defmodule CanneryWeb.ContainerLive.AddTagComponent do @moduledoc """ Livecomponent that can add a tag to a Container """ use CanneryWeb, :live_component alias Cannery.{Accounts.User, Containers, Containers.Container, Tags, Tags.Tag} alias Phoenix.LiveView.Socket @impl true @spec update( %{:container => Container.t(), :current_user => User.t(), optional(any) => any}, Socket.t() ) :: {:ok, Socket.t()} def update(%{container: _container, current_user: current_user} = assigns, socket) do {:ok, socket |> assign(assigns) |> assign(:tags, Tags.list_tags(current_user))} end @impl true def handle_event( "save", %{"tag" => %{"tag_id" => tag_id}}, %{ assigns: %{ tags: tags, container: container, current_user: current_user, return_to: return_to } } = socket ) do socket = case tags |> Enum.find(fn %{id: id} -> tag_id == id end) do nil -> prompt = dgettext("errors", "Tag could not be added") socket |> put_flash(:error, prompt) %{name: tag_name} = tag -> _container_tag = Containers.add_tag!(container, tag, current_user) prompt = dgettext("prompts", "%{name} added successfully", name: tag_name) socket |> put_flash(:info, prompt) |> push_redirect(to: return_to) end {:noreply, socket} end @impl true def render(assigns) do ~H"""

<%= @title %>

<.form let={f} for={:tag} id="add-tag-to-container-form" class="grid grid-cols-3 justify-center items-center space-x-2" phx-target={@myself} phx-submit="save" > <%= select(f, :tag_id, tag_options(@tags), class: "text-center col-span-2 input input-primary") %> <%= error_tag(f, :tag_id, "col-span-3 text-center") %> <%= submit(dgettext("actions", "Add"), class: "mx-auto btn btn-primary", phx_disable_with: dgettext("prompts", "Adding...") ) %>
""" end @spec tag_options([Tag.t()]) :: [{String.t(),}] defp tag_options(tags) do tags |> %{id: id, name: name} -> {name, id} end) end end