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2023-06-18 07:14:39 -04:00
;;; org-wild-notifier.el --- Customizable org-agenda notifications -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2017 Artem Khramov
;; Author: Artem Khramov <>
;; Created: 6 Jan 2017
;; Version: 0.4.1
;; Package-Requires: ((alert "1.2") (async "1.9.3") (dash "2.18.0") (emacs "24.4"))
;; Keywords: notification alert org org-agenda agenda
;; URL:
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This package provides notification functions for org-agenda.
;; To perform a one-time check use `org-wild-notifier-check'
;; function.
;; To enable timer-based notifications please use
;; Notification times can be customized either globally (for all org
;; entries) through `org-wild-notifier-alert-time' variable or on per
;; org entry basis using `WILD_NOTIFIER_NOTIFY_BEFORE` property, which
;; in turn is customizable via
;; `org-wild-notifier-alert-times-property' variable.
;; By default you get notifications about TODO events only. To
;; customize that behavior please use
;; `org-wild-notifier-keyword-whitelist' variable. In contrary, if
;; you don't want to receive notifications regarding certain events,
;; you can use `org-wild-notifier-keyword-blacklist' variable.
;;; Code:
(require 'dash)
(require 'alert)
(require 'async)
(require 'org-agenda)
(require 'cl-lib)
(defgroup org-wild-notifier nil
"org-wild-notifier customization options"
:group 'org)
(defcustom org-wild-notifier-alert-time '(10)
"Time in minutes to get a notification about upcoming event.
Cannot be less than 1."
:package-version '(org-wild-notifier . "0.1.0")
:group 'org-wild-notifier
:type '(choice (integer :tag "Notify once")
(repeat integer)))
(defcustom org-wild-notifier-alert-times-property "WILD_NOTIFIER_NOTIFY_BEFORE"
"Use this property in your agenda files to add additional notifications \
to an event."
:package-version '(org-wild-notifier . "0.1.0")
:group 'org-wild-notifier
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-wild-notifier-notification-title "Agenda"
"Notifications title."
:package-version '(org-wild-notifier . "0.1.0")
:group 'org-wild-notifier
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-wild-notifier-notification-icon nil
"Path to notification icon file."
:package-version '(org-wild-notifier . "0.4.1")
:group 'org-wild-notifier
:type 'string)
(defcustom org-wild-notifier-keyword-whitelist '("TODO")
"Receive notifications for these keywords only.
Leave this variable blank if you do not want to filter anything."
:package-version '(org-wild-notifier . "0.2.2")
:group 'org-wild-notifier
:type '(repeat string))
(defcustom org-wild-notifier-keyword-blacklist nil
"Never receive notifications for these keywords."
:package-version '(org-wild-notifier . "0.2.2")
:group 'org-wild-notifier
:type '(repeat string))
(defcustom org-wild-notifier-tags-whitelist nil
"Receive notifications for these tags only.
Leave this variable blank if you do not want to filter anything."
:package-version '(org-wild-notifier . "0.3.1")
:group 'org-wild-notifier
:type '(repeat string))
(defcustom org-wild-notifier-tags-blacklist nil
"Never receive notifications for these tags."
:package-version '(org-wild-notifier . "0.3.1")
:group 'org-wild-notifier
:type '(repeat string))
(defcustom org-wild-notifier--alert-severity 'medium
"Severity of the alert.
options: 'high 'medium 'low"
:package-version '(org-wild-notifier . "0.3.1")
:group 'org-wild-notifier
:type 'symbol
:options '(high medium low))
(defvar org-wild-notifier--day-wide-events nil
"If truthy, notifies about day-wide events.")
(defvar org-wild-notifier--timer nil
"Timer value.")
(defvar org-wild-notifier--process nil
"Currently-running async process.")
(defvar org-wild-notifier--agenda-buffer-name "*org wild notifier affairs*"
"A name for temporary 'org-agenda' buffer.")
(defvar org-wild-notifier--last-check-time (seconds-to-time 0)
"Last time checked for events.")
(defun org-wild-notifier--time= (&rest list)
"Compare timestamps.
Comparison is performed by converted each element of LIST onto string
in order to ignore seconds."
(->> list
(--map (format-time-string "%d:%H:%M" it))
(= 1)))
(defun org-wild-notifier--today ()
"Get the timestamp for the beginning of current day."
(apply 'encode-time
(append '(0 0 0) (nthcdr 3 (decode-time (current-time))))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--always-notify-p (event)
"Check that notification for the EVENT should be done regardless of time.
For now, the only case that handled is day-wide events."
(when org-wild-notifier--day-wide-events
(let ((today (org-wild-notifier--today)))
;; SPIKE: Org timestamps without "time" section are shorter than
;; 16 characters.
(--any-p (and (<= (length (car it)) 16) (equal today (cdr it)))
(cadr (assoc 'times event))))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--timestamp-within-interval-p (timestamp interval)
"Check whether TIMESTAMP is within notification INTERVAL."
(time-add (current-time) (seconds-to-time (* 60 interval)))
(defun org-wild-notifier--notifications (event)
"Get notifications for given EVENT.
Returns a list of notification intervals."
(if (org-wild-notifier--always-notify-p event)
(->> `(,(cadr (assoc 'times event)) ,(cdr (assoc 'intervals event)))
(apply '-table-flat (lambda (ts int) `(,(cdr ts) ,int)))
(--filter (apply 'org-wild-notifier--timestamp-within-interval-p it))
(-map 'cadr))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--time-left (seconds)
"Human-friendly representation for SECONDS."
(-> seconds
((pred (>= 0)) "right now")
((pred (>= 3600)) "in %M")
(_ "in %H %M"))
(format-seconds seconds)))
(defun org-wild-notifier--get-hh-mm-from-org-time-string (time-string)
"Convert given org time-string TIME-STRING into string with 'hh:mm' format."
(if (>= (length time-string) 22)
(substring time-string 16 21)
(defun org-wild-notifier--notification-text (str-interval event)
"For given STR-INTERVAL list and EVENT get notification wording."
(format "%s at %s (%s)"
(cdr (assoc 'title event))
(org-wild-notifier--get-hh-mm-from-org-time-string (car str-interval))
(org-wild-notifier--time-left (* 60 (cdr str-interval)))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--check-event (event)
"Get notifications for given EVENT.
Returns a list of notification messages"
(->> (org-wild-notifier--notifications event)
(--zip-with (cons (car it) other) (cadr (assoc 'times event)))
(--map (org-wild-notifier--notification-text it event))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--get-tags (marker)
"Retrieve tags of MARKER."
(-> (org-entry-get marker "TAGS")
(or "")
(org-split-string ":")))
(defun org-wild-notifier--whitelist-predicates ()
(->> `([,org-wild-notifier-keyword-whitelist
(lambda (it)
(-contains-p org-wild-notifier-keyword-whitelist
(org-entry-get it "TODO")))]
(lambda (it)
(-intersection org-wild-notifier-tags-whitelist
(org-wild-notifier--get-tags it)))])
(--filter (aref it 0))
(--map (aref it 1))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--blacklist-predicates ()
(->> `([,org-wild-notifier-keyword-blacklist
(lambda (it)
(-contains-p org-wild-notifier-keyword-blacklist
(org-entry-get it "TODO")))]
(lambda (it)
(-intersection org-wild-notifier-tags-blacklist
(org-wild-notifier--get-tags it)))])
(--filter (aref it 0))
(--map (aref it 1))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--apply-whitelist (markers)
"Apply whitelist to MARKERS."
(-if-let (whitelist-predicates (org-wild-notifier--whitelist-predicates))
(-> (apply '-orfn whitelist-predicates)
(-filter markers))
(defun org-wild-notifier--apply-blacklist (markers)
"Apply blacklist to MARKERS."
(-if-let (blacklist-predicates (org-wild-notifier--blacklist-predicates))
(-> (apply '-orfn blacklist-predicates)
(-remove markers))
(defun org-wild-notifier--retrieve-events ()
"Get events from agenda view."
(let ((agenda-files (-filter 'file-exists-p (org-agenda-files)))
;; Some package managers manipulate `load-path` variable.
(my-load-path load-path)
(todo-keywords org-todo-keywords)
(alert-time org-wild-notifier-alert-time)
(keyword-whitelist org-wild-notifier-keyword-whitelist)
(keyword-blacklist org-wild-notifier-keyword-blacklist)
(tags-whitelist org-wild-notifier-tags-whitelist)
(tags-blacklist org-wild-notifier-tags-blacklist))
(lambda ()
(setf org-agenda-use-time-grid nil)
(setf org-agenda-compact-blocks t)
(setf org-agenda-files agenda-files)
(setf load-path my-load-path)
(setf org-todo-keywords todo-keywords)
(setf org-wild-notifier-alert-time alert-time)
(setf org-wild-notifier-keyword-whitelist keyword-whitelist)
(setf org-wild-notifier-keyword-blacklist keyword-blacklist)
(setf org-wild-notifier-tags-whitelist tags-whitelist)
(setf org-wild-notifier-tags-blacklist tags-blacklist)
(require 'org-wild-notifier)
(org-agenda-list 2
(org-read-date nil nil "today"))
(->> (org-split-string (buffer-string) "\n")
(--map (plist-get
(org-fix-agenda-info (text-properties-at 0 it))
(-map 'org-wild-notifier--gather-info)))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--notify (event-msg)
"Notify about an event using `alert' library.
EVENT-MSG is a string representation of the event."
(alert event-msg
:icon org-wild-notifier-notification-icon
:title org-wild-notifier-notification-title
:severity org-wild-notifier--alert-severity))
(defun org-wild-notifier--timestamp-parse (timestamp)
(let ((parsed (org-parse-time-string timestamp))
(today (org-format-time-string "<%Y-%m-%d>")))
;; seconds-to-time returns also milliseconds and nanoseconds so we
;; have to "trim" the list
;; we get the cycled absolute day (not hour and minutes)
(org-time-from-absolute (org-closest-date timestamp today 'past))
;; so we have to add the minutes too
(+ (* (decoded-time-hour parsed) 3600)
(* (decoded-time-minute parsed) 60))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--extract-time (marker)
"Extract timestamps from MARKER.
Timestamps are extracted as cons cells. car holds org-formatted
string, cdr holds time in list-of-integer format."
(let ((org-timestamp (org-entry-get marker it)))
(and org-timestamp
(cons org-timestamp
(org-wild-notifier--timestamp-parse org-timestamp))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--extract-title (marker)
"Extract event title from MARKER.
MARKER acts like the event's identifier."
(org-with-point-at marker
(-let (((_lvl _reduced-lvl _todo _priority title _tags)
(defun org-wild-notifier--extract-notication-intervals (marker)
"Extract notification intervals from the event's properties.
MARKER acts like the event's identifier. Resulting list also contains
standard notification interval (`org-wild-notifier-alert-time')."
`(,@(-flatten (list org-wild-notifier-alert-time))
,@(-map 'string-to-number
(defun org-wild-notifier--gather-info (marker)
"Collect information about an event.
MARKER acts like event's identifier."
`((times . (,(org-wild-notifier--extract-time marker)))
(title . ,(org-wild-notifier--extract-title marker))
(intervals . ,(org-wild-notifier--extract-notication-intervals marker))))
(defun org-wild-notifier--stop ()
"Stops the notification timer and cancel any in-progress checks."
(-some-> org-wild-notifier--timer (cancel-timer))
(when org-wild-notifier--process
(interrupt-process org-wild-notifier--process)
(setq org-wild-notifier--process nil)))
(defun org-wild-notifier--start ()
"Start the notification timer. Cancel old one, if any.
Timer is scheduled on the beginning of every minute, so for
smoother experience this function also runs a check without timer."
(let ((org-wild-notifier--day-wide-events t))
(--> (format-time-string "%H:%M" (time-add (current-time) 60))
(run-at-time it 60 'org-wild-notifier-check)
(setf org-wild-notifier--timer it)))
(defun org-wild-notifier-check ()
"Parse agenda view and notify about upcoming events.
Do nothing if a check is already in progress in the background."
(unless (and org-wild-notifier--process
(process-live-p org-wild-notifier--process))
(setq org-wild-notifier--process
(let ((default-directory user-emacs-directory))
(lambda (events)
(setq org-wild-notifier--process nil)
(->> events
(-map 'org-wild-notifier--check-event)
(setq org-wild-notifier--last-check-time (current-time))))))))
(define-minor-mode org-wild-notifier-mode
"Toggle org notifications globally.
When enabled parses your agenda once a minute and emits notifications
if needed."
:lighter "Org Wild Notifier"
(if org-wild-notifier-mode
(provide 'org-wild-notifier)
;;; org-wild-notifier.el ends here