defmodule Cannery.Containers.Container do @moduledoc """ A container that holds ammunition and belongs to a user. """ use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Changeset alias Ecto.{Changeset, UUID} alias Cannery.Containers.{Container, ContainerTag} alias Cannery.{Accounts.User, Ammo.AmmoGroup, Tags.Tag} @derive {Jason.Encoder, only: [ :id, :name, :desc, :location, :type, :tags ]} @primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true} @foreign_key_type :binary_id schema "containers" do field :name, :string field :desc, :string field :location, :string field :type, :string belongs_to :user, User has_many :ammo_groups, AmmoGroup many_to_many :tags, Tag, join_through: ContainerTag timestamps() end @type t :: %Container{ id: id(), name: String.t(), desc: String.t(), location: String.t(), type: String.t(), user: User.t(), user_id:, ammo_groups: [AmmoGroup.t()] | nil, tags: [Tag.t()] | nil, inserted_at: NaiveDateTime.t(), updated_at: NaiveDateTime.t() } @type new_container :: %Container{} @type id :: UUID.t() @doc false @spec create_changeset(new_container(), User.t(), attrs :: map()) :: Changeset.t(new_container()) def create_changeset(container, %User{id: user_id}, attrs) do container |> change(user_id: user_id) |> cast(attrs, [:name, :desc, :type, :location]) |> validate_required([:name, :type, :user_id]) end @doc false @spec update_changeset(t() | new_container(), attrs :: map()) :: Changeset.t(t() | new_container()) def update_changeset(container, attrs) do container |> cast(attrs, [:name, :desc, :type, :location]) |> validate_required([:name, :type]) end end