defmodule Cannery.AmmoTest do @moduledoc """ Tests the Ammo context """ use Cannery.DataCase alias Cannery.{Ammo, Ammo.AmmoGroup, Ammo.AmmoType, Containers} alias Ecto.Changeset @moduletag :ammo_test describe "ammo_types" do @valid_attrs %{ "bullet_type" => "some bullet_type", "case_material" => "some case_material", "desc" => "some desc", "manufacturer" => "some manufacturer", "name" => "some name", "grains" => 120 } @update_attrs %{ "bullet_type" => "some updated bullet_type", "case_material" => "some updated case_material", "desc" => "some updated desc", "manufacturer" => "some updated manufacturer", "name" => "some updated name", "grains" => 456 } @invalid_attrs %{ "bullet_type" => nil, "case_material" => nil, "desc" => nil, "manufacturer" => nil, "name" => nil, "grains" => nil } setup do current_user = user_fixture() [ammo_type: ammo_type_fixture(current_user), current_user: current_user] end test "list_ammo_types/1 returns all ammo_types", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user} do assert Ammo.list_ammo_types(current_user) == [ammo_type] end test "list_ammo_types/1 returns relevant ammo_types for a user", %{current_user: current_user} do ammo_type_a = %{"name" => "bullets", "desc" => "has some pews in it", "grains" => 5} |> ammo_type_fixture(current_user) ammo_type_b = %{"name" => "hollows", "grains" => 3} |> ammo_type_fixture(current_user) ammo_type_c = %{ "name" => "jackets", "desc" => "brass shell", "tracer" => true } |> ammo_type_fixture(current_user) _shouldnt_return = %{ "name" => "bullet", "desc" => "pews brass shell" } |> ammo_type_fixture(user_fixture()) # name assert Ammo.list_ammo_types("bullet", current_user) == [ammo_type_a] assert Ammo.list_ammo_types("bullets", current_user) == [ammo_type_a] assert Ammo.list_ammo_types("hollow", current_user) == [ammo_type_b] assert Ammo.list_ammo_types("jacket", current_user) == [ammo_type_c] # desc assert Ammo.list_ammo_types("pew", current_user) == [ammo_type_a] assert Ammo.list_ammo_types("brass", current_user) == [ammo_type_c] assert Ammo.list_ammo_types("shell", current_user) == [ammo_type_c] # grains (integer) assert Ammo.list_ammo_types("5", current_user) == [ammo_type_a] assert Ammo.list_ammo_types("3", current_user) == [ammo_type_b] # tracer (boolean) assert Ammo.list_ammo_types("tracer", current_user) == [ammo_type_c] end test "get_ammo_type!/1 returns the ammo_type with given id", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user} do assert Ammo.get_ammo_type!(, current_user) == ammo_type end test "create_ammo_type/1 with valid data creates a ammo_type", %{current_user: current_user} do assert {:ok, %AmmoType{} = ammo_type} = Ammo.create_ammo_type(@valid_attrs, current_user) assert ammo_type.bullet_type == "some bullet_type" assert ammo_type.case_material == "some case_material" assert ammo_type.desc == "some desc" assert ammo_type.manufacturer == "some manufacturer" assert == "some name" assert ammo_type.grains == 120 end test "create_ammo_type/1 with invalid data returns error changeset", %{current_user: current_user} do assert {:error, %Changeset{}} = Ammo.create_ammo_type(@invalid_attrs, current_user) end test "update_ammo_type/2 with valid data updates the ammo_type", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user} do assert {:ok, %AmmoType{} = ammo_type} = Ammo.update_ammo_type(ammo_type, @update_attrs, current_user) assert ammo_type.bullet_type == "some updated bullet_type" assert ammo_type.case_material == "some updated case_material" assert ammo_type.desc == "some updated desc" assert ammo_type.manufacturer == "some updated manufacturer" assert == "some updated name" assert ammo_type.grains == 456 end test "update_ammo_type/2 with invalid data returns error changeset", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user} do assert {:error, %Changeset{}} = Ammo.update_ammo_type(ammo_type, @invalid_attrs, current_user) assert ammo_type == Ammo.get_ammo_type!(, current_user) end test "delete_ammo_type/1 deletes the ammo_type", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user} do assert {:ok, %AmmoType{}} = Ammo.delete_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> Ammo.get_ammo_type!(, current_user) end end end describe "ammo types with ammo groups" do setup do current_user = user_fixture() ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) container = container_fixture(current_user) [ ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user ] end test "get_average_cost_for_ammo_type/2 gets average cost for ammo type", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: container} do {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"price_paid" => 25.00, "count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) assert 25.0 = Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"price_paid" => 25.00, "count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) assert 25.0 = Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"price_paid" => 70.00, "count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) assert 40.0 = Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"price_paid" => 30.00, "count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) assert 37.5 = Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) end test "get_average_cost_for_ammo_types/2 gets average costs for ammo types", %{ ammo_type: %{id: ammo_type_id} = ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: container } do assert %{} == [ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_types(current_user) %{id: another_ammo_type_id} = another_ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) assert %{} == [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_types(current_user) {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"price_paid" => 25.00, "count" => 1}, another_ammo_type, container, current_user ) assert %{another_ammo_type_id => 25.0} == [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_types(current_user) {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"price_paid" => 25.00, "count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) average_costs = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 25.0} = average_costs assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 25.0} = average_costs {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"price_paid" => 25.00, "count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) average_costs = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 25.0} = average_costs assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 25.0} = average_costs {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"price_paid" => 70.00, "count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) average_costs = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 40.0} = average_costs assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 25.0} = average_costs {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"price_paid" => 30.00, "count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) average_costs = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 37.5} = average_costs assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 25.0} = average_costs end test "get_round_count_for_ammo_type/2 gets accurate round count for ammo type", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: container} do another_ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) assert 0 = Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_type(another_ammo_type, current_user) {1, [first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 1 = Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 50}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 51 = Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 26}, current_user, ammo_group) assert 25 = Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, current_user, first_ammo_group) assert 24 = Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) end test "get_round_count_for_ammo_types/2 gets accurate round counts for ammo types", %{ ammo_type: %{id: ammo_type_id} = ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: container } do {1, [first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert %{ammo_type_id => 1} == [ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) %{id: another_ammo_type_id} = another_ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) {1, [_another_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, another_ammo_type, container, current_user) round_counts = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 1} = round_counts assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = round_counts {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 50}, ammo_type, container, current_user) round_counts = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 51} = round_counts assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = round_counts shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 26}, current_user, ammo_group) round_counts = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 25} = round_counts assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = round_counts shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, current_user, first_ammo_group) round_counts = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 24} = round_counts assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = round_counts end test "get_historical_count_for_ammo_type/2 gets accurate total round count for ammo type", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: container} do assert 0 = Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) {1, [first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 1 = Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 50}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 51 = Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 26}, current_user, ammo_group) assert 51 = Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, current_user, first_ammo_group) assert 51 = Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_type(ammo_type, current_user) end test "get_historical_count_for_ammo_types/2 gets accurate total round counts for ammo types", %{ ammo_type: %{id: ammo_type_id} = ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: container } do assert %{} == [ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) {1, [first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert %{ammo_type_id => 1} == [ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) %{id: another_ammo_type_id} = another_ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, another_ammo_type, container, current_user) historical_counts = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 1} = historical_counts assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = historical_counts {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 50}, ammo_type, container, current_user) historical_counts = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 51} = historical_counts assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = historical_counts shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 26}, current_user, ammo_group) historical_counts = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 51} = historical_counts assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = historical_counts shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, current_user, first_ammo_group) historical_counts = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 51} = historical_counts assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = historical_counts end test "get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_type/2 gets accurate total ammo count for ammo type", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: container} do assert 0 = Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_type(ammo_type, current_user) {1, [first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 0 = Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_type(ammo_type, current_user) {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 50}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 0 = Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_type(ammo_type, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 50}, current_user, ammo_group) assert 1 = Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_type(ammo_type, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, current_user, first_ammo_group) assert 2 = Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_type(ammo_type, current_user) end test "get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types/2 gets accurate total ammo counts for ammo types", %{ ammo_type: %{id: ammo_type_id} = ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: container } do # testing empty ammo type assert %{} == [ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) # testing two empty ammo types %{id: another_ammo_type_id} = another_ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) assert %{} == [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) # testing ammo type with ammo group {1, [first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert %{} == [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) # testing ammo type with used ammo group {1, [another_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 50}, another_ammo_type, container, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 50}, current_user, another_ammo_group) assert %{another_ammo_type_id => 1} == [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) # testing two ammo types with zero and one used ammo groups {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 50}, ammo_type, container, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 50}, current_user, ammo_group) used_counts = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 1} = used_counts assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = used_counts # testing two ammo type with one and two used ammo groups shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, current_user, first_ammo_group) used_counts = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 2} = used_counts assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = used_counts end test "get_ammo_groups_count_for_container!/2 gets accurate ammo count for container", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: container} do {1, [first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 1 = Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_container!(container, current_user) {25, _ammo_groups} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, 25, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 26 = Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_container!(container, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, current_user, first_ammo_group) assert 26 = Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_container!(container, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 4}, current_user, first_ammo_group) assert 25 = Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_container!(container, current_user) end test "get_ammo_groups_count_for_containers/2 gets accurate ammo count for containers", %{ ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: %{id: container_id} = container } do %{id: another_container_id} = another_container = container_fixture(current_user) {1, [first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, ammo_type, container, current_user) {1, [_first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, ammo_type, another_container, current_user) ammo_groups_count = [container, another_container] |> Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_containers(current_user) assert %{^container_id => 1} = ammo_groups_count assert %{^another_container_id => 1} = ammo_groups_count {25, _ammo_groups} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, 25, ammo_type, container, current_user) ammo_groups_count = [container, another_container] |> Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_containers(current_user) assert %{^container_id => 26} = ammo_groups_count assert %{^another_container_id => 1} = ammo_groups_count shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, current_user, first_ammo_group) ammo_groups_count = [container, another_container] |> Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_containers(current_user) assert %{^container_id => 26} = ammo_groups_count assert %{^another_container_id => 1} = ammo_groups_count shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 4}, current_user, first_ammo_group) ammo_groups_count = [container, another_container] |> Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_containers(current_user) assert %{^container_id => 25} = ammo_groups_count assert %{^another_container_id => 1} = ammo_groups_count end test "get_round_count_for_container!/2 gets accurate total round count for container", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: container} do {1, [first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 5 = Ammo.get_round_count_for_container!(container, current_user) {25, _ammo_groups} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, 25, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 130 = Ammo.get_round_count_for_container!(container, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, current_user, first_ammo_group) assert 125 = Ammo.get_round_count_for_container!(container, current_user) end test "get_round_count_for_containers/2 gets accurate total round count for containers", %{ ammo_type: ammo_type, current_user: current_user, container: %{id: container_id} = container } do %{id: another_container_id} = another_container = container_fixture(current_user) {1, [first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, ammo_type, container, current_user) {1, [_first_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, ammo_type, another_container, current_user) round_counts = [container, another_container] |> Ammo.get_round_count_for_containers(current_user) assert %{^container_id => 5} = round_counts assert %{^another_container_id => 5} = round_counts {25, _ammo_groups} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, 25, ammo_type, container, current_user) round_counts = [container, another_container] |> Ammo.get_round_count_for_containers(current_user) assert %{^container_id => 130} = round_counts assert %{^another_container_id => 5} = round_counts shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 5}, current_user, first_ammo_group) round_counts = [container, another_container] |> Ammo.get_round_count_for_containers(current_user) assert %{^container_id => 125} = round_counts assert %{^another_container_id => 5} = round_counts end end describe "ammo_groups" do @valid_attrs %{ "count" => 42, "notes" => "some notes", "price_paid" => 120.5, "purchased_on" => ~D[2022-11-19] } @update_attrs %{ "count" => 43, "notes" => "some updated notes", "price_paid" => 456.7 } @invalid_attrs %{ "count" => nil, "notes" => nil, "price_paid" => nil } setup do current_user = user_fixture() ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) container = container_fixture(current_user) {1, [ammo_group]} = %{"count" => 50, "price_paid" => 36.1} |> ammo_group_fixture(ammo_type, container, current_user) another_user = user_fixture() another_ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(another_user) another_container = container_fixture(another_user) {1, [_shouldnt_show_up]} = ammo_group_fixture(another_ammo_type, another_container, another_user) [ ammo_type: ammo_type, ammo_group: ammo_group, container: container, current_user: current_user ] end test "list_ammo_groups/3 returns all ammo_groups", %{ ammo_type: ammo_type, ammo_group: ammo_group, container: container, current_user: current_user } do {1, [%{id: another_ammo_group_id} = another_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 30}, ammo_type, container, current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 30}, current_user, another_ammo_group) another_ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(another_ammo_group_id, current_user) assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups(nil, false, current_user) == [ammo_group] assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups(nil, true, current_user) |> Enum.sort_by(fn %{count: count} -> count end) == [another_ammo_group, ammo_group] end test "list_ammo_groups/3 returns relevant ammo groups when searched", %{ ammo_type: ammo_type, ammo_group: ammo_group, container: container, current_user: current_user } do {1, [another_ammo_group]} = %{"count" => 49, "notes" => "cool ammo group"} |> ammo_group_fixture(ammo_type, container, current_user) another_ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(%{"name" => "amazing ammo"}, current_user) another_container = container_fixture(%{"name" => "fantastic container"}, current_user) tag = tag_fixture(%{"name" => "stupendous tag"}, current_user) Containers.add_tag!(another_container, tag, current_user) {1, [amazing_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 48}, another_ammo_type, container, current_user) {1, [fantastic_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 47}, ammo_type, another_container, current_user) assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups(nil, false, current_user) |> Enum.sort_by(fn %{count: count} -> count end) == [fantastic_ammo_group, amazing_ammo_group, another_ammo_group, ammo_group] # search works for ammo group attributes assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups("cool", true, current_user) == [another_ammo_group] # search works for ammo type attributes assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups("amazing", true, current_user) == [amazing_ammo_group] # search works for container attributes assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups("fantastic", true, current_user) == [fantastic_ammo_group] # search works for container tag attributes assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups("stupendous", true, current_user) == [fantastic_ammo_group] assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups("random", true, current_user) == [] end test "list_ammo_groups_for_type/2 returns all ammo_groups for a type", %{ ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, ammo_group: ammo_group, current_user: current_user } do another_ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) {1, [_another]} = ammo_group_fixture(another_ammo_type, container, current_user) assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups_for_type(ammo_type, current_user) == [ammo_group] end test "list_ammo_groups_for_container/2 returns all ammo_groups for a container", %{ ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, ammo_group: ammo_group, current_user: current_user } do another_container = container_fixture(current_user) {1, [_another]} = ammo_group_fixture(ammo_type, another_container, current_user) assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups_for_container(container, current_user) == [ammo_group] end test "get_ammo_groups_count_for_type/2 returns count of ammo_groups for a type", %{ ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user } do assert 1 = Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_type(ammo_type, current_user) another_ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) assert 0 = Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_type(another_ammo_type, current_user) {5, _ammo_groups} = ammo_group_fixture(%{}, 5, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert 6 = Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_type(ammo_type, current_user) end test "get_ammo_groups_count_for_types/2 returns counts of ammo_groups for types", %{ ammo_type: %{id: ammo_type_id} = ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user } do assert %{ammo_type_id => 1} == [ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) %{id: another_ammo_type_id} = another_ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user) assert %{ammo_type_id => 1} == [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) {1, [_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(another_ammo_type, container, current_user) ammo_groups_count = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 1} = ammo_groups_count assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = ammo_groups_count {5, _ammo_groups} = ammo_group_fixture(%{}, 5, ammo_type, container, current_user) ammo_groups_count = [ammo_type, another_ammo_type] |> Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) assert %{^ammo_type_id => 6} = ammo_groups_count assert %{^another_ammo_type_id => 1} = ammo_groups_count end test "list_staged_ammo_groups/2 returns all ammo_groups that are staged", %{ ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user } do {1, [another_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"staged" => true}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert Ammo.list_staged_ammo_groups(current_user) == [another_ammo_group] end test "get_ammo_group!/1 returns the ammo_group with given id", %{ammo_group: %{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group, current_user: current_user} do assert Ammo.get_ammo_group!(ammo_group_id, current_user) == ammo_group end test "get_ammo_groups/2 returns the ammo_groups with given id", %{ ammo_group: %{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group, ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user } do {1, [%{id: another_ammo_group_id} = another_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(ammo_type, container, current_user) ammo_groups = Ammo.get_ammo_groups([ammo_group_id, another_ammo_group_id], current_user) assert %{^ammo_group_id => ^ammo_group} = ammo_groups assert %{^another_ammo_group_id => ^another_ammo_group} = ammo_groups end test "create_ammo_groups/3 with valid data creates a ammo_group", %{ ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user } do assert {:ok, {1, [%AmmoGroup{} = ammo_group]}} = @valid_attrs |> Map.merge(%{"ammo_type_id" =>, "container_id" =>}) |> Ammo.create_ammo_groups(1, current_user) assert ammo_group.count == 42 assert ammo_group.notes == "some notes" assert ammo_group.price_paid == 120.5 end test "create_ammo_groups/3 with valid data creates multiple ammo_groups", %{ ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user } do assert {:ok, {3, ammo_groups}} = @valid_attrs |> Map.merge(%{"ammo_type_id" =>, "container_id" =>}) |> Ammo.create_ammo_groups(3, current_user) assert [%AmmoGroup{}, %AmmoGroup{}, %AmmoGroup{}] = ammo_groups ammo_groups |> %{count: count, notes: notes, price_paid: price_paid} -> assert count == 42 assert notes == "some notes" assert price_paid == 120.5 end) end test "create_ammo_groups/3 with invalid data returns error changeset", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user} do assert {:error, %Changeset{}} = @invalid_attrs |> Map.merge(%{"ammo_type_id" =>, "container_id" =>}) |> Ammo.create_ammo_groups(1, current_user) end test "update_ammo_group/2 with valid data updates the ammo_group", %{ammo_group: ammo_group, current_user: current_user} do assert {:ok, %AmmoGroup{} = ammo_group} = Ammo.update_ammo_group(ammo_group, @update_attrs, current_user) assert ammo_group.count == 43 assert ammo_group.notes == "some updated notes" assert ammo_group.price_paid == 456.7 end test "update_ammo_group/2 with invalid data returns error changeset", %{ammo_group: ammo_group, current_user: current_user} do assert {:error, %Changeset{}} = Ammo.update_ammo_group(ammo_group, @invalid_attrs, current_user) assert ammo_group == Ammo.get_ammo_group!(, current_user) end test "delete_ammo_group/1 deletes the ammo_group", %{ammo_group: ammo_group, current_user: current_user} do assert {:ok, %AmmoGroup{}} = Ammo.delete_ammo_group(ammo_group, current_user) assert_raise KeyError, fn -> Ammo.get_ammo_group!(, current_user) end end test "get_percentage_remaining/1 gets accurate total round count", %{ammo_group: %{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group, current_user: current_user} do assert 100 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_percentage_remaining(current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 14}, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(ammo_group_id, current_user) assert 72 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_percentage_remaining(current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 11}, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(ammo_group_id, current_user) assert 50 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_percentage_remaining(current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 25}, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(ammo_group_id, current_user) assert 0 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_percentage_remaining(current_user) end test "get_cpr/2 gets accurate cpr", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user} do {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert ammo_group |> Ammo.get_cpr(current_user) |> is_nil() {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"count" => 1, "price_paid" => 1.0}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) assert 1.0 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_cpr(current_user) {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"count" => 2, "price_paid" => 3.0}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) assert 1.5 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_cpr(current_user) {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"count" => 50, "price_paid" => 36.1}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) assert 0.722 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_cpr(current_user) # with shot group, maintains total shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 14}, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(, current_user) assert 0.722 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_cpr(current_user) end test "get_cprs/2 gets accurate cprs", %{ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user} do {1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 1}, ammo_type, container, current_user) assert %{} == [ammo_group] |> Ammo.get_cprs(current_user) {1, [%{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"count" => 1, "price_paid" => 1.0}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) assert %{ammo_group_id => 1.0} == [ammo_group] |> Ammo.get_cprs(current_user) {1, [%{id: another_ammo_group_id} = another_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"count" => 2, "price_paid" => 3.0}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) cprs = [ammo_group, another_ammo_group] |> Ammo.get_cprs(current_user) assert %{^ammo_group_id => 1.0} = cprs assert %{^another_ammo_group_id => 1.5} = cprs {1, [%{id: yet_another_ammo_group_id} = yet_another_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture( %{"count" => 50, "price_paid" => 36.1}, ammo_type, container, current_user ) cprs = [ammo_group, another_ammo_group, yet_another_ammo_group] |> Ammo.get_cprs(current_user) assert %{^ammo_group_id => 1.0} = cprs assert %{^another_ammo_group_id => 1.5} = cprs assert %{^yet_another_ammo_group_id => 0.722} = cprs # with shot group, maintains total shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 14}, current_user, yet_another_ammo_group) yet_another_ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(, current_user) cprs = [ammo_group, another_ammo_group, yet_another_ammo_group] |> Ammo.get_cprs(current_user) assert %{^ammo_group_id => 1.0} = cprs assert %{^another_ammo_group_id => 1.5} = cprs assert %{^yet_another_ammo_group_id => 0.722} = cprs end test "get_original_count/2 gets accurate original count", %{ammo_group: %{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group, current_user: current_user} do assert 50 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_original_count(current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 14}, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(ammo_group_id, current_user) assert 50 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_original_count(current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 11}, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(ammo_group_id, current_user) assert 50 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_original_count(current_user) shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 25}, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(ammo_group_id, current_user) assert 50 = ammo_group |> Ammo.get_original_count(current_user) end test "get_original_counts/2 gets accurate original counts", %{ ammo_group: %{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group, ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user } do {1, [%{id: another_ammo_group_id} = another_ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 25}, ammo_type, container, current_user) original_counts = [ammo_group, another_ammo_group] |> Ammo.get_original_counts(current_user) assert %{^ammo_group_id => 50} = original_counts assert %{^another_ammo_group_id => 25} = original_counts shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 14}, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(ammo_group_id, current_user) original_counts = [ammo_group, another_ammo_group] |> Ammo.get_original_counts(current_user) assert %{^ammo_group_id => 50} = original_counts assert %{^another_ammo_group_id => 25} = original_counts shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 11}, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(ammo_group_id, current_user) original_counts = [ammo_group, another_ammo_group] |> Ammo.get_original_counts(current_user) assert %{^ammo_group_id => 50} = original_counts assert %{^another_ammo_group_id => 25} = original_counts shot_group_fixture(%{"count" => 25}, current_user, ammo_group) ammo_group = Ammo.get_ammo_group!(ammo_group_id, current_user) original_counts = [ammo_group, another_ammo_group] |> Ammo.get_original_counts(current_user) assert %{^ammo_group_id => 50} = original_counts assert %{^another_ammo_group_id => 25} = original_counts end end end