defmodule CanneryWeb.PackLiveTest do @moduledoc """ Tests pack live pages """ use CanneryWeb.ConnCase, async: true import Phoenix.LiveViewTest alias Cannery.{Ammo, Repo} @moduletag :pack_live_test @create_attrs %{count: 42, notes: "some notes", price_paid: 120.5} @update_attrs %{count: 43, notes: "some updated notes", price_paid: 456.7} @invalid_attrs %{count: nil, notes: nil, price_paid: nil} @pack_create_limit 10_000 @shot_record_create_attrs %{ammo_left: 5, notes: "some notes"} @shot_record_update_attrs %{ count: 5, date: ~N[2022-02-13 03:17:00], notes: "some updated notes" } @shot_record_invalid_attrs %{ammo_left: nil, count: nil, notes: nil} @empty_attrs %{ price_paid: 50, count: 20 } @shot_record_attrs %{ price_paid: 50, count: 20 } defp create_pack(%{current_user: current_user}) do type = type_fixture(current_user) container = container_fixture(current_user) {1, [pack]} = pack_fixture(@create_attrs, type, container, current_user) [type: type, pack: pack, container: container] end defp create_shot_record(%{current_user: current_user, pack: pack}) do shot_record = shot_record_fixture(@shot_record_update_attrs, current_user, pack) pack = pack |> Repo.reload!() [pack: pack, shot_record: shot_record] end defp create_empty_pack(%{ current_user: current_user, type: type, container: container }) do {1, [pack]} = pack_fixture(@empty_attrs, type, container, current_user) shot_record = shot_record_fixture(@shot_record_attrs, current_user, pack) pack = pack |> Repo.reload!() [empty_pack: pack, shot_record: shot_record] end describe "Index of pack" do setup [:register_and_log_in_user, :create_pack] test "lists all packs", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, _index_live, html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") pack = pack |> Repo.preload(:type) assert html =~ "Ammo" assert html =~ end test "can sort by type", %{conn: conn, container: container, current_user: current_user} do rifle_type = type_fixture(%{class: :rifle}, current_user) {1, [rifle_pack]} = pack_fixture(rifle_type, container, current_user) shotgun_type = type_fixture(%{class: :shotgun}, current_user) {1, [shotgun_pack]} = pack_fixture(shotgun_type, container, current_user) pistol_type = type_fixture(%{class: :pistol}, current_user) {1, [pistol_pack]} = pack_fixture(pistol_type, container, current_user) {:ok, index_live, html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert html =~ "All" assert html =~ assert html =~ assert html =~ html = index_live |> form(~s/form[phx-change="change_class"]/) |> render_change(type: %{class: :rifle}) assert html =~ refute html =~ refute html =~ html = index_live |> form(~s/form[phx-change="change_class"]/) |> render_change(type: %{class: :shotgun}) refute html =~ assert html =~ refute html =~ html = index_live |> form(~s/form[phx-change="change_class"]/) |> render_change(type: %{class: :pistol}) refute html =~ refute html =~ assert html =~ html = index_live |> form(~s/form[phx-change="change_class"]/) |> render_change(type: %{class: :all}) assert html =~ assert html =~ assert html =~ end test "can search for packs", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, index_live, html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") pack = pack |> Repo.preload(:type) assert html =~ assert index_live |> form(~s/form[phx-change="search"]/) |> render_change(search: %{search_term:}) =~ assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/search/#{}") refute index_live |> form(~s/form[phx-change="search"]/) |> render_change(search: %{search_term: "something_else"}) =~ assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/search/something_else") assert index_live |> form(~s/form[phx-change="search"]/) |> render_change(search: %{search_term: ""}) =~ assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo") end test "saves a single new pack", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert index_live |> element("a", "Add Ammo") |> render_click() =~ "Add Ammo" assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/new") assert index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_change(pack: @invalid_attrs) =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _view, html} = index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_submit(pack: @create_attrs) |> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert html =~ "Ammo added successfully" assert html =~ "\n42\n" end test "saves multiple new packs", %{conn: conn, current_user: current_user} do multiplier = 25 {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert index_live |> element("a", "Add Ammo") |> render_click() =~ "Add Ammo" assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/new") assert index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_change(pack: @invalid_attrs) =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _view, html} = index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_submit(pack: @create_attrs |> Map.put(:multiplier, multiplier)) |> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert html =~ "Ammo added successfully" assert Ammo.list_packs(current_user) |> Enum.count() == multiplier + 1 end test "does not save invalid number of new packs", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert index_live |> element("a", "Add Ammo") |> render_click() =~ "Add Ammo" assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/new") assert index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_change(pack: @invalid_attrs) =~ "can't be blank" assert index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_submit(pack: @create_attrs |> Map.put(:multiplier, "0")) =~ "Invalid number of copies, must be between 1 and #{@pack_create_limit}. Was 0" assert index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_submit(pack: @create_attrs |> Map.put(:multiplier, @pack_create_limit + 1)) =~ "Invalid number of copies, must be between 1 and #{@pack_create_limit}. Was #{@pack_create_limit + 1}" end test "updates pack in listing", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert index_live |> element(~s/a[aria-label="Edit pack of #{pack.count} bullets"]/) |> render_click() =~ "Edit ammo" assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/edit/#{pack}") assert index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_change(pack: @invalid_attrs) =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _view, html} = index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_submit(pack: @update_attrs) |> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert html =~ "Ammo updated successfully" assert html =~ "\n43\n" end test "clones pack in listing", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") html = index_live |> element(~s/a[aria-label="Clone pack of #{pack.count} bullets"]/) |> render_click() assert html =~ "Add Ammo" assert html =~ "$#{display_currency(120.5)}" assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/clone/#{pack}") {:ok, _index_live, html} = index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_submit() |> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert html =~ "Ammo added successfully" assert html =~ "\n42\n" assert html =~ "$#{display_currency(120.5)}" end test "checks validity when cloning", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") html = index_live |> element(~s/a[aria-label="Clone pack of #{pack.count} bullets"]/) |> render_click() assert html =~ "Add Ammo" assert html =~ "$#{display_currency(120.5)}" assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/clone/#{pack}") assert index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_change(pack: @invalid_attrs) =~ "can't be blank" end test "clones pack in listing with updates", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") html = index_live |> element(~s/a[aria-label="Clone pack of #{pack.count} bullets"]/) |> render_click() assert html =~ "Add Ammo" assert html =~ "$#{display_currency(120.5)}" assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/clone/#{pack}") assert index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_change(pack: @invalid_attrs) =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _view, html} = index_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_submit(pack: @create_attrs |> Map.put(:count, 43)) |> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert html =~ "Ammo added successfully" assert html =~ "\n43\n" assert html =~ "$#{display_currency(120.5)}" end test "deletes pack in listing", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert index_live |> element(~s/a[aria-label="Delete pack of #{pack.count} bullets"]/) |> render_click() refute has_element?(index_live, "#pack-#{}") end test "saves new shot_record", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert index_live |> element("a", "Record shots") |> render_click() =~ "Record shots" assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/add_shot_record/#{pack}") assert index_live |> form("#shot-record-form") |> render_change(shot_record: @shot_record_invalid_attrs) =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _view, html} = index_live |> form("#shot-record-form") |> render_submit(shot_record: @shot_record_create_attrs) |> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert html =~ "Shots recorded successfully" end @spec display_currency(float()) :: String.t() defp display_currency(float), do: :erlang.float_to_binary(float, decimals: 2) end describe "Index of empty pack" do setup [:register_and_log_in_user, :create_pack, :create_empty_pack] test "hides empty packs by default", %{ conn: conn, empty_pack: pack, current_user: current_user } do {:ok, show_live, html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo") assert html =~ "Show used" refute html =~ "$#{display_currency(50.00)}" percentage = pack |> Ammo.get_percentage_remaining(current_user) refute html =~ "\n#{"#{percentage}%"}\n" html = show_live |> element(~s/input[type="checkbox"][aria-labelledby="toggle_show_used-label"}]/) |> render_click() assert html =~ "$#{display_currency(50.00)}" percentage = pack |> Ammo.get_percentage_remaining(current_user) assert html =~ "\n#{"#{percentage}%"}\n" end end describe "Show pack" do setup [:register_and_log_in_user, :create_pack] test "displays pack", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, _show_live, html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo/show/#{pack}") pack = pack |> Repo.preload(:type) assert html =~ "Show Ammo" assert html =~ end test "updates pack within modal", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo/show/#{pack}") assert show_live |> element(~s/a[aria-label="Edit pack of #{pack.count} bullets"]/) |> render_click() =~ "Edit Ammo" assert_patch(show_live, ~p"/ammo/show/edit/#{pack}") assert show_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_change(pack: @invalid_attrs) =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _view, html} = show_live |> form("#pack-form") |> render_submit(pack: @update_attrs) |> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/ammo/show/#{pack}") assert html =~ "Ammo updated successfully" assert html =~ "some updated notes" end test "saves new shot_record", %{conn: conn, pack: pack} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo/show/#{pack}") assert index_live |> element("a", "Record shots") |> render_click() =~ "Record shots" assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/show/add_shot_record/#{pack}") assert index_live |> form("#shot-record-form") |> render_change(shot_record: @shot_record_invalid_attrs) =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _view, html} = index_live |> form("#shot-record-form") |> render_submit(shot_record: @shot_record_create_attrs) |> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/ammo/show/#{pack}") assert html =~ "Shots recorded successfully" end end describe "Show pack with shot record" do setup [:register_and_log_in_user, :create_pack, :create_shot_record] test "updates shot_record in listing", %{conn: conn, pack: pack, shot_record: shot_record} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo/show/edit/#{pack}") assert index_live |> element(~s/a[aria-label="Edit shot record of #{shot_record.count} shots"]/) |> render_click() =~ "Edit Shot Record" assert_patch(index_live, ~p"/ammo/show/#{pack}/edit/#{shot_record}") assert index_live |> form("#shot-record-form") |> render_change(shot_record: @shot_record_invalid_attrs) =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _view, html} = index_live |> form("#shot-record-form") |> render_submit(shot_record: @shot_record_update_attrs) |> follow_redirect(conn, ~p"/ammo/show/#{pack}") assert html =~ "Shot records updated successfully" assert html =~ "some updated notes" end test "deletes shot_record in listing", %{conn: conn, pack: pack, shot_record: shot_record} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, ~p"/ammo/show/#{pack}/edit/#{shot_record}") assert index_live |> element(~s/a[aria-label="Delete shot record of #{shot_record.count} shots"]/) |> render_click() refute has_element?(index_live, "#shot_record-#{}") end end end