defmodule MemexWeb.PipelineLive.Show do use MemexWeb, :live_view alias Memex.{Pipelines, Pipelines.Steps, Pipelines.Steps.Step} @impl true def mount(_params, _session, socket) do {:ok, socket} end @impl true def handle_params( %{"slug" => slug} = params, _url, %{assigns: %{current_user: current_user, live_action: live_action}} = socket ) do pipeline = case Pipelines.get_pipeline_by_slug(slug, current_user) do nil -> raise MemexWeb.NotFoundError, gettext("%{slug} could not be found", slug: slug) pipeline -> pipeline end socket = socket |> assign( page_title: page_title(live_action, pipeline), pipeline: pipeline, steps: pipeline |> Steps.list_steps(current_user) ) |> apply_action(live_action, params) {:noreply, socket} end defp apply_action(socket, live_action, _params) when live_action in [:show, :edit] do socket end defp apply_action( %{ assigns: %{ steps: steps, pipeline: %{id: pipeline_id}, current_user: %{id: current_user_id} } } = socket, :add_step, _params ) do socket |> assign( step: %Step{ pipeline_id: pipeline_id, position: steps |> Enum.count(), user_id: current_user_id } ) end defp apply_action( %{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket, :edit_step, %{"step_id" => step_id} ) do socket |> assign(:step, step_id |> Steps.get_step!(current_user)) end @impl true def handle_event( "delete", _params, %{assigns: %{pipeline: pipeline, current_user: current_user}} = socket ) do {:ok, %{slug: slug}} = Pipelines.delete_pipeline(pipeline, current_user) socket = socket |> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{slug} deleted", slug: slug)) |> push_navigate(to: ~p"/pipelines") {:noreply, socket} end def handle_event( "delete_step", %{"step-id" => step_id}, %{assigns: %{pipeline: %{slug: pipeline_slug}, current_user: current_user}} = socket ) do {:ok, %{title: title}} = step_id |> Steps.get_step!(current_user) |> Steps.delete_step(current_user) socket = socket |> put_flash(:info, gettext("%{title} deleted", title: title)) |> push_patch(to: ~p"/pipeline/#{pipeline_slug}") {:noreply, socket} end def handle_event( "reorder_step", %{"step-id" => step_id, "direction" => direction}, %{assigns: %{pipeline: %{slug: pipeline_slug}, current_user: current_user}} = socket ) do direction = if direction == "up", do: :up, else: :down {:ok, _step} = step_id |> Steps.get_step!(current_user) |> Steps.reorder_step(direction, current_user) socket = socket |> push_patch(to: ~p"/pipeline/#{pipeline_slug}") {:noreply, socket} end defp page_title(:show, %{slug: slug}), do: slug defp page_title(live_action, %{slug: slug}) when live_action in [:edit, :edit_step], do: gettext("edit %{slug}", slug: slug) defp page_title(:add_step, %{slug: slug}), do: gettext("add step to %{slug}", slug: slug) end