2022-01-31 20:04:38 -05:00

4.2 KiB

Contribution Guide

Thanks for contributing to Cannery! Please read over the style tips to help make contributing to Cannery (hopefully) as great of an experience as you found it!


  • In order to cut down on code verbosity and readability, please try to use inline do: blocks for short functions and make your aliases as short as possible without introducing ambiguity.
    • I.e. since there's only one Changeset in the app, please alias Changeset.t() instead of using Ecto.Changeset.t()
  • Use pipelines when possible. If a function only calls a single method, a pipeline isn't strictly necessary but still encouraged for future modification.
  • Please add typespecs to your functions! Even your private functions may be used by others later down the line, and typespecs will be able to help document your code just a little bit better, and improve the debugging process.
    • Typespec arguments can be named like @spec function(arg_name :: type()) :: return_type(). Please use these for generic types, such as map() when the input data isn't immediately obvious.
  • When making new models, please take inspiration from the existing models in regards to layout of sections, typespec design, and formatting.
  • With Elixir convention, for methods that raise on error please name them like function_that_raises!(), and functions that return a boolean like function_that_returns_boolean?(). For other methods, it's encouraged to use status tuples for other functions like {:ok, result} or {:error, reason_or_changeset} instead of just returning result or nil for easy pattern matching.
  • Before submitting a PR, please make sure all tests are passing using mix test.

And as always, thank you!



  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install the elixir and erlang binaries. I recommend using asdf version manager, which will use the .tool-versions file to install the correct versions of Erlang, Elixir and npm for this project!
  3. Run mix deps.get and mix compile to fetch all dependencies
  4. Run mix setup to initialize your database.
  5. Run mix phx.server to start the development server.


For development, I recommend setting environment variables with direnv.


In dev mode, Cannery will listen for these environment variables on compile.

  • HOST: External url to generate links with. Set these especially if you're behind a reverse proxy. Defaults to localhost.
  • PORT: External port for urls. Defaults to 443.
  • DATABASE_URL: Controls the database url to connect to. Defaults to ecto://postgres:postgres@localhost/cannery_dev.
  • REGISTRATION: Controls if user sign-up should be invite only or set to public. Set to public to enable public registration. Defaults to invite.


In prod mode (or in the Docker container), Cannery will listen for these environment variables at runtime.

  • HOST: External url to generate links with. Set these especially if you're behind a reverse proxy. Defaults to localhost.
  • PORT: Internal port to bind to. Defaults to 80 and attempts to bind to Must be reverse proxied!
  • DATABASE_URL: Controls the database url to connect to. Defaults to ecto://postgres:postgres@cannery-db/cannery.
  • ECTO_IPV6: Controls if Ecto should use ipv6 to connect to PostgreSQL. Defaults to false.
  • POOL_SIZE: Controls the pool size to use with PostgreSQL. Defaults to 10.
  • SECRET_KEY_BASE: Secret key base used to sign cookies. Must be generated with mix phx.gen.secret and set for server to start.
  • REGISTRATION: Controls if user sign-up should be invite only or set to public. Set to public to enable public registration. Defaults to invite.