defmodule MemexWeb.HomeLive do @moduledoc """ Liveview for the main home page """ use MemexWeb, :live_view alias Memex.Accounts @impl true def mount(_params, _session, socket) do admins = Accounts.list_users_by_role(:admin) {:ok, socket |> assign(page_title: gettext("home"), query: "", results: %{}, admins: admins)} end @impl true def handle_event("suggest", %{"q" => query}, socket) do {:noreply, socket |> assign(results: search(query), query: query)} end @impl true def handle_event("search", %{"q" => query}, socket) do case search(query) do %{^query => vsn} -> {:noreply, socket |> redirect(external: "{query}/#{vsn}")} _ -> {:noreply, socket |> put_flash(:error, "No dependencies found matching \"#{query}\"") |> assign(results: %{}, query: query)} end end defp search(query) do if not MemexWeb.Endpoint.config(:code_reloader) do raise "action disabled when not in development" end for {app, desc, vsn} <- Application.started_applications(), app = to_string(app), String.starts_with?(app, query) and not List.starts_with?(desc, ~c"ERTS"), into: %{}, do: {app, vsn} end end