version: '3' services: cannery: build: context: . container_name: cannery restart: always environment: # HOST must be set! # - - DATABASE_URL=ecto://postgres:postgres@cannery-db/cannery # Use `docker run -it shibaobun/cannery /app/priv/` to generate a secret key base # - SECRET_KEY_BASE=change-me-this-is-really-important-seriously-change-it # uncomment to enable public sign ups, not recommended # - REGISTRATION=public # SMTP host must be set! # - SMTP_HOST=smtp.mailserver.tld # optional, default is 587 # - SMTP_PORT=587 # SMTP username/passwords must be set! # - SMTP_USERNAME=username # - SMTP_PASSWORD=password # optional, default is false # - SMTP_SSL=false # optional, default is format below # - EMAIL_FROM=no-reply@cannery.example.tld # optional, default is "Cannery" # - EMAIL_NAME=Cannery expose: - "4000" depends_on: - cannery-db cannery-db: image: postgres:13 container_name: cannery-db environment: - POSTGRES_USER="postgres" - POSTGRES_PASSWORD="postgres" - POSTGRES_DB="cannery" restart: always volumes: - ./data:/var/lib/postgresql/data