defmodule Cannery.ActivityLogTest do @moduledoc """ This module tests the ActivityLog context """ use Cannery.DataCase import Cannery.Fixtures alias Cannery.{ ActivityLog, ActivityLog.ShotGroup, Ammo } @moduletag :activity_log_test describe "shot_groups" do setup do current_user = user_fixture() container = container_fixture(current_user) ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) {1, [%{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 25}, ammo_type, container, current_user) shot_group = %{"count" => 5, "date" => ~N[2022-02-13 03:17:00], "notes" => "some notes"} |> shot_group_fixture(current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = ammo_group_id |> Ammo.get_ammo_group!(current_user) [ current_user: current_user, container: container, ammo_type: ammo_type, ammo_group: ammo_group, shot_group: shot_group ] end test "list_shot_groups/0 returns all shot_groups", %{shot_group: shot_group, current_user: current_user} do assert ActivityLog.list_shot_groups(current_user) == [shot_group] end test "get_shot_group!/1 returns the shot_group with given id", %{shot_group: shot_group, current_user: current_user} do assert ActivityLog.get_shot_group!(, current_user) == shot_group end test "get_shot_group!/1 does not return a shot_group of another user", %{shot_group: shot_group} do another_user = user_fixture() assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> ActivityLog.get_shot_group!(, another_user) end end test "create_shot_group/1 with valid data creates a shot_group", %{current_user: current_user, ammo_group: ammo_group} do valid_attrs = %{"count" => 10, "date" => ~D[2022-02-13], "notes" => "some notes"} assert {:ok, %ShotGroup{} = shot_group} = ActivityLog.create_shot_group(valid_attrs, current_user, ammo_group) assert shot_group.count == 10 assert == ~D[2022-02-13] assert shot_group.notes == "some notes" end test "create_shot_group/1 removes corresponding count from ammo group", %{ current_user: current_user, ammo_group: %{id: ammo_group_id, count: org_count} = ammo_group } do valid_attrs = %{"count" => 10, "date" => ~D[2022-02-13], "notes" => "some notes"} assert {:ok, %ShotGroup{} = shot_group} = ActivityLog.create_shot_group(valid_attrs, current_user, ammo_group) %{count: new_count} = ammo_group_id |> Ammo.get_ammo_group!(current_user) assert org_count - shot_group.count == new_count assert new_count == 10 end test "create_shot_group/1 does not remove more than ammo group amount", %{current_user: current_user, ammo_group: %{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group} do valid_attrs = %{"count" => 20, "date" => ~D[2022-02-13], "notes" => "some notes"} assert {:ok, %ShotGroup{}} = ActivityLog.create_shot_group(valid_attrs, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = ammo_group_id |> Ammo.get_ammo_group!(current_user) assert ammo_group.count == 0 assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = ActivityLog.create_shot_group(%{"count" => 1}, current_user, ammo_group) end test "create_shot_group/1 with invalid data returns error changeset", %{current_user: current_user, ammo_group: ammo_group} do invalid_params = %{"count" => nil, "date" => nil, "notes" => nil} assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = ActivityLog.create_shot_group(invalid_params, current_user, ammo_group) end test "update_shot_group/2 with valid data updates the shot_group and ammo_group", %{ shot_group: shot_group, ammo_group: %{id: ammo_group_id}, current_user: current_user } do assert {:ok, %ShotGroup{} = shot_group} = ActivityLog.update_shot_group( shot_group, %{ "count" => 10, "date" => ~D[2022-02-13], "notes" => "some updated notes" }, current_user ) ammo_group = ammo_group_id |> Ammo.get_ammo_group!(current_user) assert shot_group.count == 10 assert ammo_group.count == 15 assert == ~D[2022-02-13] assert shot_group.notes == "some updated notes" assert {:ok, %ShotGroup{} = shot_group} = ActivityLog.update_shot_group( shot_group, %{ "count" => 25, "date" => ~D[2022-02-13], "notes" => "some updated notes" }, current_user ) ammo_group = ammo_group_id |> Ammo.get_ammo_group!(current_user) assert shot_group.count == 25 assert ammo_group.count == 0 end test "update_shot_group/2 with invalid data returns error changeset", %{shot_group: shot_group, current_user: current_user} do assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = ActivityLog.update_shot_group( shot_group, %{"count" => 26, "date" => nil, "notes" => nil}, current_user ) assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = ActivityLog.update_shot_group( shot_group, %{"count" => -1, "date" => nil, "notes" => nil}, current_user ) assert shot_group == ActivityLog.get_shot_group!(, current_user) end test "delete_shot_group/1 deletes the shot_group and adds value back", %{shot_group: shot_group, current_user: current_user, ammo_group: %{id: ammo_group_id}} do assert {:ok, %ShotGroup{}} = ActivityLog.delete_shot_group(shot_group, current_user) assert %{count: 25} = ammo_group_id |> Ammo.get_ammo_group!(current_user) assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> ActivityLog.get_shot_group!(, current_user) end end end end