defmodule CanneryWeb.AmmoGroupLive.Index do @moduledoc """ Liveview to show a Cannery.Ammo.AmmoGroup index """ use CanneryWeb, :live_view alias Cannery.{Ammo, Ammo.AmmoGroup, Containers, Repo} alias CanneryWeb.Endpoint @impl true def mount(_params, session, socket) do {:ok, socket |> assign_defaults(session) |> display_ammo_groups()} end @impl true def handle_params(params, _url, %{assigns: %{live_action: live_action}} = socket) do {:noreply, apply_action(socket, live_action, params)} end defp apply_action( %{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket, :add_shot_group, %{"id" => id} ) do socket |> assign(:page_title, gettext("Record shots")) |> assign(:ammo_group, Ammo.get_ammo_group!(id, current_user)) end defp apply_action(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket, :move, %{"id" => id}) do socket |> assign(:page_title, gettext("Move Ammo group")) |> assign(:ammo_group, Ammo.get_ammo_group!(id, current_user)) end defp apply_action(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket, :edit, %{"id" => id}) do socket |> assign(:page_title, gettext("Edit Ammo group")) |> assign(:ammo_group, Ammo.get_ammo_group!(id, current_user)) end defp apply_action(socket, :new, _params) do socket |> assign(:page_title, dgettext("actions", "Add Ammo")) |> assign(:ammo_group, %AmmoGroup{}) end defp apply_action(socket, :index, _params) do socket |> assign(:page_title, gettext("Ammo groups")) |> assign(:ammo_group, nil) end @impl true def handle_event("delete", %{"id" => id}, %{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket) do Ammo.get_ammo_group!(id, current_user) |> Ammo.delete_ammo_group!(current_user) prompt = dgettext("prompts", "Ammo group deleted succesfully") {:noreply, socket |> put_flash(:info, prompt) |> display_ammo_groups()} end @impl true def handle_event( "toggle_staged", %{"ammo_group_id" => id}, %{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket ) do ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(id, current_user) {:ok, _ammo_group} = ammo_group |> Ammo.update_ammo_group(%{"staged" => !ammo_group.staged}, current_user) {:noreply, socket |> display_ammo_groups()} end defp display_ammo_groups(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket) do ammo_groups = Ammo.list_ammo_groups(current_user) |> Repo.preload([:ammo_type, :container]) containers = Containers.list_containers(current_user) columns = [ %{label: gettext("Ammo type"), key: "ammo_type"}, %{label: gettext("Count"), key: "count"}, %{label: gettext("Price paid"), key: "price_paid"}, %{label: gettext("% left"), key: "remaining"}, %{label: gettext("Range"), key: "range"}, %{label: gettext("Container"), key: "container"}, %{label: nil, key: "actions", sortable: false} ] rows = ammo_groups |> ammo_group -> ammo_group |> get_row_data_for_ammo_group(columns) end) socket |> assign(ammo_groups: ammo_groups, containers: containers, columns: columns, rows: rows) end @spec get_row_data_for_ammo_group(AmmoGroup.t(), [map()]) :: [map()] defp get_row_data_for_ammo_group(ammo_group, columns) do ammo_group = ammo_group |> Repo.preload([:ammo_type, :container]) columns |> Enum.into(%{}, fn %{key: key} -> {key, get_value_for_key(key, ammo_group)} end) end @spec get_value_for_key(String.t(), AmmoGroup.t()) :: any() defp get_value_for_key("ammo_type", %{ammo_type: ammo_type}) do {, live_patch(, to: Routes.ammo_type_show_path(Endpoint, :show, ammo_type), class: "link" )} end defp get_value_for_key("price_paid", %{price_paid: nil}), do: {"a", nil} defp get_value_for_key("price_paid", %{price_paid: price_paid}), do: gettext("$%{amount}", amount: price_paid |> :erlang.float_to_binary(decimals: 2)) defp get_value_for_key("range", %{staged: staged} = ammo_group) do assigns = %{ammo_group: ammo_group} {staged, ~H"""
<%= live_patch(dgettext("actions", "Record shots"), to: Routes.ammo_group_index_path(Endpoint, :add_shot_group, ammo_group), class: "mx-2 my-1 btn btn-primary" ) %>
"""} end defp get_value_for_key("remaining", ammo_group), do: "#{ammo_group |> Ammo.get_percentage_remaining()}%" defp get_value_for_key("actions", ammo_group) do assigns = %{ammo_group: ammo_group} ~H"""
<%= live_redirect to: Routes.ammo_group_show_path(Endpoint, :show, ammo_group), class: "text-primary-600 link", data: [qa: "view-#{}"] do %> <% end %> <%= live_patch to: Routes.ammo_group_index_path(Endpoint, :edit, ammo_group), class: "text-primary-600 link", data: [qa: "edit-#{}"] do %> <% end %> <%= link to: "#", class: "text-primary-600 link", phx_click: "delete", phx_value_id:, data: [ confirm: dgettext("prompts", "Are you sure you want to delete this ammo?"), qa: "delete-#{}" ] do %> <% end %>
""" end defp get_value_for_key("container", %{container: nil}), do: {nil, nil} defp get_value_for_key("container", %{container: %{name: container_name}} = ammo_group) do assigns = %{ammo_group: ammo_group} {container_name, ~H"""
<%= live_patch(, to: Routes.ammo_group_index_path(Endpoint, :move, @ammo_group), class: "btn btn-primary" ) %>
"""} end defp get_value_for_key(key, ammo_group), do: ammo_group |> Map.get(key |> String.to_existing_atom()) end