# Lokal Lokal is a local business aggregation site helping you to shop locally by providing a one-stop-shop for your local community. Set your profile and start shopping today! # Features - User Registration/Sign in via `phx_gen_auth` - `Dockerfile` and example `docker-compose.yml` - Automatic migrations in `MIX_ENV=prod` or Docker image - JS linting with [standard.js](https://standardjs.com), HEEx linting with [heex_formatter](https://github.com/feliperenan/heex_formatter) # Installation 1. Clone the repo 2. Run `mix setup` 3. Run `mix phx.server` to start the development server # Configuration For development, I recommend setting environment variables with [direnv](https://direnv.net). ## `MIX_ENV=dev` In `dev` mode, Lokal will listen for these environment variables on compile. - `HOST`: External url to generate links with. Set these especially if you're behind a reverse proxy. Defaults to `localhost`. - `PORT`: External port for urls. Defaults to `443`. - `DATABASE_URL`: Controls the database url to connect to. Defaults to `ecto://postgres:postgres@localhost/lokal_dev`. ## `MIX_ENV=prod` In `prod` mode (or in the Docker container), Lokal will listen for these environment variables at runtime. - `HOST`: External url to generate links with. Set these especially if you're behind a reverse proxy. Defaults to `localhost`. - `PORT`: Internal port to bind to. Defaults to `4000` and attempts to bind to ``. Must be reverse proxied! - `DATABASE_URL`: Controls the database url to connect to. Defaults to `ecto://postgres:postgres@lokal-db/lokal`. - `ECTO_IPV6`: Controls if Ecto should use ipv6 to connect to PostgreSQL. Defaults to `false`. - `POOL_SIZE`: Controls the pool size to use with PostgreSQL. Defaults to `10`. - `SECRET_KEY_BASE`: Secret key base used to sign cookies. Must be generated with `mix phx.gen.secret` and set for server to start.