defmodule CanneryWeb.PackLive.FormComponent do @moduledoc """ Livecomponent that can update or create an Cannery.Ammo.Pack """ use CanneryWeb, :live_component alias Cannery.Ammo.{Pack, Type} alias Cannery.{Accounts.User, Ammo, Containers, Containers.Container} alias Ecto.Changeset alias Phoenix.LiveView.Socket @impl true @spec mount(Socket.t()) :: {:ok, Socket.t()} def mount(socket) do {:ok, socket |> assign(:class, :all)} end @impl true @spec update( %{:pack => Pack.t(), :current_user => User.t(), optional(any) => any}, Socket.t() ) :: {:ok, Socket.t()} def update(%{pack: _pack} = assigns, socket) do socket |> assign(assigns) |> update() end @spec update(Socket.t()) :: {:ok, Socket.t()} def update(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket) do socket = socket |> assign(:types, Ammo.list_types(current_user)) |> assign_new(:containers, fn -> Containers.list_containers(current_user) end) {:ok, socket |> assign_changeset(%{})} end @impl true def handle_event("validate", %{"pack" => pack_params}, socket) do matched_class = case pack_params["class"] do "rifle" -> :rifle "shotgun" -> :shotgun "pistol" -> :pistol _other -> :all end socket = socket |> assign_changeset(pack_params, :validate) |> assign(:class, matched_class) {:noreply, socket} end def handle_event( "save", %{"pack" => pack_params}, %{assigns: %{action: action}} = socket ) do save_pack(socket, action, pack_params) end # HTML Helpers @spec container_options([Container.t()]) :: [{String.t(),}] defp container_options(containers) do containers |> %{id: id, name: name} -> {name, id} end) end @spec type_options([Type.t()], Type.class() | :all) :: [{String.t(),}] defp type_options(types, :all) do types |> %{id: id, name: name} -> {name, id} end) end defp type_options(types, selected_class) do types |> Enum.filter(fn %{class: class} -> class == selected_class end) |> %{id: id, name: name} -> {name, id} end) end # Save Helpers defp assign_changeset( %{assigns: %{action: action, pack: pack, current_user: user}} = socket, pack_params, changeset_action \\ nil ) do default_action = case action do create when create in [:new, :clone] -> :insert :edit -> :update end changeset = case default_action do :insert -> type = maybe_get_type(pack_params, user) container = maybe_get_container(pack_params, user) pack |> Pack.create_changeset(type, container, user, pack_params) :update -> pack |> Pack.update_changeset(pack_params, user) end changeset = if changeset_action do case changeset |> Changeset.apply_action(changeset_action) do {:ok, _data} -> changeset {:error, changeset} -> changeset end else changeset end socket |> assign(:changeset, changeset) end defp maybe_get_container(%{"container_id" => container_id}, user) when is_binary(container_id) do container_id |> Containers.get_container!(user) end defp maybe_get_container(_params_not_found, _user), do: nil defp maybe_get_type(%{"type_id" => type_id}, user) when is_binary(type_id) do type_id |> Ammo.get_type!(user) end defp maybe_get_type(_params_not_found, _user), do: nil defp save_pack( %{assigns: %{pack: pack, current_user: current_user, return_to: return_to}} = socket, :edit, pack_params ) do socket = case Ammo.update_pack(pack, pack_params, current_user) do {:ok, _pack} -> prompt = dgettext("prompts", "Ammo updated successfully") socket |> put_flash(:info, prompt) |> push_navigate(to: return_to) {:error, %Changeset{} = changeset} -> socket |> assign(:changeset, changeset) end {:noreply, socket} end defp save_pack( %{assigns: %{changeset: changeset, current_user: current_user, return_to: return_to}} = socket, action, %{"multiplier" => multiplier_str} = pack_params ) when action in [:new, :clone] do socket = with {multiplier, _remainder} <- multiplier_str |> Integer.parse(), {:ok, {count, _packs}} <- Ammo.create_packs(pack_params, multiplier, current_user) do prompt = dngettext( "prompts", "Ammo added successfully", "Ammo added successfully", count ) socket |> put_flash(:info, prompt) |> push_navigate(to: return_to) else {:error, %Changeset{} = changeset} -> socket |> assign(changeset: changeset) :error -> error_msg = dgettext("errors", "Could not parse number of copies") {:error, changeset} = changeset |> Changeset.add_error(:multiplier, error_msg) |> Changeset.apply_action(:insert) socket |> assign(:changeset, changeset) end {:noreply, socket} end end