defmodule Memex.Notes do @moduledoc """ The Notes context. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Memex.{Accounts.User, Notes.Note, Repo} @doc """ Returns the list of notes. ## Examples iex> list_notes(%User{id: 123}) [%Note{}, ...] iex> list_notes("my note", %User{id: 123}) [%Note{slug: "my note"}, ...] """ @spec list_notes(User.t()) :: [Note.t()] @spec list_notes(search :: String.t() | nil, User.t()) :: [Note.t()] def list_notes(search \\ nil, user) def list_notes(search, %{id: user_id}) when user_id |> is_binary() and search in [nil, ""] do Repo.all(from n in Note, order_by: n.slug) end def list_notes(search, %{id: user_id}) when user_id |> is_binary() and search |> is_binary() do trimmed_search = String.trim(search) Repo.all( from n in Note, where: fragment( "search @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?)", ^trimmed_search ), order_by: { :desc, fragment( "ts_rank_cd(search, websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?), 4)", ^trimmed_search ) } ) end @doc """ Returns the list of public notes for viewing ## Examples iex> list_public_notes() [%Note{}, ...] iex> list_public_notes("my note") [%Note{slug: "my note"}, ...] """ @spec list_public_notes() :: [Note.t()] @spec list_public_notes(search :: String.t() | nil) :: [Note.t()] def list_public_notes(search \\ nil) def list_public_notes(search) when search in [nil, ""] do Repo.all(from n in Note, where: n.visibility == :public, order_by: n.slug) end def list_public_notes(search) when search |> is_binary() do trimmed_search = String.trim(search) Repo.all( from n in Note, where: n.visibility == :public, where: fragment( "search @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?)", ^trimmed_search ), order_by: { :desc, fragment( "ts_rank_cd(search, websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?), 4)", ^trimmed_search ) } ) end @doc """ Returns the list of notes that link to a particular slug. ## Examples iex> backlink(%User{id: 123}) [%Note{}, ...] iex> backlink("[other-note]", %User{id: 123}) [%Note{content: "[other-note]"}, ...] """ @spec backlink(String.t(), User.t()) :: [Note.t()] def backlink(link, %{id: user_id}) when user_id |> is_binary() do link = link |> String.replace("[", "\\[") |> String.replace("]", "\\]") link_regex = "(^|[^\[])#{link}($|[^\]])" Repo.all( from n in Note, where: fragment("? ~ ?", n.content, ^link_regex), order_by: n.slug ) end def backlink(link, _invalid_user) do link = link |> String.replace("[", "\\[") |> String.replace("]", "\\]") link_regex = "(^|[^\[])#{link}($|[^\]])" Repo.all( from n in Note, where: fragment("? ~ ?", n.content, ^link_regex), where: n.visibility == :public, order_by: n.slug ) end @doc """ Gets a single note. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Note does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_note!(123, %User{id: 123}) %Note{} iex> get_note!(456, %User{id: 123}) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ @spec get_note!(, User.t()) :: Note.t() def get_note!(id, %{id: user_id}) when user_id |> is_binary() do!(from n in Note, where: == ^id) end def get_note!(id, _invalid_user) do!( from n in Note, where: == ^id, where: n.visibility in [:public, :unlisted] ) end @doc """ Gets a single note by slug. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Note does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_note_by_slug("my-note", %User{id: 123}) %Note{} iex> get_note_by_slug("my-note", %User{id: 123}) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ @spec get_note_by_slug(Note.slug(), User.t()) :: Note.t() | nil def get_note_by_slug(slug, %{id: user_id}) when user_id |> is_binary() do n in Note, where: n.slug == ^slug) end def get_note_by_slug(slug, _invalid_user) do from n in Note, where: n.slug == ^slug, where: n.visibility in [:public, :unlisted] ) end @doc """ Creates a note. ## Examples iex> create_note(%{field: value}, %User{id: 123}) {:ok, %Note{}} iex> create_note(%{field: bad_value}, %User{id: 123}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ @spec create_note(User.t()) :: {:ok, Note.t()} | {:error, Note.changeset()} @spec create_note(attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: {:ok, Note.t()} | {:error, Note.changeset()} def create_note(attrs \\ %{}, user) do Note.create_changeset(attrs, user) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a note. ## Examples iex> update_note(note, %{field: new_value}, %User{id: 123}) {:ok, %Note{}} iex> update_note(note, %{field: bad_value}, %User{id: 123}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ @spec update_note(Note.t(), attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: {:ok, Note.t()} | {:error, Note.changeset()} def update_note(%Note{} = note, attrs, user) do note |> Note.update_changeset(attrs, user) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a note. ## Examples iex> delete_note(%Note{}, %User{id: 123}) {:ok, %Note{}} iex> delete_note(%Note{}, nil) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ @spec delete_note(Note.t(), User.t()) :: {:ok, Note.t()} | {:error, Note.changeset()} def delete_note(%Note{} = note, %{id: user_id}) when user_id |> is_binary() do note |> Repo.delete() end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking note changes. ## Examples iex> change_note(note, %User{id: 123}) %Ecto.Changeset{data: %Note{}} iex> change_note(note, %{slug: "new slug"}, %User{id: 123}) %Ecto.Changeset{data: %Note{}} """ @spec change_note(Note.t(), User.t()) :: Note.changeset() @spec change_note(Note.t(), attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: Note.changeset() def change_note(%Note{} = note, attrs \\ %{}, user) do note |> Note.update_changeset(attrs, user) end end