<%= gettext("Settings") %>
action={Routes.user_settings_path(@conn, :update)}
class="flex flex-col space-y-4 sm:space-y-0 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 justify-center items-center"
<%= dgettext("actions", "Change email") %>
<%= if @email_changeset.action && not @email_changeset.valid? do %>
<%= dgettext("errors", "Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.") %>
<% end %>
<%= hidden_input(f, :action, name: "action", value: "update_email") %>
<%= label(f, :email, class: "title text-lg text-primary-400") %>
<%= email_input(f, :email, required: true, class: "mx-2 my-1 input input-primary col-span-2") %>
<%= error_tag(f, :email, "col-span-3") %>
<%= label(f, :current_password, gettext("Current password"),
for: "current_password_for_email",
class: "mx-2 my-1 title text-lg text-primary-400"
) %>
<%= password_input(f, :current_password,
required: true,
name: "current_password",
id: "current_password_for_email",
class: "mx-2 my-1 input input-primary col-span-2"
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :current_password, "col-span-3") %>
<%= submit(dgettext("actions", "Change email"),
class: "mx-auto btn btn-primary col-span-3"
) %>
action={Routes.user_settings_path(@conn, :update)}
class="flex flex-col space-y-4 sm:space-y-0 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 justify-center items-center"
<%= dgettext("actions", "Change password") %>
<%= if @password_changeset.action && not @password_changeset.valid? do %>
<%= dgettext("errors", "Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.") %>
<% end %>
<%= hidden_input(f, :action, name: "action", value: "update_password") %>
<%= label(f, :password, gettext("New password"), class: "title text-lg text-primary-400") %>
<%= password_input(f, :password,
required: true,
class: "mx-2 my-1 input input-primary col-span-2"
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :password, "col-span-3") %>
<%= label(f, :password_confirmation, gettext("Confirm new password"),
class: "title text-lg text-primary-400"
) %>
<%= password_input(f, :password_confirmation,
required: true,
class: "mx-2 my-1 input input-primary col-span-2"
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :password_confirmation, "col-span-3") %>
<%= label(f, :current_password, gettext("Current password"),
for: "current_password_for_password",
class: "title text-lg text-primary-400"
) %>
<%= password_input(f, :current_password,
required: true,
name: "current_password",
id: "current_password_for_password",
class: "mx-2 my-1 input input-primary col-span-2"
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :current_password, "col-span-3") %>
<%= submit(dgettext("actions", "Change password"),
class: "mx-auto btn btn-primary col-span-3"
) %>
action={Routes.user_settings_path(@conn, :update)}
class="flex flex-col space-y-4 justify-center items-center"
<%= dgettext("actions", "Change Language") %>
<%= if @locale_changeset.action && not @locale_changeset.valid? do %>
<%= dgettext("errors", "Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.") %>
<% end %>
<%= hidden_input(f, :action, name: "action", value: "update_locale") %>
<%= select(f, :locale, [{gettext("English"), "en_US"}, {"Spanish", "es"}],
class: "mx-2 my-1 min-w-md input input-primary"
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :locale) %>
<%= submit(dgettext("actions", "Change language"),
class: "whitespace-nowrap mx-auto btn btn-primary",
data: [qa: dgettext("prompts", "Are you sure you want to change your language?")]
) %>
<%= link(dgettext("actions", "Delete User"),
to: Routes.user_settings_path(@conn, :delete, @current_user),
method: :delete,
class: "btn btn-alert",
data: [confirm: dgettext("prompts", "Are you sure you want to delete your account?")]
) %>