defmodule Cannery.Ammo do @moduledoc """ The Ammo context. """ import CanneryWeb.Gettext import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Cannery.{Accounts.User, Containers, Repo} alias Cannery.Containers.{Container, ContainerTag, Tag} alias Cannery.{ActivityLog, ActivityLog.ShotGroup} alias Cannery.Ammo.{AmmoGroup, AmmoType} alias Ecto.Changeset @ammo_group_create_limit 10_000 @ammo_group_preloads [:ammo_type] @ammo_type_preloads [:ammo_groups] @doc """ Returns the list of ammo_types. ## Examples iex> list_ammo_types(%User{id: 123}) [%AmmoType{}, ...] iex> list_ammo_types("cool", %User{id: 123}) [%AmmoType{name: "My cool ammo type"}, ...] """ @spec list_ammo_types(User.t()) :: [AmmoType.t()] @spec list_ammo_types(search :: nil | String.t(), User.t()) :: [AmmoType.t()] def list_ammo_types(search \\ nil, user) def list_ammo_types(search, %{id: user_id}) when search |> is_nil() or search == "" do Repo.all( from at in AmmoType, where: at.user_id == ^user_id, order_by:, preload: ^@ammo_type_preloads ) end def list_ammo_types(search, %{id: user_id}) when search |> is_binary() do trimmed_search = String.trim(search) Repo.all( from at in AmmoType, where: at.user_id == ^user_id, where: fragment( "? @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?)",, ^trimmed_search ), order_by: { :desc, fragment( "ts_rank_cd(?, websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?), 4)",, ^trimmed_search ) }, preload: ^@ammo_type_preloads ) end @doc """ Returns a count of ammo_types. ## Examples iex> get_ammo_types_count!(%User{id: 123}) 3 """ @spec get_ammo_types_count!(User.t()) :: integer() def get_ammo_types_count!(%User{id: user_id}) do from at in AmmoType, where: at.user_id == ^user_id, select: count(, distinct: true ) end @doc """ Gets a single ammo_type. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Ammo type does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_ammo_type!(123, %User{id: 123}) %AmmoType{} iex> get_ammo_type!(456, %User{id: 123}) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ @spec get_ammo_type!(, User.t()) :: AmmoType.t() def get_ammo_type!(id, %User{id: user_id}) do!( from at in AmmoType, where: == ^id, where: at.user_id == ^user_id, preload: ^@ammo_type_preloads ) end @doc """ Gets the average cost of an ammo type from ammo groups with price information. ## Examples iex> get_average_cost_for_ammo_type( ...> %AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 1.50 """ @spec get_average_cost_for_ammo_type(AmmoType.t(), User.t()) :: float() | nil def get_average_cost_for_ammo_type(%AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id} = ammo_type, user) do [ammo_type] |> get_average_cost_for_ammo_types(user) |> Map.get(ammo_type_id) end @doc """ Gets the average cost of ammo types from ammo groups with price information for multiple ammo types. ## Examples iex> get_average_cost_for_ammo_types( ...> [%AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 1.50 """ @spec get_average_cost_for_ammo_types([AmmoType.t()], User.t()) :: %{optional( => float()} def get_average_cost_for_ammo_types(ammo_types, %User{id: user_id}) do ammo_type_ids = ammo_types |> %AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id, user_id: ^user_id} -> ammo_type_id end) sg_total_query = from sg in ShotGroup, where: not (sg.count |> is_nil()), group_by: sg.ammo_group_id, select: %{ammo_group_id: sg.ammo_group_id, total: sum(sg.count)} Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, as: :ammo_group, left_join: sg_query in subquery(sg_total_query), on: == sg_query.ammo_group_id, where: ag.ammo_type_id in ^ammo_type_ids, group_by: ag.ammo_type_id, where: not (ag.price_paid |> is_nil()), select: {ag.ammo_type_id, sum(ag.price_paid) / sum(ag.count + coalesce(, 0))} ) |> end @doc """ Gets the total number of rounds for an ammo type ## Examples iex> get_round_count_for_ammo_type( ...> %AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 35 """ @spec get_round_count_for_ammo_type(AmmoType.t(), User.t()) :: non_neg_integer() def get_round_count_for_ammo_type(%AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id} = ammo_type, user) do [ammo_type] |> get_round_count_for_ammo_types(user) |> Map.get(ammo_type_id, 0) end @doc """ Gets the total number of rounds for multiple ammo types ## Examples iex> get_round_count_for_ammo_types( ...> [%AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) %{123 => 35} """ @spec get_round_count_for_ammo_types([AmmoType.t()], User.t()) :: %{optional( => non_neg_integer()} def get_round_count_for_ammo_types(ammo_types, %User{id: user_id}) do ammo_type_ids = ammo_types |> %AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id, user_id: ^user_id} -> ammo_type_id end) Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, where: ag.ammo_type_id in ^ammo_type_ids, where: ag.user_id == ^user_id, group_by: ag.ammo_type_id, select: {ag.ammo_type_id, sum(ag.count)} ) |> end @doc """ Gets the total number of ammo ever bought for an ammo type ## Examples iex> get_historical_count_for_ammo_type( ...> %AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 5 """ @spec get_historical_count_for_ammo_type(AmmoType.t(), User.t()) :: non_neg_integer() def get_historical_count_for_ammo_type(%AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id} = ammo_type, user) do [ammo_type] |> get_historical_count_for_ammo_types(user) |> Map.get(ammo_type_id, 0) end @doc """ Gets the total number of ammo ever bought for multiple ammo types ## Examples iex> get_historical_count_for_ammo_types( ...> [%AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) %{123 => 5} """ @spec get_historical_count_for_ammo_types([AmmoType.t()], User.t()) :: %{optional( => non_neg_integer()} def get_historical_count_for_ammo_types(ammo_types, %User{id: user_id} = user) do used_counts = ammo_types |> ActivityLog.get_used_count_for_ammo_types(user) round_counts = ammo_types |> get_round_count_for_ammo_types(user) ammo_types |> Enum.filter(fn %AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id, user_id: ^user_id} -> Map.has_key?(used_counts, ammo_type_id) or Map.has_key?(round_counts, ammo_type_id) end) |> %{id: ammo_type_id} -> historical_count = Map.get(used_counts, ammo_type_id, 0) + Map.get(round_counts, ammo_type_id, 0) {ammo_type_id, historical_count} end) end @doc """ Creates a ammo_type. ## Examples iex> create_ammo_type(%{field: value}, %User{id: 123}) {:ok, %AmmoType{}} iex> create_ammo_type(%{field: bad_value}, %User{id: 123}) {:error, %Changeset{}} """ @spec create_ammo_type(attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: {:ok, AmmoType.t()} | {:error, AmmoType.changeset()} def create_ammo_type(attrs \\ %{}, %User{} = user) do %AmmoType{} |> AmmoType.create_changeset(user, attrs) |> Repo.insert() |> case do {:ok, ammo_type} -> {:ok, ammo_type |> preload_ammo_type()} {:error, changeset} -> {:error, changeset} end end @spec preload_ammo_type(AmmoType.t()) :: AmmoType.t() @spec preload_ammo_type([AmmoType.t()]) :: [AmmoType.t()] defp preload_ammo_type(ammo_type_or_ammo_types) do ammo_type_or_ammo_types |> Repo.preload(@ammo_type_preloads) end @doc """ Updates a ammo_type. ## Examples iex> update_ammo_type(ammo_type, %{field: new_value}, %User{id: 123}) {:ok, %AmmoType{}} iex> update_ammo_type(ammo_type, %{field: bad_value}, %User{id: 123}) {:error, %Changeset{}} """ @spec update_ammo_type(AmmoType.t(), attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: {:ok, AmmoType.t()} | {:error, AmmoType.changeset()} def update_ammo_type(%AmmoType{user_id: user_id} = ammo_type, attrs, %User{id: user_id}) do ammo_type |> AmmoType.update_changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() |> case do {:ok, ammo_type} -> {:ok, ammo_type |> preload_ammo_type()} {:error, changeset} -> {:error, changeset} end end @doc """ Deletes a ammo_type. ## Examples iex> delete_ammo_type(ammo_type, %User{id: 123}) {:ok, %AmmoType{}} iex> delete_ammo_type(ammo_type, %User{id: 123}) {:error, %Changeset{}} """ @spec delete_ammo_type(AmmoType.t(), User.t()) :: {:ok, AmmoType.t()} | {:error, AmmoType.changeset()} def delete_ammo_type(%AmmoType{user_id: user_id} = ammo_type, %User{id: user_id}) do ammo_type |> Repo.delete() |> case do {:ok, ammo_type} -> {:ok, ammo_type |> preload_ammo_type()} {:error, changeset} -> {:error, changeset} end end @doc """ Deletes a ammo_type. ## Examples iex> delete_ammo_type!(ammo_type, %User{id: 123}) %AmmoType{} """ @spec delete_ammo_type!(AmmoType.t(), User.t()) :: AmmoType.t() def delete_ammo_type!(ammo_type, user) do {:ok, ammo_type} = delete_ammo_type(ammo_type, user) ammo_type end @doc """ Returns the list of ammo_groups for a user and type. ## Examples iex> list_ammo_groups_for_type( ...> %AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) [%AmmoGroup{}, ...] iex> list_ammo_groups_for_type( ...> %AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456}, ...> true ...> ) [%AmmoGroup{}, %AmmoGroup{}, ...] """ @spec list_ammo_groups_for_type(AmmoType.t(), User.t()) :: [AmmoGroup.t()] @spec list_ammo_groups_for_type(AmmoType.t(), User.t(), include_empty :: boolean()) :: [AmmoGroup.t()] def list_ammo_groups_for_type(ammo_type, user, include_empty \\ false) def list_ammo_groups_for_type( %AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id, user_id: user_id}, %User{id: user_id}, true = _include_empty ) do Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, where: ag.ammo_type_id == ^ammo_type_id, where: ag.user_id == ^user_id, preload: ^@ammo_group_preloads ) end def list_ammo_groups_for_type( %AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id, user_id: user_id}, %User{id: user_id}, false = _include_empty ) do Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, where: ag.ammo_type_id == ^ammo_type_id, where: ag.user_id == ^user_id, where: not (ag.count == 0), preload: ^@ammo_group_preloads ) end @doc """ Returns the list of ammo_groups for a user and container. ## Examples iex> list_ammo_groups_for_container( ...> %Container{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) [%AmmoGroup{}, ...] iex> list_ammo_groups_for_container( ...> %Container{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456}, ...> true ...> ) [%AmmoGroup{}, %AmmoGroup{}, ...] """ @spec list_ammo_groups_for_container(Container.t(), User.t()) :: [AmmoGroup.t()] @spec list_ammo_groups_for_container(Container.t(), User.t(), include_empty :: boolean()) :: [AmmoGroup.t()] def list_ammo_groups_for_container(container, user, include_empty \\ false) def list_ammo_groups_for_container( %Container{id: container_id, user_id: user_id}, %User{id: user_id}, true = _include_empty ) do Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, where: ag.container_id == ^container_id, where: ag.user_id == ^user_id, preload: ^@ammo_group_preloads ) end def list_ammo_groups_for_container( %Container{id: container_id, user_id: user_id}, %User{id: user_id}, false = _include_empty ) do Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, where: ag.container_id == ^container_id, where: ag.user_id == ^user_id, where: not (ag.count == 0), preload: ^@ammo_group_preloads ) end @doc """ Returns the count of ammo_groups for an ammo type. ## Examples iex> get_ammo_groups_count_for_type( ...> %AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 3 iex> get_ammo_groups_count_for_type( ...> %AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456}, ...> true ...> ) 5 """ @spec get_ammo_groups_count_for_type(AmmoType.t(), User.t()) :: non_neg_integer() @spec get_ammo_groups_count_for_type(AmmoType.t(), User.t(), include_empty :: boolean()) :: non_neg_integer() def get_ammo_groups_count_for_type( %AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id} = ammo_type, user, include_empty \\ false ) do [ammo_type] |> get_ammo_groups_count_for_types(user, include_empty) |> Map.get(ammo_type_id, 0) end @doc """ Returns the count of ammo_groups for multiple ammo types. ## Examples iex> get_ammo_groups_count_for_types( ...> [%AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 3 iex> get_ammo_groups_count_for_types( ...> [%AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456}, ...> true ...> ) 5 """ @spec get_ammo_groups_count_for_types([AmmoType.t()], User.t()) :: %{optional( => non_neg_integer()} @spec get_ammo_groups_count_for_types([AmmoType.t()], User.t(), include_empty :: boolean()) :: %{optional( => non_neg_integer()} def get_ammo_groups_count_for_types(ammo_types, %User{id: user_id}, include_empty \\ false) do ammo_type_ids = ammo_types |> %AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id, user_id: ^user_id} -> ammo_type_id end) from(ag in AmmoGroup, where: ag.user_id == ^user_id, where: ag.ammo_type_id in ^ammo_type_ids, group_by: ag.ammo_type_id, select: {ag.ammo_type_id, count(} ) |> maybe_include_empty(include_empty) |> Repo.all() |> end defp maybe_include_empty(query, true), do: query defp maybe_include_empty(query, _false) do query |> where([ag], not (ag.count == 0)) end @doc """ Returns the count of used ammo_groups for an ammo type. ## Examples iex> get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_type( ...> %AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 3 """ @spec get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_type(AmmoType.t(), User.t()) :: non_neg_integer() def get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_type(%AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id} = ammo_type, user) do [ammo_type] |> get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types(user) |> Map.get(ammo_type_id, 0) end @doc """ Returns the count of used ammo_groups for multiple ammo types. ## Examples iex> get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types( ...> [%AmmoType{id: 123, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) %{123 => 3} """ @spec get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types([AmmoType.t()], User.t()) :: %{optional( => non_neg_integer()} def get_used_ammo_groups_count_for_types(ammo_types, %User{id: user_id}) do ammo_type_ids = ammo_types |> %AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id, user_id: ^user_id} -> ammo_type_id end) Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, where: ag.user_id == ^user_id, where: ag.ammo_type_id in ^ammo_type_ids, where: ag.count == 0, group_by: ag.ammo_type_id, select: {ag.ammo_type_id, count(} ) |> end @doc """ Returns number of ammo packs in a container. ## Examples iex> get_ammo_groups_count_for_container( ...> %Container{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 3 """ @spec get_ammo_groups_count_for_container!(Container.t(), User.t()) :: non_neg_integer() def get_ammo_groups_count_for_container!( %Container{id: container_id} = container, %User{} = user ) do [container] |> get_ammo_groups_count_for_containers(user) |> Map.get(container_id, 0) end @doc """ Returns number of ammo packs in multiple containers. ## Examples iex> get_ammo_groups_count_for_containers( ...> [%Container{id: 123, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) %{123 => 3} """ @spec get_ammo_groups_count_for_containers([Container.t()], User.t()) :: %{ => non_neg_integer() } def get_ammo_groups_count_for_containers(containers, %User{id: user_id}) do container_ids = containers |> %Container{id: container_id, user_id: ^user_id} -> container_id end) Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, where: ag.container_id in ^container_ids, where: ag.count != 0, group_by: ag.container_id, select: {ag.container_id, count(} ) |> end @doc """ Returns number of rounds in a container. ## Examples iex> get_round_count_for_container( ...> %Container{id: 123, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 5 """ @spec get_round_count_for_container!(Container.t(), User.t()) :: non_neg_integer() def get_round_count_for_container!(%Container{id: container_id} = container, user) do [container] |> get_round_count_for_containers(user) |> Map.get(container_id, 0) end @doc """ Returns number of ammo packs in multiple containers. ## Examples iex> get_round_count_for_containers( ...> [%Container{id: 123, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) %{123 => 5} """ @spec get_round_count_for_containers([Container.t()], User.t()) :: %{ => non_neg_integer()} def get_round_count_for_containers(containers, %User{id: user_id}) do container_ids = containers |> %Container{id: container_id, user_id: ^user_id} -> container_id end) Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, where: ag.container_id in ^container_ids, group_by: ag.container_id, select: {ag.container_id, sum(ag.count)} ) |> end @doc """ Returns the list of ammo_groups. ## Examples iex> list_ammo_groups(%User{id: 123}) [%AmmoGroup{}, ...] iex> list_ammo_groups("cool", true, %User{id: 123}) [%AmmoGroup{notes: "My cool ammo group"}, ...] """ @spec list_ammo_groups(User.t()) :: [AmmoGroup.t()] @spec list_ammo_groups(search :: nil | String.t(), User.t()) :: [AmmoGroup.t()] @spec list_ammo_groups(search :: nil | String.t(), include_empty :: boolean(), User.t()) :: [AmmoGroup.t()] def list_ammo_groups(search \\ nil, include_empty \\ false, %{id: user_id}) do from( ag in AmmoGroup, as: :ag, join: at in assoc(ag, :ammo_type), as: :at, join: c in Container, on: ag.container_id ==, on: ag.user_id == c.user_id, as: :c, left_join: ct in ContainerTag, on: == ct.container_id, left_join: t in Tag, on: ct.tag_id ==, on: c.user_id == t.user_id, as: :t, where: ag.user_id == ^user_id, distinct:, preload: ^@ammo_group_preloads ) |> list_ammo_groups_include_empty(include_empty) |> list_ammo_groups_search(search) |> Repo.all() end defp list_ammo_groups_include_empty(query, true), do: query defp list_ammo_groups_include_empty(query, false) do query |> where([ag], not (ag.count == 0)) end defp list_ammo_groups_search(query, nil), do: query defp list_ammo_groups_search(query, ""), do: query defp list_ammo_groups_search(query, search) do trimmed_search = String.trim(search) query |> where( [ag: ag, at: at, c: c, t: t], fragment( "? @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?)",, ^trimmed_search ) or fragment( "? @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?)",, ^trimmed_search ) or fragment( "? @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?)",, ^trimmed_search ) or fragment( "? @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?)",, ^trimmed_search ) ) |> order_by( [ag: ag], desc: fragment( "ts_rank_cd(?, websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?), 4)",, ^trimmed_search ) ) end @doc """ Returns the list of staged ammo_groups for a user. ## Examples iex> list_staged_ammo_groups(%User{id: 123}) [%AmmoGroup{}, ...] """ @spec list_staged_ammo_groups(User.t()) :: [AmmoGroup.t()] def list_staged_ammo_groups(%User{id: user_id}) do Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, where: ag.user_id == ^user_id, where: ag.staged == true, preload: ^@ammo_group_preloads ) end @doc """ Gets a single ammo_group. Raises `KeyError` if the Ammo group does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_ammo_group!(123, %User{id: 123}) %AmmoGroup{} iex> get_ammo_group!(456, %User{id: 123}) ** (KeyError) """ @spec get_ammo_group!(, User.t()) :: AmmoGroup.t() def get_ammo_group!(id, user) do [id] |> get_ammo_groups(user) |> Map.fetch!(id) end @doc """ Gets a group of ammo_groups by their ID. ## Examples iex> get_ammo_groups([123, 456], %User{id: 123}) %{123 => %AmmoGroup{}, 456 => %AmmoGroup{}} """ @spec get_ammo_groups([], User.t()) :: %{optional( => AmmoGroup.t()} def get_ammo_groups(ids, %User{id: user_id}) do Repo.all( from ag in AmmoGroup, where: in ^ids, where: ag.user_id == ^user_id, preload: ^@ammo_group_preloads, select: {, ag} ) |> end @doc """ Calculates the percentage remaining of an ammo group out of 100 ## Examples iex> get_percentage_remaining( ...> %AmmoGroup{id: 123, count: 5, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 100 """ @spec get_percentage_remaining(AmmoGroup.t(), User.t()) :: non_neg_integer() def get_percentage_remaining(%AmmoGroup{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group, user) do [ammo_group] |> get_percentages_remaining(user) |> Map.fetch!(ammo_group_id) end @doc """ Calculates the percentages remaining of multiple ammo groups out of 100 ## Examples iex> get_percentages_remaining( ...> [%AmmoGroup{id: 123, count: 5, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) %{123 => 100} """ @spec get_percentages_remaining([AmmoGroup.t()], User.t()) :: %{optional( => non_neg_integer()} def get_percentages_remaining(ammo_groups, %User{id: user_id} = user) do original_counts = get_original_counts(ammo_groups, user) ammo_groups |> %AmmoGroup{id: ammo_group_id, count: count, user_id: ^user_id} -> percentage = case count do 0 -> 0 count -> round(count / Map.fetch!(original_counts, ammo_group_id) * 100) end {ammo_group_id, percentage} end) end @doc """ Gets the original count for an ammo group ## Examples iex> get_original_count( ...> %AmmoGroup{id: 123, count: 5, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 5 """ @spec get_original_count(AmmoGroup.t(), User.t()) :: non_neg_integer() def get_original_count(%AmmoGroup{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group, current_user) do [ammo_group] |> get_original_counts(current_user) |> Map.fetch!(ammo_group_id) end @doc """ Gets the original counts for multiple ammo groups ## Examples iex> get_original_counts( ...> [%AmmoGroup{id: 123, count: 5, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) %{123 => 5} """ @spec get_original_counts([AmmoGroup.t()], User.t()) :: %{optional( => non_neg_integer()} def get_original_counts(ammo_groups, %User{id: user_id} = current_user) do used_counts = ActivityLog.get_used_counts(ammo_groups, current_user) ammo_groups |> %AmmoGroup{id: ammo_group_id, count: count, user_id: ^user_id} -> {ammo_group_id, count + Map.get(used_counts, ammo_group_id, 0)} end) end @doc """ Calculates the CPR for a single ammo group ## Examples iex> get_cpr( ...> %AmmoGroup{id: 123, price_paid: 5, count: 5, user_id: 456}, ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) 1 """ @spec get_cpr(AmmoGroup.t(), User.t()) :: float() | nil def get_cpr(%AmmoGroup{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group, user) do [ammo_group] |> get_cprs(user) |> Map.get(ammo_group_id) end @doc """ Calculates the CPR for multiple ammo groups ## Examples iex> get_cprs( ...> [%AmmoGroup{id: 123, price_paid: 5, count: 5, user_id: 456}], ...> %User{id: 456} ...> ) %{123 => 1} """ @spec get_cprs([AmmoGroup.t()], User.t()) :: %{optional( => float()} def get_cprs(ammo_groups, %User{id: user_id} = current_user) do original_counts = get_original_counts(ammo_groups, current_user) ammo_groups |> Enum.reject(fn %AmmoGroup{price_paid: price_paid, user_id: ^user_id} -> price_paid |> is_nil() end) |> %{id: ammo_group_id, price_paid: price_paid} -> {ammo_group_id, calculate_cpr(price_paid, Map.fetch!(original_counts, ammo_group_id))} end) end @spec calculate_cpr(price_paid :: float() | nil, count :: integer()) :: float() | nil defp calculate_cpr(nil, _count), do: nil defp calculate_cpr(_price_paid, 0), do: nil defp calculate_cpr(price_paid, total_count), do: price_paid / total_count @doc """ Creates multiple ammo_groups at once. ## Examples iex> create_ammo_groups(%{field: value}, 3, %User{id: 123}) {:ok, {3, [%AmmoGroup{}]}} iex> create_ammo_groups(%{field: bad_value}, 3, %User{id: 123}) {:error, %Changeset{}} """ @spec create_ammo_groups(attrs :: map(), multiplier :: non_neg_integer(), User.t()) :: {:ok, {count :: non_neg_integer(), [AmmoGroup.t()] | nil}} | {:error, AmmoGroup.changeset()} def create_ammo_groups( %{"ammo_type_id" => ammo_type_id, "container_id" => container_id} = attrs, multiplier, %User{} = user ) when multiplier >= 1 and multiplier <= @ammo_group_create_limit and not (ammo_type_id |> is_nil()) and not (container_id |> is_nil()) do now = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second) changesets =, fn _count -> %AmmoGroup{} |> AmmoGroup.create_changeset( get_ammo_type!(ammo_type_id, user), Containers.get_container!(container_id, user), user, attrs ) end) if changesets |> Enum.all?(fn %{valid?: valid} -> valid end) do {count, inserted_ammo_groups} = Repo.insert_all( AmmoGroup, changesets |> changeset -> changeset |> Map.get(:changes) |> Map.merge(%{inserted_at: now, updated_at: now}) end), returning: true ) {:ok, {count, inserted_ammo_groups |> preload_ammo_group()}} else changesets |> Enum.reject(fn %{valid?: valid} -> valid end) |> List.first() |> Changeset.apply_action(:insert) end end def create_ammo_groups( %{"ammo_type_id" => ammo_type_id, "container_id" => container_id} = attrs, _multiplier, user ) when is_binary(ammo_type_id) and is_binary(container_id) do changeset = %AmmoGroup{} |> AmmoGroup.create_changeset( get_ammo_type!(ammo_type_id, user), Containers.get_container!(container_id, user), user, attrs ) |> Changeset.add_error(:multiplier, dgettext("errors", "Invalid multiplier")) {:error, changeset} end def create_ammo_groups(invalid_attrs, _multiplier, user) do {:error, %AmmoGroup{} |> AmmoGroup.create_changeset(nil, nil, user, invalid_attrs)} end @spec preload_ammo_group(AmmoGroup.t()) :: AmmoGroup.t() @spec preload_ammo_group([AmmoGroup.t()]) :: [AmmoGroup.t()] defp preload_ammo_group(ammo_group_or_ammo_groups) do ammo_group_or_ammo_groups |> Repo.preload(@ammo_group_preloads) end @doc """ Updates a ammo_group. ## Examples iex> update_ammo_group(ammo_group, %{field: new_value}, %User{id: 123}) {:ok, %AmmoGroup{}} iex> update_ammo_group(ammo_group, %{field: bad_value}, %User{id: 123}) {:error, %Changeset{}} """ @spec update_ammo_group(AmmoGroup.t(), attrs :: map(), User.t()) :: {:ok, AmmoGroup.t()} | {:error, AmmoGroup.changeset()} def update_ammo_group( %AmmoGroup{user_id: user_id} = ammo_group, attrs, %User{id: user_id} = user ) do ammo_group |> AmmoGroup.update_changeset(attrs, user) |> Repo.update() |> case do {:ok, ammo_group} -> {:ok, ammo_group |> preload_ammo_group()} {:error, changeset} -> {:error, changeset} end end @doc """ Deletes a ammo_group. ## Examples iex> delete_ammo_group(ammo_group, %User{id: 123}) {:ok, %AmmoGroup{}} iex> delete_ammo_group(ammo_group, %User{id: 123}) {:error, %Changeset{}} """ @spec delete_ammo_group(AmmoGroup.t(), User.t()) :: {:ok, AmmoGroup.t()} | {:error, AmmoGroup.changeset()} def delete_ammo_group(%AmmoGroup{user_id: user_id} = ammo_group, %User{id: user_id}) do ammo_group |> Repo.delete() |> case do {:ok, ammo_group} -> {:ok, ammo_group |> preload_ammo_group()} {:error, changeset} -> {:error, changeset} end end @doc """ Deletes a ammo_group. ## Examples iex> delete_ammo_group!(ammo_group, %User{id: 123}) %AmmoGroup{} """ @spec delete_ammo_group!(AmmoGroup.t(), User.t()) :: AmmoGroup.t() def delete_ammo_group!(ammo_group, user) do {:ok, ammo_group} = delete_ammo_group(ammo_group, user) ammo_group end end