defmodule CanneryWeb.Components.AmmoTypeTableComponent do @moduledoc """ A component that displays a list of ammo type """ use CanneryWeb, :live_component alias Cannery.{Accounts.User, ActivityLog, Ammo, Ammo.AmmoType} alias Ecto.UUID alias Phoenix.LiveView.{Rendered, Socket} @impl true @spec update( %{ required(:id) => UUID.t(), required(:current_user) => User.t(), optional(:show_used) => boolean(), optional(:ammo_types) => [AmmoType.t()], optional(:actions) => Rendered.t(), optional(any()) => any() }, Socket.t() ) :: {:ok, Socket.t()} def update(%{id: _id, ammo_types: _ammo_types, current_user: _current_user} = assigns, socket) do socket = socket |> assign(assigns) |> assign_new(:show_used, fn -> false end) |> assign_new(:actions, fn -> [] end) |> display_ammo_types() {:ok, socket} end defp display_ammo_types( %{ assigns: %{ ammo_types: ammo_types, current_user: current_user, show_used: show_used, actions: actions } } = socket ) do columns = [ %{label: gettext("Name"), key: :name, type: :name}, %{label: gettext("Bullet type"), key: :bullet_type, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Bullet core"), key: :bullet_core, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Cartridge"), key: :cartridge, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Caliber"), key: :caliber, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Case material"), key: :case_material, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Jacket type"), key: :jacket_type, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Muzzle velocity"), key: :muzzle_velocity, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Powder type"), key: :powder_type, type: :string}, %{ label: gettext("Powder grains per charge"), key: :powder_grains_per_charge, type: :string }, %{label: gettext("Grains"), key: :grains, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Pressure"), key: :pressure, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Primer type"), key: :primer_type, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Firing type"), key: :firing_type, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("Tracer"), key: :tracer, type: :boolean}, %{label: gettext("Incendiary"), key: :incendiary, type: :boolean}, %{label: gettext("Blank"), key: :blank, type: :boolean}, %{label: gettext("Corrosive"), key: :corrosive, type: :boolean}, %{label: gettext("Manufacturer"), key: :manufacturer, type: :string}, %{label: gettext("UPC"), key: "upc", type: :string} ] |> Enum.filter(fn %{key: key, type: type} -> # remove columns if all values match defaults default_value = if type == :boolean, do: false, else: nil ammo_types |> Enum.any?(fn ammo_type -> not (ammo_type |> Map.get(key) == default_value) end) end) |> Kernel.++([ %{label: gettext("Rounds"), key: :round_count, type: :round_count} ]) |> Kernel.++( if show_used do [ %{ label: gettext("Used rounds"), key: :used_round_count, type: :used_round_count }, %{ label: gettext("Total ever rounds"), key: :historical_round_count, type: :historical_round_count } ] else [] end ) |> Kernel.++([%{label: gettext("Packs"), key: :ammo_count, type: :ammo_count}]) |> Kernel.++( if show_used do [ %{ label: gettext("Used packs"), key: :used_pack_count, type: :used_pack_count }, %{ label: gettext("Total ever packs"), key: :historical_pack_count, type: :historical_pack_count } ] else [] end ) |> Kernel.++([ %{label: gettext("Average CPR"), key: :avg_price_paid, type: :avg_price_paid}, %{label: gettext("Actions"), key: "actions", type: :actions, sortable: false} ]) round_counts = ammo_types |> Ammo.get_round_count_for_ammo_types(current_user) packs_count = ammo_types |> Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) average_costs = ammo_types |> Ammo.get_average_cost_for_ammo_types(current_user) [used_counts, historical_round_counts, historical_pack_counts, used_pack_counts] = if show_used do [ ammo_types |> ActivityLog.get_used_count_for_ammo_types(current_user), ammo_types |> Ammo.get_historical_count_for_ammo_types(current_user), ammo_types |> Ammo.get_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user, true), ammo_types |> Ammo.get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types(current_user) ] else [nil, nil, nil, nil] end extra_data = %{ actions: actions, current_user: current_user, used_counts: used_counts, round_counts: round_counts, historical_round_counts: historical_round_counts, packs_count: packs_count, used_pack_counts: used_pack_counts, historical_pack_counts: historical_pack_counts, average_costs: average_costs } rows = ammo_types |> ammo_type -> ammo_type |> get_ammo_type_values(columns, extra_data) end) socket |> assign(columns: columns, rows: rows) end @impl true def render(assigns) do ~H"""
<.live_component module={CanneryWeb.Components.TableComponent} id={"table-#{@id}"} columns={@columns} rows={@rows} />
""" end defp get_ammo_type_values(ammo_type, columns, extra_data) do columns |> %{key: key, type: type} -> {key, get_ammo_type_value(type, key, ammo_type, extra_data)} end) end defp get_ammo_type_value(:boolean, key, ammo_type, _other_data), do: ammo_type |> Map.get(key) |> humanize() defp get_ammo_type_value(:round_count, _key, %{id: ammo_type_id}, %{round_counts: round_counts}), do: Map.get(round_counts, ammo_type_id, 0) defp get_ammo_type_value( :historical_round_count, _key, %{id: ammo_type_id}, %{historical_round_counts: historical_round_counts} ) do Map.get(historical_round_counts, ammo_type_id, 0) end defp get_ammo_type_value( :used_round_count, _key, %{id: ammo_type_id}, %{used_counts: used_counts} ) do Map.get(used_counts, ammo_type_id, 0) end defp get_ammo_type_value( :historical_pack_count, _key, %{id: ammo_type_id}, %{historical_pack_counts: historical_pack_counts} ) do Map.get(historical_pack_counts, ammo_type_id, 0) end defp get_ammo_type_value( :used_pack_count, _key, %{id: ammo_type_id}, %{used_pack_counts: used_pack_counts} ) do Map.get(used_pack_counts, ammo_type_id, 0) end defp get_ammo_type_value(:ammo_count, _key, %{id: ammo_type_id}, %{packs_count: packs_count}), do: Map.get(packs_count, ammo_type_id) defp get_ammo_type_value( :avg_price_paid, _key, %{id: ammo_type_id}, %{average_costs: average_costs} ) do case Map.get(average_costs, ammo_type_id) do nil -> {0, gettext("No cost information")} count -> {count, gettext("$%{amount}", amount: display_currency(count))} end end defp get_ammo_type_value(:name, _key, %{name: ammo_type_name} = ammo_type, _other_data) do assigns = %{ammo_type: ammo_type} {ammo_type_name, ~H""" <.link navigate={Routes.ammo_type_show_path(Endpoint, :show, @ammo_type)} class="link"> <%= %> """} end defp get_ammo_type_value(:actions, _key, ammo_type, %{actions: actions}) do assigns = %{actions: actions, ammo_type: ammo_type} ~H""" <%= render_slot(@actions, @ammo_type) %> """ end defp get_ammo_type_value(nil, _key, _ammo_type, _other_data), do: nil defp get_ammo_type_value(_other, key, ammo_type, _other_data), do: ammo_type |> Map.get(key) @spec display_currency(float()) :: String.t() defp display_currency(float), do: :erlang.float_to_binary(float, decimals: 2) end