values,
they will need to be overridden in `config/dev.exs` and `config/runtime.exs` for
`dev` and `prod` modes, respectively.
## `MIX_ENV=dev`
In `dev` mode, Lokal will listen for these environment variables at runtime.
- `HOST`: External url to generate links with. Set this especially if you're
behind a reverse proxy. Defaults to `localhost`. External URLs will always be
generated with `https://` and port `443`.
- `PORT`: Internal port to bind to. Defaults to `4000`.
- `DATABASE_URL`: Controls the database url to connect to. Defaults to
- `ECTO_IPV6`: Controls if Ecto should use IPv6 to connect to PostgreSQL.
Defaults to `false`.
- `POOL_SIZE`: Controls the pool size to use with PostgreSQL. Defaults to `10`.
- `REGISTRATION`: Controls if user sign-up should be invite only or set to public. Set to `public` to enable public registration. Defaults to `invite`.
- `LOCALE`: Sets a custom locale. Defaults to `en_US`.
## `MIX_ENV=test`
In `test` mode (or in the Docker container), Lokal will listen for the same environment variables as dev mode, but also include the following at runtime:
- `TEST_DATABASE_URL`: REPLACES `DATABASE_URL`. Controls the database url to
connect to. Defaults to `ecto://postgres:postgres@localhost/lokal_test`.
- `MIX_TEST_PARTITION`: Only used if `TEST_DATABASE_URL` is not specified.
Appended to the default database url if you would like to partition your test
databases. Defaults to not set.
## `MIX_ENV=prod`
In `prod` mode (or in the Docker container), Lokal will listen for the same environment variables as dev mode, but also include the following at runtime:
- `SECRET_KEY_BASE`: Secret key base used to sign cookies. Must be generated
with `docker run -it shibaobun/lokal mix phx.gen.secret` and set for server to start.
- `SMTP_HOST`: The url for your SMTP email provider. Must be set
- `SMTP_PORT`: The port for your SMTP relay. Defaults to `587`.
- `SMTP_USERNAME`: The username for your SMTP relay. Must be set!
- `SMTP_PASSWORD`: The password for your SMTP relay. Must be set!
- `SMTP_SSL`: Set to `true` to enable SSL for emails. Defaults to `false`.
- `EMAIL_FROM`: Sets the sender email in sent emails. Defaults to
`no-reply@HOST` where `HOST` was previously defined.
- `EMAIL_NAME`: Sets the sender name in sent emails. Defaults to "Lokal".