<.form :let={f} for={@changeset} id="step-form" phx-target={@myself} phx-change="validate" phx-submit="save" phx-hook="CtrlEnter" class="flex flex-col justify-start items-stretch space-y-4" > <%= text_input(f, :title, aria_label: gettext("title"), class: "input input-primary", phx_debounce: 300, phx_hook: "SanitizeTitles", placeholder: gettext("title"), required: true ) %> <%= error_tag(f, :title) %> <%= textarea(f, :content, id: "step-form-content", class: "input input-primary h-64 min-h-64", phx_update: "ignore", placeholder: gettext( "use [[[note-slug]]] to link to a note or use [[context-slug]] to link to a context or [pipeline-slug] to link to a pipeline" ), aria_label: gettext( "use [[[note-slug]]] to link to a note or use [[context-slug]] to link to a context or [pipeline-slug] to link to a pipeline" ), phx_debounce: 300 ) %> <%= error_tag(f, :content) %>
<%= submit(dgettext("actions", "save"), phx_disable_with: gettext("saving..."), class: "mx-auto btn btn-primary" ) %>