use slugs
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ import topbar from '../vendor/topbar'
import MaintainAttrs from './maintain_attrs'
import Alpine from 'alpinejs'
const csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute('content')
const csrfTokenElement = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']")
let csrfToken
if (csrfTokenElement) { csrfToken = csrfTokenElement.getAttribute('content') }
const liveSocket = new LiveSocket('/live', Socket, {
dom: {
onBeforeElUpdated (from, to) {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Contexts do
[%Context{}, ...]
iex> list_contexts("my context", %User{id: 123})
[%Context{title: "my context"}, ...]
[%Context{slug: "my context"}, ...]
@spec list_contexts(User.t()) :: [Context.t()]
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Contexts do
def list_contexts(search \\ nil, user)
def list_contexts(search, %{id: user_id}) when search |> is_nil() or search == "" do
Repo.all(from c in Context, where: c.user_id == ^user_id, order_by: c.title)
Repo.all(from c in Context, where: c.user_id == ^user_id, order_by: c.slug)
def list_contexts(search, %{id: user_id}) when search |> is_binary() do
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Contexts do
[%Context{}, ...]
iex> list_public_contexts("my context")
[%Context{title: "my context"}, ...]
[%Context{slug: "my context"}, ...]
@spec list_public_contexts() :: [Context.t()]
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Contexts do
def list_public_contexts(search \\ nil)
def list_public_contexts(search) when search |> is_nil() or search == "" do
Repo.all(from c in Context, where: c.visibility == :public, order_by: c.title)
Repo.all(from c in Context, where: c.visibility == :public, order_by: c.slug)
def list_public_contexts(search) when search |> is_binary() do
@ -120,6 +120,37 @@ defmodule Memex.Contexts do
@doc """
Gets a single context by a slug.
Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Context does not exist.
## Examples
iex> get_context_by_slug("my-context", %User{id: 123})
iex> get_context_by_slug("my-context", %User{id: 123})
** (Ecto.NoResultsError)
@spec get_context_by_slug(Context.slug(), User.t()) :: Context.t() | nil
def get_context_by_slug(slug, %{id: user_id}) do
from c in Context,
where: c.slug == ^slug,
where: c.user_id == ^user_id or c.visibility in [:public, :unlisted]
def get_context_by_slug(slug, _invalid_user) do
from c in Context,
where: c.slug == ^slug,
where: c.visibility in [:public, :unlisted]
@doc """
Creates a context.
@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ defmodule Memex.Contexts.Context do
Represents a document that synthesizes multiple concepts as defined by notes
into a single consideration
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
import MemexWeb.Gettext
alias Ecto.{Changeset, UUID}
alias Memex.Accounts.User
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
schema "contexts" do
field :slug, :string
field :content, :string
field :tags, {:array, :string}
field :tags_string, :string, virtual: true
field :title, :string
field :visibility, Ecto.Enum, values: [:public, :private, :unlisted]
belongs_to :user, User
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Contexts.Context do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
title: String.t(),
slug: slug(),
content: String.t(),
tags: [String.t()] | nil,
tags_string: String.t(),
@ -35,24 +35,31 @@ defmodule Memex.Contexts.Context do
updated_at: NaiveDateTime.t()
@type id :: UUID.t()
@type slug :: String.t()
@type changeset :: Changeset.t(t())
@doc false
@spec create_changeset(attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: changeset()
def create_changeset(attrs, %User{id: user_id}) do
|> cast(attrs, [:title, :content, :tags, :visibility])
|> cast(attrs, [:slug, :content, :tags, :visibility])
|> change(user_id: user_id)
|> cast_tags_string(attrs)
|> validate_required([:title, :content, :user_id, :visibility])
|> validate_format(:slug, ~r/^[\p{L}\p{N}\-]+$/,
message: dgettext("errors", "invalid format: only numbers, letters and hyphen are accepted")
|> validate_required([:slug, :content, :user_id, :visibility])
@spec update_changeset(t(), attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: changeset()
def update_changeset(%{user_id: user_id} = note, attrs, %User{id: user_id}) do
|> cast(attrs, [:title, :content, :tags, :visibility])
|> cast(attrs, [:slug, :content, :tags, :visibility])
|> cast_tags_string(attrs)
|> validate_required([:title, :content, :visibility])
|> validate_format(:slug, ~r/^[\p{L}\p{N}\-]+$/,
message: dgettext("errors", "invalid format: only numbers, letters and hyphen are accepted")
|> validate_required([:slug, :content, :visibility])
defp cast_tags_string(changeset, %{"tags_string" => tags_string})
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Notes do
[%Note{}, ...]
iex> list_notes("my note", %User{id: 123})
[%Note{title: "my note"}, ...]
[%Note{slug: "my note"}, ...]
@spec list_notes(User.t()) :: [Note.t()]
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Notes do
def list_notes(search \\ nil, user)
def list_notes(search, %{id: user_id}) when search |> is_nil() or search == "" do
Repo.all(from n in Note, where: n.user_id == ^user_id, order_by: n.title)
Repo.all(from n in Note, where: n.user_id == ^user_id, order_by: n.slug)
def list_notes(search, %{id: user_id}) when search |> is_binary() do
@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ defmodule Memex.Notes do
[%Note{}, ...]
iex> list_public_notes("my note")
[%Note{title: "my note"}, ...]
[%Note{slug: "my note"}, ...]
@spec list_public_notes() :: [Note.t()]
@spec list_public_notes(search :: String.t() | nil) :: [Note.t()]
def list_public_notes(search \\ nil)
def list_public_notes(search) when search |> is_nil() or search == "" do
Repo.all(from n in Note, where: n.visibility == :public, order_by: n.title)
Repo.all(from n in Note, where: n.visibility == :public, order_by: n.slug)
def list_public_notes(search) when search |> is_binary() do
@ -119,6 +119,37 @@ defmodule Memex.Notes do
@doc """
Gets a single note by slug.
Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Note does not exist.
## Examples
iex> get_note_by_slug("my-note", %User{id: 123})
iex> get_note_by_slug("my-note", %User{id: 123})
** (Ecto.NoResultsError)
@spec get_note_by_slug(Note.slug(), User.t()) :: Note.t() | nil
def get_note_by_slug(slug, %{id: user_id}) do
from n in Note,
where: n.slug == ^slug,
where: n.user_id == ^user_id or n.visibility in [:public, :unlisted]
def get_note_by_slug(slug, _invalid_user) do
from n in Note,
where: n.slug == ^slug,
where: n.visibility in [:public, :unlisted]
@doc """
Creates a note.
@ -189,7 +220,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Notes do
iex> change_note(note, %User{id: 123})
%Ecto.Changeset{data: %Note{}}
iex> change_note(note, %{title: "new title"}, %User{id: 123})
iex> change_note(note, %{slug: "new slug"}, %User{id: 123})
%Ecto.Changeset{data: %Note{}}
@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ defmodule Memex.Notes.Note do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
import MemexWeb.Gettext
alias Ecto.{Changeset, UUID}
alias Memex.Accounts.User
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
schema "notes" do
field :title, :string
field :slug, :string
field :content, :string
field :tags, {:array, :string}
field :tags_string, :string, virtual: true
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Notes.Note do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
title: String.t(),
slug: slug(),
content: String.t(),
tags: [String.t()] | nil,
tags_string: String.t(),
@ -33,24 +34,31 @@ defmodule Memex.Notes.Note do
updated_at: NaiveDateTime.t()
@type id :: UUID.t()
@type slug :: String.t()
@type changeset :: Changeset.t(t())
@doc false
@spec create_changeset(attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: changeset()
def create_changeset(attrs, %User{id: user_id}) do
|> cast(attrs, [:title, :content, :tags, :visibility])
|> cast(attrs, [:slug, :content, :tags, :visibility])
|> change(user_id: user_id)
|> cast_tags_string(attrs)
|> validate_required([:title, :content, :user_id, :visibility])
|> validate_format(:slug, ~r/^[\p{L}\p{N}\-]+$/,
message: dgettext("errors", "invalid format: only numbers, letters and hyphen are accepted")
|> validate_required([:slug, :content, :user_id, :visibility])
@spec update_changeset(t(), attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: changeset()
def update_changeset(%{user_id: user_id} = note, attrs, %User{id: user_id}) do
|> cast(attrs, [:title, :content, :tags, :visibility])
|> cast(attrs, [:slug, :content, :tags, :visibility])
|> cast_tags_string(attrs)
|> validate_required([:title, :content, :visibility])
|> validate_format(:slug, ~r/^[\p{L}\p{N}\-]+$/,
message: dgettext("errors", "invalid format: only numbers, letters and hyphen are accepted")
|> validate_required([:slug, :content, :visibility])
defp cast_tags_string(changeset, %{"tags_string" => tags_string})
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Pipelines do
[%Pipeline{}, ...]
iex> list_pipelines("my pipeline", %User{id: 123})
[%Pipeline{title: "my pipeline"}, ...]
[%Pipeline{slug: "my pipeline"}, ...]
@spec list_pipelines(User.t()) :: [Pipeline.t()]
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Pipelines do
def list_pipelines(search \\ nil, user)
def list_pipelines(search, %{id: user_id}) when search |> is_nil() or search == "" do
Repo.all(from p in Pipeline, where: p.user_id == ^user_id, order_by: p.title)
Repo.all(from p in Pipeline, where: p.user_id == ^user_id, order_by: p.slug)
def list_pipelines(search, %{id: user_id}) when search |> is_binary() do
@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ defmodule Memex.Pipelines do
[%Pipeline{}, ...]
iex> list_public_pipelines("my pipeline")
[%Pipeline{title: "my pipeline"}, ...]
[%Pipeline{slug: "my pipeline"}, ...]
@spec list_public_pipelines() :: [Pipeline.t()]
@spec list_public_pipelines(search :: String.t() | nil) :: [Pipeline.t()]
def list_public_pipelines(search \\ nil)
def list_public_pipelines(search) when search |> is_nil() or search == "" do
Repo.all(from p in Pipeline, where: p.visibility == :public, order_by: p.title)
Repo.all(from p in Pipeline, where: p.visibility == :public, order_by: p.slug)
def list_public_pipelines(search) when search |> is_binary() do
@ -119,6 +119,37 @@ defmodule Memex.Pipelines do
@doc """
Gets a single pipeline by it's slug.
Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Pipeline does not exist.
## Examples
iex> get_pipeline_by_slug("my-pipeline", %User{id: 123})
iex> get_pipeline_by_slug("my-pipeline", %User{id: 123})
** (Ecto.NoResultsError)
@spec get_pipeline_by_slug(Pipeline.slug(), User.t()) :: Pipeline.t() | nil
def get_pipeline_by_slug(slug, %{id: user_id}) do
from p in Pipeline,
where: p.slug == ^slug,
where: p.user_id == ^user_id or p.visibility in [:public, :unlisted]
def get_pipeline_by_slug(slug, _invalid_user) do
from p in Pipeline,
where: p.slug == ^slug,
where: p.visibility in [:public, :unlisted]
@doc """
Creates a pipeline.
@ -191,7 +222,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Pipelines do
iex> change_pipeline(pipeline, %User{id: 123})
%Ecto.Changeset{data: %Pipeline{}}
iex> change_pipeline(pipeline, %{title: "new title"}, %User{id: 123})
iex> change_pipeline(pipeline, %{slug: "new slug"}, %User{id: 123})
%Ecto.Changeset{data: %Pipeline{}}
@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ defmodule Memex.Pipelines.Pipeline do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
import MemexWeb.Gettext
alias Ecto.{Changeset, UUID}
alias Memex.{Accounts.User, Pipelines.Step}
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
schema "pipelines" do
field :title, :string
field :slug, :string
field :description, :string
field :tags, {:array, :string}
field :tags_string, :string, virtual: true
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ defmodule Memex.Pipelines.Pipeline do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
title: String.t(),
slug: slug(),
description: String.t(),
tags: [String.t()] | nil,
tags_string: String.t(),
@ -35,24 +36,31 @@ defmodule Memex.Pipelines.Pipeline do
updated_at: NaiveDateTime.t()
@type id :: UUID.t()
@type slug :: String.t()
@type changeset :: Changeset.t(t())
@doc false
@spec create_changeset(attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: changeset()
def create_changeset(attrs, %User{id: user_id}) do
|> cast(attrs, [:title, :description, :tags, :visibility])
|> cast(attrs, [:slug, :description, :tags, :visibility])
|> change(user_id: user_id)
|> cast_tags_string(attrs)
|> validate_required([:title, :user_id, :visibility])
|> validate_format(:slug, ~r/^[\p{L}\p{N}\-]+$/,
message: dgettext("errors", "invalid format: only numbers, letters and hyphen are accepted")
|> validate_required([:slug, :user_id, :visibility])
@spec update_changeset(t(), attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: changeset()
def update_changeset(%{user_id: user_id} = pipeline, attrs, %User{id: user_id}) do
|> cast(attrs, [:title, :description, :tags, :visibility])
|> cast(attrs, [:slug, :description, :tags, :visibility])
|> cast_tags_string(attrs)
|> validate_required([:title, :visibility])
|> validate_format(:slug, ~r/^[\p{L}\p{N}\-]+$/,
message: dgettext("errors", "invalid format: only numbers, letters and hyphen are accepted")
|> validate_required([:slug, :visibility])
defp cast_tags_string(changeset, %{"tags_string" => tags_string})
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.Components.ContextsTableComponent do
columns = [
%{label: gettext("title"), key: :title},
%{label: gettext("slug"), key: :slug},
%{label: gettext("content"), key: :content},
%{label: gettext("tags"), key: :tags},
%{label: gettext("visibility"), key: :visibility}
@ -89,20 +89,20 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.Components.ContextsTableComponent do
@spec get_value_for_key(atom(), Context.t(), additional_data :: map()) ::
any() | {any(), Rendered.t()}
defp get_value_for_key(:title, %{id: id, title: title}, _additional_data) do
assigns = %{id: id, title: title}
defp get_value_for_key(:slug, %{slug: slug}, _additional_data) do
assigns = %{slug: slug}
title_block = ~H"""
slug_block = ~H"""
navigate={Routes.context_show_path(Endpoint, :show, @id)}
navigate={Routes.context_show_path(Endpoint, :show, @slug)}
<%= @title %>
<%= @slug %>
{title, title_block}
{slug, slug_block}
defp get_value_for_key(:content, %{content: content}, _additional_data) do
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.Components.NotesTableComponent do
columns = [
%{label: gettext("title"), key: :title},
%{label: gettext("slug"), key: :slug},
%{label: gettext("content"), key: :content},
%{label: gettext("tags"), key: :tags},
%{label: gettext("visibility"), key: :visibility}
@ -89,20 +89,20 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.Components.NotesTableComponent do
@spec get_value_for_key(atom(), Note.t(), additional_data :: map()) ::
any() | {any(), Rendered.t()}
defp get_value_for_key(:title, %{id: id, title: title}, _additional_data) do
assigns = %{id: id, title: title}
defp get_value_for_key(:slug, %{slug: slug}, _additional_data) do
assigns = %{slug: slug}
title_block = ~H"""
slug_block = ~H"""
navigate={Routes.note_show_path(Endpoint, :show, @id)}
navigate={Routes.note_show_path(Endpoint, :show, @slug)}
<%= @title %>
<%= @slug %>
{title, title_block}
{slug, slug_block}
defp get_value_for_key(:content, %{content: content}, _additional_data) do
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.Components.PipelinesTableComponent do
columns = [
%{label: gettext("title"), key: :title},
%{label: gettext("slug"), key: :slug},
%{label: gettext("description"), key: :description},
%{label: gettext("tags"), key: :tags},
%{label: gettext("visibility"), key: :visibility}
@ -89,20 +89,20 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.Components.PipelinesTableComponent do
@spec get_value_for_key(atom(), Pipeline.t(), additional_data :: map()) ::
any() | {any(), Rendered.t()}
defp get_value_for_key(:title, %{id: id, title: title}, _additional_data) do
assigns = %{id: id, title: title}
defp get_value_for_key(:slug, %{slug: slug}, _additional_data) do
assigns = %{slug: slug}
title_block = ~H"""
slug_block = ~H"""
navigate={Routes.pipeline_show_path(Endpoint, :show, @id)}
navigate={Routes.pipeline_show_path(Endpoint, :show, @slug)}
<%= @title %>
<%= @slug %>
{title, title_block}
{slug, slug_block}
defp get_value_for_key(:description, %{description: description}, _additional_data) do
@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLive.FormComponent do
) do
case Contexts.update_context(context, context_params, current_user) do
{:ok, %{title: title}} ->
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} ->
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} saved", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} saved", slug: slug))
|> push_navigate(to: return_to)}
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLive.FormComponent do
) do
case Contexts.create_context(context_params, current_user) do
{:ok, %{title: title}} ->
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} ->
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} created", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} created", slug: slug))
|> push_navigate(to: return_to)}
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
class="flex flex-col justify-start items-stretch space-y-4"
<%= text_input(f, :title,
<%= text_input(f, :slug,
class: "input input-primary",
placeholder: gettext("title")
placeholder: gettext("slug")
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :title) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :slug) %>
<%= textarea(f, :content,
id: "context-form-content",
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLive.Index do
{:noreply, apply_action(socket, live_action, params)}
defp apply_action(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket, :edit, %{"id" => id}) do
%{title: title} = context = Contexts.get_context!(id, current_user)
defp apply_action(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket, :edit, %{"slug" => slug}) do
%{slug: slug} = context = Contexts.get_context_by_slug(slug, current_user)
|> assign(page_title: gettext("edit %{title}", title: title))
|> assign(page_title: gettext("edit %{slug}", slug: slug))
|> assign(context: context)
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLive.Index do
@impl true
def handle_event("delete", %{"id" => id}, %{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket) do
context = Contexts.get_context!(id, current_user)
{:ok, %{title: title}} = Contexts.delete_context(context, current_user)
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} = Contexts.delete_context(context, current_user)
socket =
|> assign(contexts: Contexts.list_contexts(current_user))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} deleted", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} deleted", slug: slug))
{:noreply, socket}
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<:actions :let={context}>
<%= if is_owner?(context, @current_user) do %>
patch={Routes.context_index_path(@socket, :edit, context)}
patch={Routes.context_index_path(@socket, :edit, context.slug)}
<%= dgettext("actions", "edit") %>
@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLive.Show do
@impl true
def handle_params(
%{"id" => id},
%{"slug" => slug},
%{assigns: %{live_action: live_action, current_user: current_user}} = socket
) do
context = Contexts.get_context!(id, current_user)
context =
case Contexts.get_context_by_slug(slug, current_user) do
nil -> raise MemexWeb.NotFoundError, gettext("%{slug} could not be found", slug: slug)
context -> context
socket =
@ -30,18 +34,18 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLive.Show do
%{assigns: %{context: context, current_user: current_user}} = socket
) do
{:ok, %{title: title}} = Contexts.delete_context(context, current_user)
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} = Contexts.delete_context(context, current_user)
socket =
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} deleted", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} deleted", slug: slug))
|> push_navigate(to: Routes.context_index_path(Endpoint, :index))
{:noreply, socket}
defp page_title(:show, %{title: title}), do: title
defp page_title(:edit, %{title: title}), do: gettext("edit %{title}", title: title)
defp page_title(:show, %{slug: slug}), do: slug
defp page_title(:edit, %{slug: slug}), do: gettext("edit %{slug}", slug: slug)
@spec is_owner_or_admin?(Context.t(), User.t()) :: boolean()
defp is_owner_or_admin?(%{user_id: user_id}, %{id: user_id}), do: true
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<div class="mx-auto flex flex-col justify-center items-stretch space-y-4 max-w-3xl">
<h1 class="text-xl">
<%= @context.title %>
<%= @context.slug %>
<p><%= if @context.tags, do: @context.tags |> Enum.join(", ") %></p>
@ -23,7 +23,10 @@
<%= dgettext("actions", "back") %>
<%= if is_owner?(@context, @current_user) do %>
<.link class="btn btn-primary" patch={Routes.context_show_path(@socket, :edit, @context)}>
class="btn btn-primary"
patch={Routes.context_show_path(@socket, :edit, @context.slug)}
<%= dgettext("actions", "edit") %>
<% end %>
@ -42,7 +45,7 @@
<%= if @live_action in [:edit] do %>
<.modal return_to={Routes.context_show_path(@socket, :show, @context)}>
<.modal return_to={Routes.context_show_path(@socket, :show, @context.slug)}>
@ -50,7 +53,7 @@
return_to={Routes.context_show_path(@socket, :show, @context)}
return_to={Routes.context_show_path(@socket, :show, @context.slug)}
<% end %>
@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLive.FormComponent do
) do
case Notes.update_note(note, note_params, current_user) do
{:ok, %{title: title}} ->
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} ->
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} saved", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} saved", slug: slug))
|> push_navigate(to: return_to)}
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLive.FormComponent do
) do
case Notes.create_note(note_params, current_user) do
{:ok, %{title: title}} ->
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} ->
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} created", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} created", slug: slug))
|> push_navigate(to: return_to)}
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
class="flex flex-col justify-start items-stretch space-y-4"
<%= text_input(f, :title,
<%= text_input(f, :slug,
class: "input input-primary",
placeholder: gettext("title")
placeholder: gettext("slug")
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :title) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :slug) %>
<%= textarea(f, :content,
id: "note-form-content",
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLive.Index do
{:noreply, apply_action(socket, live_action, params)}
defp apply_action(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket, :edit, %{"id" => id}) do
%{title: title} = note = Notes.get_note!(id, current_user)
defp apply_action(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket, :edit, %{"slug" => slug}) do
%{slug: slug} = note = Notes.get_note_by_slug(slug, current_user)
|> assign(page_title: gettext("edit %{title}", title: title))
|> assign(page_title: gettext("edit %{slug}", slug: slug))
|> assign(note: note)
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLive.Index do
@impl true
def handle_event("delete", %{"id" => id}, %{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket) do
note = Notes.get_note!(id, current_user)
{:ok, %{title: title}} = Notes.delete_note(note, current_user)
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} = Notes.delete_note(note, current_user)
socket =
|> assign(notes: Notes.list_notes(current_user))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} deleted", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} deleted", slug: slug))
{:noreply, socket}
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<:actions :let={note}>
<%= if is_owner?(note, @current_user) do %>
patch={Routes.note_index_path(@socket, :edit, note)}
patch={Routes.note_index_path(@socket, :edit, note.slug)}
<%= dgettext("actions", "edit") %>
@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLive.Show do
@impl true
def handle_params(
%{"id" => id},
%{"slug" => slug},
%{assigns: %{live_action: live_action, current_user: current_user}} = socket
) do
note = Notes.get_note!(id, current_user)
note =
case Notes.get_note_by_slug(slug, current_user) do
nil -> raise MemexWeb.NotFoundError, gettext("%{slug} could not be found", slug: slug)
note -> note
socket =
@ -30,18 +34,18 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLive.Show do
%{assigns: %{note: note, current_user: current_user}} = socket
) do
{:ok, %{title: title}} = Notes.delete_note(note, current_user)
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} = Notes.delete_note(note, current_user)
socket =
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} deleted", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} deleted", slug: slug))
|> push_navigate(to: Routes.note_index_path(Endpoint, :index))
{:noreply, socket}
defp page_title(:show, %{title: title}), do: title
defp page_title(:edit, %{title: title}), do: gettext("edit %{title}", title: title)
defp page_title(:show, %{slug: slug}), do: slug
defp page_title(:edit, %{slug: slug}), do: gettext("edit %{slug}", slug: slug)
@spec is_owner_or_admin?(Note.t(), User.t()) :: boolean()
defp is_owner_or_admin?(%{user_id: user_id}, %{id: user_id}), do: true
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<div class="mx-auto flex flex-col justify-center items-stretch space-y-4 max-w-3xl">
<h1 class="text-xl">
<%= @note.title %>
<%= @note.slug %>
<p><%= if @note.tags, do: @note.tags |> Enum.join(", ") %></p>
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<%= dgettext("actions", "back") %>
<%= if is_owner?(@note, @current_user) do %>
<.link class="btn btn-primary" patch={Routes.note_show_path(@socket, :edit, @note)}>
<.link class="btn btn-primary" patch={Routes.note_show_path(@socket, :edit, @note.slug)}>
<%= dgettext("actions", "edit") %>
<% end %>
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<%= if @live_action in [:edit] do %>
<.modal return_to={Routes.note_show_path(@socket, :show, @note)}>
<.modal return_to={Routes.note_show_path(@socket, :show, @note.slug)}>
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
return_to={Routes.note_show_path(@socket, :show, @note)}
return_to={Routes.note_show_path(@socket, :show, @note.slug)}
<% end %>
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLive.FormComponent do
) do
case Pipelines.update_pipeline(pipeline, pipeline_params, current_user) do
{:ok, %{title: title}} ->
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} ->
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} saved", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} saved", slug: slug))
|> push_navigate(to: return_to)}
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLive.FormComponent do
) do
case Pipelines.create_pipeline(pipeline_params, current_user) do
{:ok, %{title: title}} ->
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} ->
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} created", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} created", slug: slug))
|> push_navigate(to: return_to)}
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
class="flex flex-col justify-start items-stretch space-y-4"
<%= text_input(f, :title,
<%= text_input(f, :slug,
class: "input input-primary",
placeholder: gettext("title")
placeholder: gettext("slug")
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :title) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :slug) %>
<%= textarea(f, :description,
id: "pipeline-form-description",
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLive.Index do
{:noreply, apply_action(socket, live_action, params)}
defp apply_action(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket, :edit, %{"id" => id}) do
%{title: title} = pipeline = Pipelines.get_pipeline!(id, current_user)
defp apply_action(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket, :edit, %{"slug" => slug}) do
%{slug: slug} = pipeline = Pipelines.get_pipeline_by_slug(slug, current_user)
|> assign(page_title: gettext("edit %{title}", title: title))
|> assign(page_title: gettext("edit %{slug}", slug: slug))
|> assign(pipeline: pipeline)
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLive.Index do
@impl true
def handle_event("delete", %{"id" => id}, %{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket) do
pipeline = Pipelines.get_pipeline!(id, current_user)
{:ok, %{title: title}} = Pipelines.delete_pipeline(pipeline, current_user)
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} = Pipelines.delete_pipeline(pipeline, current_user)
socket =
|> assign(pipelines: Pipelines.list_pipelines(current_user))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} deleted", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} deleted", slug: slug))
{:noreply, socket}
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<:actions :let={pipeline}>
<%= if is_owner?(pipeline, @current_user) do %>
patch={Routes.pipeline_index_path(@socket, :edit, pipeline)}
patch={Routes.pipeline_index_path(@socket, :edit, pipeline.slug)}
<%= dgettext("actions", "edit") %>
@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLive.Show do
@impl true
def handle_params(
%{"id" => id},
%{"slug" => slug},
%{assigns: %{live_action: live_action, current_user: current_user}} = socket
) do
pipeline = Pipelines.get_pipeline!(id, current_user)
pipeline =
case Pipelines.get_pipeline_by_slug(slug, current_user) do
nil -> raise MemexWeb.NotFoundError, gettext("%{slug} could not be found", slug: slug)
pipeline -> pipeline
socket =
@ -30,18 +34,18 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLive.Show do
%{assigns: %{pipeline: pipeline, current_user: current_user}} = socket
) do
{:ok, %{title: title}} = Pipelines.delete_pipeline(pipeline, current_user)
{:ok, %{slug: slug}} = Pipelines.delete_pipeline(pipeline, current_user)
socket =
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} deleted", title: title))
|> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} deleted", slug: slug))
|> push_navigate(to: Routes.pipeline_index_path(Endpoint, :index))
{:noreply, socket}
defp page_title(:show, %{title: title}), do: title
defp page_title(:edit, %{title: title}), do: gettext("edit %{title}", title: title)
defp page_title(:show, %{slug: slug}), do: slug
defp page_title(:edit, %{slug: slug}), do: gettext("edit %{slug}", slug: slug)
@spec is_owner_or_admin?(Pipeline.t(), User.t()) :: boolean()
defp is_owner_or_admin?(%{user_id: user_id}, %{id: user_id}), do: true
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<div class="mx-auto flex flex-col justify-center items-stretch space-y-4 max-w-3xl">
<h1 class="text-xl">
<%= @pipeline.title %>
<%= @pipeline.slug %>
<p><%= if @pipeline.tags, do: @pipeline.tags |> Enum.join(", ") %></p>
@ -23,7 +23,10 @@
<%= dgettext("actions", "back") %>
<%= if is_owner?(@pipeline, @current_user) do %>
<.link class="btn btn-primary" patch={Routes.pipeline_show_path(@socket, :edit, @pipeline)}>
class="btn btn-primary"
patch={Routes.pipeline_show_path(@socket, :edit, @pipeline.slug)}
<%= dgettext("actions", "edit") %>
<% end %>
@ -42,7 +45,7 @@
<%= if @live_action in [:edit] do %>
<.modal return_to={Routes.pipeline_show_path(@socket, :show, @pipeline)}>
<.modal return_to={Routes.pipeline_show_path(@socket, :show, @pipeline.slug)}>
@ -50,7 +53,7 @@
return_to={Routes.pipeline_show_path(@socket, :show, @pipeline)}
return_to={Routes.pipeline_show_path(@socket, :show, @pipeline.slug)}
<% end %>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
defmodule MemexWeb.NotFoundError do
defexception [:message, plug_status: 404]
@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.Router do
pipe_through [:browser, :require_authenticated_user]
live "/notes/new", NoteLive.Index, :new
live "/notes/:id/edit", NoteLive.Index, :edit
live "/note/:id/edit", NoteLive.Show, :edit
live "/notes/:slug/edit", NoteLive.Index, :edit
live "/note/:slug/edit", NoteLive.Show, :edit
live "/contexts/new", ContextLive.Index, :new
live "/contexts/:id/edit", ContextLive.Index, :edit
live "/context/:id/edit", ContextLive.Show, :edit
live "/contexts/:slug/edit", ContextLive.Index, :edit
live "/context/:slug/edit", ContextLive.Show, :edit
live "/pipelines/new", PipelineLive.Index, :new
live "/pipelines/:id/edit", PipelineLive.Index, :edit
live "/pipelines/:id/show/edit", PipelineLive.Show, :edit
live "/pipelines/:slug/edit", PipelineLive.Index, :edit
live "/pipeline/:slug/edit", PipelineLive.Show, :edit
get "/users/settings", UserSettingsController, :edit
put "/users/settings", UserSettingsController, :update
@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.Router do
live "/notes", NoteLive.Index, :index
live "/notes/:search", NoteLive.Index, :search
live "/note/:id", NoteLive.Show, :show
live "/note/:slug", NoteLive.Show, :show
live "/contexts", ContextLive.Index, :index
live "/contexts/:search", ContextLive.Index, :search
live "/context/:id", ContextLive.Show, :show
live "/context/:slug", ContextLive.Show, :show
live "/pipelines", PipelineLive.Index, :index
live "/pipelines/:search", PipelineLive.Index, :search
live "/pipeline/:id", PipelineLive.Show, :show
live "/pipeline/:slug", PipelineLive.Show, :show
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<script defer type="text/javascript" src="/js/app.js">
<body class="pb-8 m-0 p-0 w-full h-full">
<body class="m-0 p-0 w-full h-full bg-primary-800 text-primary-400 subpixel-antialiased">
<.topbar current_user={assigns[:current_user]}></.topbar>
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<hr class="w-full hr" />
<a href={Routes.live_path(Endpoint, HomeLive)} class="link title text-primary-400 text-lg">
<%= dgettext("errors", "Go back home") %>
<%= dgettext("errors", "go back home") %>
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ErrorView do
def template_not_found(error_path, _assigns) do
error_string =
case error_path do
"404.html" -> dgettext("errors", "Not found")
"401.html" -> dgettext("errors", "Unauthorized")
_ -> dgettext("errors", "Internal Server Error")
"404.html" -> dgettext("errors", "not found")
"401.html" -> dgettext("errors", "unauthorized")
_ -> dgettext("errors", "internal server error")
render("error.html", %{error_string: error_string})
@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ msgid "create invite"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/index.html.heex:49
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.html.heex:38
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.html.heex:41
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/index.html.heex:49
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/show.html.heex:38
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/index.html.heex:49
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.html.heex:38
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.html.heex:41
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "delete"
msgstr ""
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ msgid "delete user"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/index.html.heex:38
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.html.heex:27
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.html.heex:30
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/index.html.heex:38
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/show.html.heex:27
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/index.html.heex:38
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.html.heex:27
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.html.heex:30
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "edit"
msgstr ""
@ -10,30 +10,6 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/form_component.ex:61
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/form_component.ex:60
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/form_component.ex:65
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "%{title} created"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/index.ex:57
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.ex:37
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/index.ex:57
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/show.ex:37
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/index.ex:57
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.ex:37
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "%{title} deleted"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/form_component.ex:44
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/form_component.ex:43
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/form_component.ex:48
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "%{title} saved"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/invite_live/index.html.heex:90
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "Admins"
@ -183,16 +159,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "document your processes, attaching contexts to each step"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/index.ex:23
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.ex:44
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/index.ex:23
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/show.ex:44
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/index.ex:23
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.ex:44
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "edit %{title}"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/invite_live/index.ex:33
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "edit invite"
@ -392,16 +358,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "tags"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/components/contexts_table_component.ex:47
#: lib/memex_web/components/notes_table_component.ex:47
#: lib/memex_web/components/pipelines_table_component.ex:47
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/form_component.html.heex:14
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/form_component.html.heex:14
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/form_component.html.heex:14
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "title"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/components/invite_card.ex:20
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "unlimited"
@ -476,3 +432,54 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "no pipelines found"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/form_component.ex:61
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/form_component.ex:60
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/form_component.ex:65
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "%{slug} created"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/index.ex:57
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.ex:41
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/index.ex:57
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/show.ex:41
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/index.ex:57
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.ex:41
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "%{slug} deleted"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/form_component.ex:44
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/form_component.ex:43
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/form_component.ex:48
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "%{slug} saved"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/index.ex:23
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.ex:48
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/index.ex:23
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/show.ex:48
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/index.ex:23
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.ex:48
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "edit %{slug}"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/components/contexts_table_component.ex:47
#: lib/memex_web/components/notes_table_component.ex:47
#: lib/memex_web/components/pipelines_table_component.ex:47
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/form_component.html.heex:14
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/form_component.html.heex:14
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/form_component.html.heex:14
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "slug"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.ex:19
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/show.ex:19
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.ex:19
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "%{slug} could not be found"
msgstr ""
@ -20,26 +20,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/templates/error/error.html.heex:28
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "Go back home"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/views/error_view.ex:11
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "Internal Server Error"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/controllers/user_session_controller.ex:17
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid email or password"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/views/error_view.ex:9
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "Not found"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/templates/user_registration/new.html.heex:15
#: lib/memex_web/templates/user_reset_password/edit.html.heex:15
#: lib/memex_web/templates/user_settings/edit.html.heex:64
@ -69,11 +54,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to delete user"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/views/error_view.ex:10
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "Unauthorized"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/controllers/user_confirmation_controller.ex:54
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "User confirmation link is invalid or it has expired."
@ -120,3 +100,33 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex/contexts/context.ex:49
#: lib/memex/contexts/context.ex:60
#: lib/memex/notes/note.ex:48
#: lib/memex/notes/note.ex:59
#: lib/memex/pipelines/pipeline.ex:50
#: lib/memex/pipelines/pipeline.ex:61
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "invalid format: only numbers, letters and hyphen are accepted"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/templates/error/error.html.heex:28
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "go back home"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/views/error_view.ex:11
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "internal server error"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/views/error_view.ex:9
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "not found"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/views/error_view.ex:10
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "unauthorized"
msgstr ""
@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ msgid "are you sure you want to make %{invite_name} unlimited?"
msgstr ""
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/index.html.heex:46
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.html.heex:35
#: lib/memex_web/live/context_live/show.html.heex:38
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/index.html.heex:46
#: lib/memex_web/live/note_live/show.html.heex:35
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/index.html.heex:46
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.html.heex:35
#: lib/memex_web/live/pipeline_live/show.html.heex:38
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
msgid "are you sure?"
msgstr ""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
defmodule Memex.Repo.Migrations.UseSlugs do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
rename table(:notes), :title, to: :slug
create unique_index(:notes, [:slug])
rename table(:contexts), :title, to: :slug
create unique_index(:contexts, [:slug])
rename table(:pipelines), :title, to: :slug
create unique_index(:pipelines, [:slug])
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ defmodule Memex.ContextsTest do
import Memex.ContextsFixtures
alias Memex.{Contexts, Contexts.Context}
@moduletag :contexts_test
@invalid_attrs %{content: nil, tag: nil, title: nil, visibility: nil}
@invalid_attrs %{content: nil, tag: nil, slug: nil, visibility: nil}
describe "contexts" do
setup do
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ defmodule Memex.ContextsTest do
test "list_contexts/1 returns all contexts for a user", %{user: user} do
context_a = context_fixture(%{title: "a", visibility: :public}, user)
context_b = context_fixture(%{title: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, user)
context_c = context_fixture(%{title: "c", visibility: :private}, user)
context_a = context_fixture(%{slug: "a", visibility: :public}, user)
context_b = context_fixture(%{slug: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, user)
context_c = context_fixture(%{slug: "c", visibility: :private}, user)
assert Contexts.list_contexts(user) == [context_a, context_b, context_c]
@ -50,18 +50,43 @@ defmodule Memex.ContextsTest do
test "get_context_by_slug/1 returns the context with given id", %{user: user} do
context = context_fixture(%{slug: "a", visibility: :public}, user)
assert Contexts.get_context_by_slug("a", user) == context
context = context_fixture(%{slug: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, user)
assert Contexts.get_context_by_slug("b", user) == context
context = context_fixture(%{slug: "c", visibility: :private}, user)
assert Contexts.get_context_by_slug("c", user) == context
test "get_context_by_slug/1 only returns unlisted or public contexts for other users", %{
user: user
} do
another_user = user_fixture()
context = context_fixture(%{slug: "a", visibility: :public}, another_user)
assert Contexts.get_context_by_slug("a", user) == context
context = context_fixture(%{slug: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, another_user)
assert Contexts.get_context_by_slug("b", user) == context
context_fixture(%{slug: "c", visibility: :private}, another_user)
assert Contexts.get_context_by_slug("c", user) |> is_nil()
test "create_context/1 with valid data creates a context", %{user: user} do
valid_attrs = %{
"content" => "some content",
"tags_string" => "tag1,tag2",
"title" => "some title",
"slug" => "some-slug",
"visibility" => :public
assert {:ok, %Context{} = context} = Contexts.create_context(valid_attrs, user)
assert context.content == "some content"
assert context.tags == ["tag1", "tag2"]
assert context.title == "some title"
assert context.slug == "some-slug"
assert context.visibility == :public
@ -75,14 +100,14 @@ defmodule Memex.ContextsTest do
update_attrs = %{
"content" => "some updated content",
"tags_string" => "tag1,tag2",
"title" => "some updated title",
"slug" => "some-updated-slug",
"visibility" => :private
assert {:ok, %Context{} = context} = Contexts.update_context(context, update_attrs, user)
assert context.content == "some updated content"
assert context.tags == ["tag1", "tag2"]
assert context.title == "some updated title"
assert context.slug == "some-updated-slug"
assert context.visibility == :private
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ defmodule Memex.NotesTest do
import Memex.NotesFixtures
alias Memex.{Notes, Notes.Note}
@moduletag :notes_test
@invalid_attrs %{content: nil, tag: nil, title: nil, visibility: nil}
@invalid_attrs %{content: nil, tag: nil, slug: nil, visibility: nil}
describe "notes" do
setup do
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ defmodule Memex.NotesTest do
test "list_notes/1 returns all notes for a user", %{user: user} do
note_a = note_fixture(%{title: "a", visibility: :public}, user)
note_b = note_fixture(%{title: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, user)
note_c = note_fixture(%{title: "c", visibility: :private}, user)
note_a = note_fixture(%{slug: "a", visibility: :public}, user)
note_b = note_fixture(%{slug: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, user)
note_c = note_fixture(%{slug: "c", visibility: :private}, user)
assert Notes.list_notes(user) == [note_a, note_b, note_c]
@ -50,18 +50,43 @@ defmodule Memex.NotesTest do
test "get_note_by_slug/1 returns the note with given id", %{user: user} do
note = note_fixture(%{slug: "a", visibility: :public}, user)
assert Notes.get_note_by_slug("a", user) == note
note = note_fixture(%{slug: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, user)
assert Notes.get_note_by_slug("b", user) == note
note = note_fixture(%{slug: "c", visibility: :private}, user)
assert Notes.get_note_by_slug("c", user) == note
test "get_note_by_slug/1 only returns unlisted or public notes for other users", %{
user: user
} do
another_user = user_fixture()
note = note_fixture(%{slug: "a", visibility: :public}, another_user)
assert Notes.get_note_by_slug("a", user) == note
note = note_fixture(%{slug: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, another_user)
assert Notes.get_note_by_slug("b", user) == note
note_fixture(%{slug: "c", visibility: :private}, another_user)
assert Notes.get_note_by_slug("c", user) |> is_nil()
test "create_note/1 with valid data creates a note", %{user: user} do
valid_attrs = %{
"content" => "some content",
"tags_string" => "tag1,tag2",
"title" => "some title",
"slug" => "some-slug",
"visibility" => :public
assert {:ok, %Note{} = note} = Notes.create_note(valid_attrs, user)
assert note.content == "some content"
assert note.tags == ["tag1", "tag2"]
assert note.title == "some title"
assert note.slug == "some-slug"
assert note.visibility == :public
@ -75,14 +100,14 @@ defmodule Memex.NotesTest do
update_attrs = %{
"content" => "some updated content",
"tags_string" => "tag1,tag2",
"title" => "some updated title",
"slug" => "some-updated-slug",
"visibility" => :private
assert {:ok, %Note{} = note} = Notes.update_note(note, update_attrs, user)
assert note.content == "some updated content"
assert note.tags == ["tag1", "tag2"]
assert note.title == "some updated title"
assert note.slug == "some-updated-slug"
assert note.visibility == :private
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ defmodule Memex.PipelinesTest do
import Memex.PipelinesFixtures
alias Memex.{Pipelines, Pipelines.Pipeline}
@moduletag :pipelines_test
@invalid_attrs %{description: nil, tag: nil, title: nil, visibility: nil}
@invalid_attrs %{description: nil, tag: nil, slug: nil, visibility: nil}
describe "pipelines" do
setup do
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ defmodule Memex.PipelinesTest do
test "list_pipelines/1 returns all pipelines for a user", %{user: user} do
pipeline_a = pipeline_fixture(%{title: "a", visibility: :public}, user)
pipeline_b = pipeline_fixture(%{title: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, user)
pipeline_c = pipeline_fixture(%{title: "c", visibility: :private}, user)
pipeline_a = pipeline_fixture(%{slug: "a", visibility: :public}, user)
pipeline_b = pipeline_fixture(%{slug: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, user)
pipeline_c = pipeline_fixture(%{slug: "c", visibility: :private}, user)
assert Pipelines.list_pipelines(user) == [pipeline_a, pipeline_b, pipeline_c]
@ -52,18 +52,43 @@ defmodule Memex.PipelinesTest do
test "get_pipeline_by_slug/1 returns the pipeline with given id", %{user: user} do
pipeline = pipeline_fixture(%{slug: "a", visibility: :public}, user)
assert Pipelines.get_pipeline_by_slug("a", user) == pipeline
pipeline = pipeline_fixture(%{slug: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, user)
assert Pipelines.get_pipeline_by_slug("b", user) == pipeline
pipeline = pipeline_fixture(%{slug: "c", visibility: :private}, user)
assert Pipelines.get_pipeline_by_slug("c", user) == pipeline
test "get_pipeline_by_slug/1 only returns unlisted or public pipelines for other users", %{
user: user
} do
another_user = user_fixture()
pipeline = pipeline_fixture(%{slug: "a", visibility: :public}, another_user)
assert Pipelines.get_pipeline_by_slug("a", user) == pipeline
pipeline = pipeline_fixture(%{slug: "b", visibility: :unlisted}, another_user)
assert Pipelines.get_pipeline_by_slug("b", user) == pipeline
pipeline_fixture(%{slug: "c", visibility: :private}, another_user)
assert Pipelines.get_pipeline_by_slug("c", user) |> is_nil()
test "create_pipeline/1 with valid data creates a pipeline", %{user: user} do
valid_attrs = %{
"description" => "some description",
"tags_string" => "tag1,tag2",
"title" => "some title",
"slug" => "some-slug",
"visibility" => :public
assert {:ok, %Pipeline{} = pipeline} = Pipelines.create_pipeline(valid_attrs, user)
assert pipeline.description == "some description"
assert pipeline.tags == ["tag1", "tag2"]
assert pipeline.title == "some title"
assert pipeline.slug == "some-slug"
assert pipeline.visibility == :public
@ -77,7 +102,7 @@ defmodule Memex.PipelinesTest do
update_attrs = %{
"description" => "some updated description",
"tags_string" => "tag1,tag2",
"title" => "some updated title",
"slug" => "some-updated-slug",
"visibility" => :private
@ -86,7 +111,7 @@ defmodule Memex.PipelinesTest do
assert pipeline.description == "some updated description"
assert pipeline.tags == ["tag1", "tag2"]
assert pipeline.title == "some updated title"
assert pipeline.slug == "some-updated-slug"
assert pipeline.visibility == :private
@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLiveTest do
@create_attrs %{
"content" => "some content",
"tags_string" => "tag1",
"title" => "some title",
"slug" => "some-slug",
"visibility" => :public
@update_attrs %{
"content" => "some updated content",
"tags_string" => "tag1,tag2",
"title" => "some updated title",
"slug" => "some-updated-slug",
"visibility" => :private
@invalid_attrs %{
"content" => nil,
"tags_string" => "",
"title" => nil,
"slug" => nil,
"visibility" => nil
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLiveTest do
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.context_index_path(conn, :index))
assert html =~ "#{@create_attrs |> Map.get("title")} created"
assert html =~ "#{@create_attrs |> Map.get("slug")} created"
assert html =~ "some content"
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLiveTest do
assert index_live |> element("[data-qa=\"context-edit-#{}\"]") |> render_click() =~
assert_patch(index_live, Routes.context_index_path(conn, :edit, context))
assert_patch(index_live, Routes.context_index_path(conn, :edit, context.slug))
assert index_live
|> form("#context-form", context: @invalid_attrs)
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLiveTest do
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.context_index_path(conn, :index))
assert html =~ "#{@update_attrs |> Map.get("title")} saved"
assert html =~ "#{@update_attrs |> Map.get("slug")} saved"
assert html =~ "some updated content"
@ -93,18 +93,18 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLiveTest do
setup [:register_and_log_in_user, :create_context]
test "displays context", %{conn: conn, context: context} do
{:ok, _show_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.context_show_path(conn, :show, context))
{:ok, _show_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.context_show_path(conn, :show, context.slug))
assert html =~ "context"
assert html =~ context.content
test "updates context within modal", %{conn: conn, context: context} do
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.context_show_path(conn, :show, context))
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.context_show_path(conn, :show, context.slug))
assert show_live |> element("a", "edit") |> render_click() =~ "edit"
assert_patch(show_live, Routes.context_show_path(conn, :edit, context))
assert_patch(show_live, Routes.context_show_path(conn, :edit, context.slug))
assert show_live
|> form("#context-form", context: @invalid_attrs)
@ -112,16 +112,16 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ContextLiveTest do
{:ok, _, html} =
|> form("#context-form", context: @update_attrs)
|> form("#context-form", context: Map.put(@update_attrs, "slug", context.slug))
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.context_show_path(conn, :show, context))
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.context_show_path(conn, :show, context.slug))
assert html =~ "#{@update_attrs |> Map.get("title")} saved"
assert html =~ "#{context.slug} saved"
assert html =~ "some updated content"
test "deletes context", %{conn: conn, context: context} do
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.context_show_path(conn, :show, context))
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.context_show_path(conn, :show, context.slug))
{:ok, index_live, _html} =
@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLiveTest do
@create_attrs %{
"content" => "some content",
"tags_string" => "tag1",
"title" => "some title",
"slug" => "some-slug",
"visibility" => :public
@update_attrs %{
"content" => "some updated content",
"tags_string" => "tag1,tag2",
"title" => "some updated title",
"slug" => "some-updated-slug",
"visibility" => :private
@invalid_attrs %{
"content" => nil,
"tags_string" => "",
"title" => nil,
"slug" => nil,
"visibility" => nil
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLiveTest do
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.note_index_path(conn, :index))
assert html =~ "#{@create_attrs |> Map.get("title")} created"
assert html =~ "#{@create_attrs |> Map.get("slug")} created"
assert html =~ "some content"
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLiveTest do
assert index_live |> element("[data-qa=\"note-edit-#{}\"]") |> render_click() =~
assert_patch(index_live, Routes.note_index_path(conn, :edit, note))
assert_patch(index_live, Routes.note_index_path(conn, :edit, note.slug))
assert index_live
|> form("#note-form", note: @invalid_attrs)
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLiveTest do
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.note_index_path(conn, :index))
assert html =~ "#{@update_attrs |> Map.get("title")} saved"
assert html =~ "#{@update_attrs |> Map.get("slug")} saved"
assert html =~ "some updated content"
@ -93,18 +93,18 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLiveTest do
setup [:register_and_log_in_user, :create_note]
test "displays note", %{conn: conn, note: note} do
{:ok, _show_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.note_show_path(conn, :show, note))
{:ok, _show_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.note_show_path(conn, :show, note.slug))
assert html =~ "note"
assert html =~ note.content
test "updates note within modal", %{conn: conn, note: note} do
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.note_show_path(conn, :show, note))
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.note_show_path(conn, :show, note.slug))
assert show_live |> element("a", "edit") |> render_click() =~ "edit"
assert_patch(show_live, Routes.note_show_path(conn, :edit, note))
assert_patch(show_live, Routes.note_show_path(conn, :edit, note.slug))
assert show_live
|> form("#note-form", note: @invalid_attrs)
@ -112,16 +112,16 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.NoteLiveTest do
{:ok, _, html} =
|> form("#note-form", note: @update_attrs)
|> form("#note-form", note: Map.put(@update_attrs, "slug", note.slug))
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.note_show_path(conn, :show, note))
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.note_show_path(conn, :show, note.slug))
assert html =~ "#{@update_attrs |> Map.get("title")} saved"
assert html =~ "#{note.slug} saved"
assert html =~ "some updated content"
test "deletes note", %{conn: conn, note: note} do
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.note_show_path(conn, :show, note))
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.note_show_path(conn, :show, note.slug))
{:ok, index_live, _html} =
@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLiveTest do
@create_attrs %{
"description" => "some description",
"tags_string" => "tag1",
"title" => "some title",
"slug" => "some-slug",
"visibility" => :public
@update_attrs %{
"description" => "some updated description",
"tags_string" => "tag1,tag2",
"title" => "some updated title",
"slug" => "some-updated-slug",
"visibility" => :private
@invalid_attrs %{
"description" => nil,
"tags_string" => "",
"title" => nil,
"slug" => nil,
"visibility" => nil
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLiveTest do
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.pipeline_index_path(conn, :index))
assert html =~ "#{@create_attrs |> Map.get("title")} created"
assert html =~ "#{@create_attrs |> Map.get("slug")} created"
assert html =~ "some description"
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLiveTest do
assert index_live |> element("[data-qa=\"pipeline-edit-#{}\"]") |> render_click() =~
assert_patch(index_live, Routes.pipeline_index_path(conn, :edit, pipeline))
assert_patch(index_live, Routes.pipeline_index_path(conn, :edit, pipeline.slug))
assert index_live
|> form("#pipeline-form", pipeline: @invalid_attrs)
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLiveTest do
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.pipeline_index_path(conn, :index))
assert html =~ "#{@update_attrs |> Map.get("title")} saved"
assert html =~ "#{@update_attrs |> Map.get("slug")} saved"
assert html =~ "some updated description"
@ -96,18 +96,18 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLiveTest do
setup [:register_and_log_in_user, :create_pipeline]
test "displays pipeline", %{conn: conn, pipeline: pipeline} do
{:ok, _show_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.pipeline_show_path(conn, :show, pipeline))
{:ok, _show_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.pipeline_show_path(conn, :show, pipeline.slug))
assert html =~ "pipeline"
assert html =~ pipeline.description
test "updates pipeline within modal", %{conn: conn, pipeline: pipeline} do
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.pipeline_show_path(conn, :show, pipeline))
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.pipeline_show_path(conn, :show, pipeline.slug))
assert show_live |> element("a", "edit") |> render_click() =~ "edit"
assert_patch(show_live, Routes.pipeline_show_path(conn, :edit, pipeline))
assert_patch(show_live, Routes.pipeline_show_path(conn, :edit, pipeline.slug))
assert show_live
|> form("#pipeline-form", pipeline: @invalid_attrs)
@ -115,16 +115,16 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLiveTest do
{:ok, _, html} =
|> form("#pipeline-form", pipeline: @update_attrs)
|> form("#pipeline-form", pipeline: Map.put(@update_attrs, "slug", pipeline.slug))
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.pipeline_show_path(conn, :show, pipeline))
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.pipeline_show_path(conn, :show, pipeline.slug))
assert html =~ "#{@update_attrs |> Map.get("title")} saved"
assert html =~ "#{pipeline.slug} saved"
assert html =~ "some updated description"
test "deletes pipeline", %{conn: conn, pipeline: pipeline} do
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.pipeline_show_path(conn, :show, pipeline))
{:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.pipeline_show_path(conn, :show, pipeline.slug))
{:ok, index_live, _html} =
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ defmodule MemexWeb.ErrorViewTest do
test "renders 404.html" do
assert render_to_string(MemexWeb.ErrorView, "404.html", []) =~
dgettext("errors", "Not found")
dgettext("errors", "not found")
test "renders 500.html" do
assert render_to_string(MemexWeb.ErrorView, "500.html", []) =~
dgettext("errors", "Internal Server Error")
dgettext("errors", "internal server error")
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ defmodule Memex.Fixtures do
@moduledoc """
This module defines test helpers for creating entities
alias Memex.{Accounts, Accounts.User, Email, Repo}
def unique_user_email, do: "user#{System.unique_integer()}"
@ -57,5 +56,14 @@ defmodule Memex.Fixtures do
def random_slug(length \\ 20) do
symbols = '0123456789abcdef-'
symbol_count = Enum.count(symbols)
for _ <-, length),
into: "",
do: <<, :rand.uniform(symbol_count - 1))>>
defp unwrap_ok_tuple({:ok, value}), do: value
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ defmodule Memex.ContextsFixtures do
This module defines test helpers for creating
entities via the `Memex.Contexts` context.
import Memex.Fixtures
alias Memex.{Accounts.User, Contexts, Contexts.Context}
@doc """
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ defmodule Memex.ContextsFixtures do
|> Enum.into(%{
content: "some content",
tag: [],
title: "some title",
slug: random_slug(),
visibility: :private
|> Contexts.create_context(user)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ defmodule Memex.NotesFixtures do
This module defines test helpers for creating
entities via the `Memex.Notes` context.
import Memex.Fixtures
alias Memex.{Accounts.User, Notes, Notes.Note}
@doc """
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ defmodule Memex.NotesFixtures do
|> Enum.into(%{
content: "some content",
tag: [],
title: "some title",
slug: random_slug(),
visibility: :private
|> Notes.create_note(user)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ defmodule Memex.PipelinesFixtures do
This module defines test helpers for creating
entities via the `Memex.Pipelines` context.
import Memex.Fixtures
alias Memex.{Accounts.User, Pipelines, Pipelines.Pipeline}
@doc """
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ defmodule Memex.PipelinesFixtures do
|> Enum.into(%{
description: "some description",
tag: [],
title: "some title",
slug: random_slug(),
visibility: :private
|> Pipelines.create_pipeline(user)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user