defmodule MemexWeb.Components.TableComponent do @moduledoc """ Livecomponent that presents a resortable table It takes the following required assigns: - `:columns`: An array of maps containing the following keys - `:label`: A gettext'd or otherwise user-facing string label for the column. Can be nil - `:key`: An atom key used for sorting - `:class`: Extra classes to be applied to the column element, if desired. Optional - `:sortable`: If false, will prevent the user from sorting with it. Optional - `:values`: An array of maps containing data for each row. Each map is string-keyed with the associated column key to the following values: - A single element, like string, integer or Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered object, like returned from the ~H sigil - A tuple, containing a custom value used for sorting, and the displayed content. """ use MemexWeb, :live_component alias Phoenix.LiveView.Socket require Integer @impl true @spec update( %{ required(:columns) => list(%{ required(:label) => String.t() | nil, required(:key) => atom() | nil, optional(:class) => String.t(), optional(:row_class) => String.t(), optional(:alternate_row_class) => String.t(), optional(:sortable) => false, optional(:type) => module() }), required(:rows) => list(%{ (key :: atom()) => any() | {custom_sort_value :: String.t(), value :: any()} }), optional(:inital_key) => atom(), optional(:initial_sort_mode) => atom(), optional(any()) => any() }, Socket.t() ) :: {:ok, Socket.t()} def update(%{columns: columns, rows: rows} = assigns, socket) do initial_key = if assigns |> Map.has_key?(:initial_key) do assigns.initial_key else columns |> List.first(%{}) |> Map.get(:key) end initial_sort_mode = if assigns |> Map.has_key?(:initial_sort_mode) do assigns.initial_sort_mode else :asc end type = columns |> Enum.find(%{}, fn %{key: key} -> key == initial_key end) |> Map.get(:type) rows = rows |> sort_by_custom_sort_value_or_value(initial_key, initial_sort_mode, type) socket = socket |> assign(assigns) |> assign( columns: columns, rows: rows, key: initial_key, last_sort_key: initial_key, sort_mode: initial_sort_mode ) |> assign_new(:row_class, fn -> "bg-primary-900" end) |> assign_new(:alternate_row_class, fn -> "bg-primary-900" end) {:ok, socket} end @impl true def handle_event( "sort_by", %{"sort-key" => key}, %{ assigns: %{ columns: columns, rows: rows, last_sort_key: last_sort_key, sort_mode: sort_mode } } = socket ) do key = key |> String.to_existing_atom() sort_mode = case {key, sort_mode} do {^last_sort_key, :asc} -> :desc {^last_sort_key, :desc} -> :asc {_new_sort_key, _last_sort_mode} -> :asc end type = columns |> Enum.find(%{}, fn %{key: column_key} -> column_key == key end) |> Map.get(:type) rows = rows |> sort_by_custom_sort_value_or_value(key, sort_mode, type) {:noreply, socket |> assign(last_sort_key: key, sort_mode: sort_mode, rows: rows)} end defp sort_by_custom_sort_value_or_value(rows, key, sort_mode, type) when type in [Date, DateTime] do rows |> Enum.sort_by( fn row -> case row |> Map.get(key) do {custom_sort_key, _value} -> custom_sort_key value -> value end end, {sort_mode, type} ) end defp sort_by_custom_sort_value_or_value(rows, key, sort_mode, _type) do rows |> Enum.sort_by( fn row -> case row |> Map.get(key) do {custom_sort_key, _value} -> custom_sort_key value -> value end end, sort_mode ) end end