<%= @title %>

<.form :let={f} for={@changeset} id="container-form" class="flex flex-col space-y-4 sm:space-y-0 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 justify-center items-center" phx-target={@myself} phx-change="validate" phx-submit="save" >
<%= changeset_errors(@changeset) %>
<%= label(f, :name, gettext("Name"), class: "title text-lg text-primary-600") %> <%= text_input(f, :name, class: "input input-primary col-span-2", placeholder: gettext("My cool ammo can"), maxlength: 255 ) %> <%= error_tag(f, :name, "col-span-3 text-center") %> <%= label(f, :desc, gettext("Description"), class: "title text-lg text-primary-600") %> <%= textarea(f, :desc, id: "container-form-desc", class: "input input-primary col-span-2", placeholder: gettext("Metal ammo can with the anime girl sticker"), phx_update: "ignore" ) %> <%= error_tag(f, :desc, "col-span-3 text-center") %> <%= label(f, :type, gettext("Type"), class: "title text-lg text-primary-600") %> <%= text_input(f, :type, class: "input input-primary col-span-2", placeholder: gettext("Magazine, Clip, Ammo Box, etc"), maxlength: 255 ) %> <%= error_tag(f, :type, "col-span-3 text-center") %> <%= label(f, :location, gettext("Location"), class: "title text-lg text-primary-600") %> <%= textarea(f, :location, id: "container-form-location", class: "input input-primary col-span-2", placeholder: gettext("On the bookshelf"), phx_update: "ignore" ) %> <%= error_tag(f, :location, "col-span-3 text-center") %> <%= submit(dgettext("actions", "Save"), class: "mx-auto btn btn-primary col-span-3", phx_disable_with: dgettext("prompts", "Saving...") ) %>