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2022-12-15 19:31:12 -05:00
import argparse
import pyszuru
import requests
import random
from misskey import Misskey
2023-01-27 19:04:22 -05:00
from misskey import NoteVisibility
2022-12-15 19:31:12 -05:00
# arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='misskey-szuru-bot',
description='Bot that posts a link to a random szurubooru image')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance', metavar='instance', type=str,
help='Domain of misskey instance i.e: misskey.io', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--token', metavar='token', type=str,
help='Token used for posting to misskey instance', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-b', '--booru', metavar='booru', type=str,
help='Domain of szurubooru instance to query i.e: szurubooru.com', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', metavar='username', type=str,
help='Username for szurubooru account', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-a', '--apiKey', metavar='apiKey', type=str,
help='API key for szurubooru account', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
# get truly random post
booru = pyszuru.API(f"https://{args.booru}", username=args.username, token=args.apiKey)
highest_post = next(booru.search_post("sort:id", page_size=1))
post = booru.getPost(random.randint(0, highest_post.id_))
# compose note
text = f"link: {post.content}"
if post.safety == "unsafe":
text += " (nsfw)"
text += f"\nsource: https://{args.booru}/post/{post.id_}"
# post a note :D
2023-01-27 19:04:22 -05:00
Misskey(args.instance, i=args.token).notes_create(