add multiple ammo groups at one time

This commit is contained in:
shibao 2022-02-24 00:16:23 -05:00
parent d79d0fa179
commit a6b2c6181e
13 changed files with 257 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- Add prompt to create first container before first ammo group
- Edit and delete shot groups from ammo group show page
- Use today's date when adding new shot groups
- Create multiple ammo groups at one time
# v0.2.3
- Fix modals with overflowing forms

View File

@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ defmodule Cannery.Ammo do
import Ecto.Query, warn: false
alias Cannery.{Accounts.User, Containers, Repo}
alias Cannery.Ammo.{AmmoGroup, AmmoType}
alias Ecto.Changeset
alias Ecto.{Changeset, Multi}
@ammo_group_create_limit 10_000
@doc """
Returns the list of ammo_types.
@ -327,36 +329,63 @@ defmodule Cannery.Ammo do
@doc """
Creates a ammo_group.
Creates multiple ammo_groups at once.
## Examples
iex> create_ammo_group(%{field: value}, %User{id: 123})
{:ok, %AmmoGroup{}}
iex> create_ammo_groups(%{field: value}, 3, %User{id: 123})
{:ok, {3, [%AmmoGroup{}]}}
iex> create_ammo_group(%{field: bad_value}, %User{id: 123})
iex> create_ammo_groups(%{field: bad_value}, 3, %User{id: 123})
{:error, %Changeset{}}
@spec create_ammo_group(attrs :: map(), User.t()) ::
{:ok, AmmoGroup.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t(AmmoGroup.new_ammo_group())}
def create_ammo_group(
@spec create_ammo_groups(attrs :: map(), multiplier :: non_neg_integer(), User.t()) ::
{:ok, {count :: non_neg_integer(), [AmmoGroup.t()] | nil}}
| {:error, Changeset.t(AmmoGroup.new_ammo_group()) | nil}
def create_ammo_groups(
%{"ammo_type_id" => ammo_type_id, "container_id" => container_id} = attrs,
%User{id: user_id} = user
) do
when multiplier >= 1 and multiplier <= @ammo_group_create_limit do
# validate ammo type and container ids belong to user
_valid_ammo_type = get_ammo_type!(ammo_type_id, user)
_valid_container = Containers.get_container!(container_id, user)
|> AmmoGroup.create_changeset(attrs |> Map.put("user_id", user_id))
|> Repo.insert()
now = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second)
changesets =, fn _count ->
%AmmoGroup{} |> AmmoGroup.create_changeset(attrs |> Map.put("user_id", user_id))
if changesets |> Enum.all?(fn %{valid?: valid} -> valid end) do
|> Multi.insert_all(
|> changeset ->
|> Map.get(:changes)
|> Map.merge(%{inserted_at: now, updated_at: now})
returning: true
|> Repo.transaction()
|> case do
{:ok, %{create_ammo_groups: {count, ammo_groups}}} -> {:ok, {count, ammo_groups}}
{:error, :create_ammo_groups, changeset, _changes_so_far} -> {:error, changeset}
{:error, _other_transaction, _value, _changes_so_far} -> {:error, nil}
{:error, changesets |> List.first()}
def create_ammo_group(invalid_attrs, _user) do
|> AmmoGroup.create_changeset(invalid_attrs |> Map.put("user_id", "-1"))
|> Repo.insert()
def create_ammo_groups(invalid_attrs, _multiplier, _user) do
{:error, %AmmoGroup{} |> AmmoGroup.create_changeset(invalid_attrs)}
@doc """

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.AmmoGroupLive.FormComponent do
alias Ecto.Changeset
alias Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
@ammo_group_create_limit 10_000
@impl true
@spec update(
%{:ammo_group => AmmoGroup.t(), :current_user => User.t(), optional(any) => any},
@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.AmmoGroupLive.FormComponent do
def update(%{assigns: %{ammo_group: ammo_group, current_user: current_user}} = socket) do
socket =
|> assign(:ammo_group_create_limit, @ammo_group_create_limit)
|> assign(:changeset, Ammo.change_ammo_group(ammo_group))
|> assign(:ammo_types, Ammo.list_ammo_types(current_user))
|> assign_new(:containers, fn -> Containers.list_containers(current_user) end)
@ -80,20 +83,68 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.AmmoGroupLive.FormComponent do
defp save_ammo_group(
%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user, return_to: return_to}} = socket,
%{assigns: %{changeset: changeset}} = socket,
%{"multiplier" => multiplier_str} = ammo_group_params
) do
socket =
case Ammo.create_ammo_group(ammo_group_params, current_user) do
{:ok, _ammo_group} ->
prompt = dgettext("prompts", "Ammo group created successfully")
socket |> put_flash(:info, prompt) |> push_redirect(to: return_to)
case multiplier_str |> Integer.parse() do
{multiplier, _remainder}
when multiplier >= 1 and multiplier <= @ammo_group_create_limit ->
socket |> create_multiple(ammo_group_params, multiplier)
{:error, %Changeset{} = changeset} ->
socket |> assign(changeset: changeset)
{multiplier, _remainder} ->
error_msg =
"Invalid number of copies, must be between 1 and %{max}. Was %{multiplier}",
max: @ammo_group_create_limit,
multiplier: multiplier
{:error, changeset} =
|> Changeset.add_error(:multiplier, error_msg)
|> Changeset.apply_action(:insert)
socket |> assign(:changeset, changeset)
:error ->
error_msg = dgettext("errors", "Could not parse number of copies")
{:error, changeset} =
|> Changeset.add_error(:multiplier, error_msg)
|> Changeset.apply_action(:insert)
socket |> assign(:changeset, changeset)
{:noreply, socket}
defp create_multiple(
%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user, return_to: return_to}} = socket,
) do
case Ammo.create_ammo_groups(ammo_group_params, multiplier, current_user) do
{:ok, {count, _ammo_groups}} ->
prompt =
"Ammo group created successfully",
"Ammo groups created successfully",
socket |> put_flash(:info, prompt) |> push_redirect(to: return_to)
{:error, %Changeset{} = changeset} ->
socket |> assign(changeset: changeset)
{:error, nil} ->

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<%= label(f, :price_paid, gettext("Price paid"), class: "title text-lg text-primary-600") %>
<%= number_input(f, :price_paid,
step: "0.01",
step: 0.01,
class: "text-center col-span-2 input input-primary"
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :price_paid, "col-span-3 text-center") %>
@ -51,9 +51,29 @@
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :container_id, "col-span-3 text-center") %>
<%= case @action do %>
<% :new -> %>
<hr class="hr col-span-3" />
<%= label(f, :multiplier, gettext("Copies"), class: "title text-lg text-primary-600") %>
<%= number_input(f, :multiplier,
max: @ammo_group_create_limit,
class: "text-center input input-primary",
value: 1,
phx_update: "ignore"
) %>
<%= submit(dgettext("actions", "Create"),
phx_disable_with: dgettext("prompts", "Creating..."),
class: "mx-auto btn btn-primary"
) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :multiplier, "col-span-3 text-center") %>
<% :edit -> %>
<%= submit(dgettext("actions", "Save"),
phx_disable_with: dgettext("prompts", "Saving..."),
class: "mx-auto col-span-3 btn btn-primary"
) %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/components/add_shot_group_component.html.heex:46
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.html.heex:54
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.html.heex:73
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_type_live/form_component.html.heex:156
#: lib/cannery_web/live/container_live/form_component.html.heex:50
#: lib/cannery_web/live/invite_live/form_component.html.heex:28
@ -196,3 +196,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/index.html.heex:36
msgid "add a container first"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.html.heex:66
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -834,3 +834,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/cannery_web/live/range_live/index.ex:28
msgid "Record Shots"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.html.heex:58
msgid "Copies"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -157,3 +157,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/cannery_web/live/container_live/edit_tags_component.ex:52
msgid "Tag could not be removed"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.ex:113
msgid "Could not parse number of copies"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.ex:98
msgid "Invalid number of copies, must be between 1 and %{max}. Was %{multiplier}"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -61,11 +61,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A link to confirm your email change has been sent to the new address."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.ex:90
msgid "Ammo group created successfully"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/index.ex:56
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/show.ex:52
@ -73,7 +68,7 @@ msgid "Ammo group deleted succesfully"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.ex:72
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.ex:75
msgid "Ammo group updated successfully"
msgstr ""
@ -160,7 +155,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/components/add_shot_group_component.html.heex:48
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.html.heex:55
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.html.heex:74
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_type_live/form_component.html.heex:157
#: lib/cannery_web/live/container_live/form_component.html.heex:52
#: lib/cannery_web/live/invite_live/form_component.html.heex:30
@ -251,3 +246,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/index.html.heex:33
msgid "You'll need to"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.html.heex:67
msgid "Creating..."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
#: lib/cannery_web/live/ammo_group_live/form_component.ex:134
msgid "Ammo group created successfully"
msgid_plural "Ammo groups created successfully"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

View File

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ defmodule Cannery.ActivityLogTest do
container = container_fixture(current_user)
ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user)
%{id: ammo_group_id} =
ammo_group = ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 25}, ammo_type, container, current_user)
{1, [%{id: ammo_group_id} = ammo_group]} =
ammo_group_fixture(%{"count" => 25}, ammo_type, container, current_user)
shot_group =
%{"count" => 5, "date" => ~N[2022-02-13 03:17:00], "notes" => "some notes"}

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ defmodule Cannery.AmmoTest do
current_user = user_fixture()
ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user)
container = container_fixture(current_user)
ammo_group = ammo_group_fixture(ammo_type, container, current_user)
{1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(ammo_type, container, current_user)
ammo_type: ammo_type,
@ -129,28 +129,28 @@ defmodule Cannery.AmmoTest do
ammo_group |> Repo.preload(:shot_groups)
test "create_ammo_group/1 with valid data creates a ammo_group",
test "create_ammo_groups/3 with valid data creates a ammo_group",
ammo_type: ammo_type,
container: container,
current_user: current_user
} do
assert {:ok, %AmmoGroup{} = ammo_group} =
assert {:ok, {1, [%AmmoGroup{} = ammo_group]}} =
|> Map.merge(%{"ammo_type_id" =>, "container_id" =>})
|> Ammo.create_ammo_group(current_user)
|> Ammo.create_ammo_groups(1, current_user)
assert ammo_group.count == 42
assert ammo_group.notes == "some notes"
assert ammo_group.price_paid == 120.5
test "create_ammo_group/1 with invalid data returns error changeset",
test "create_ammo_groups/3 with invalid data returns error changeset",
%{ammo_type: ammo_type, container: container, current_user: current_user} do
assert {:error, %Changeset{}} =
|> Map.merge(%{"ammo_type_id" =>, "container_id" =>})
|> Ammo.create_ammo_group(current_user)
|> Ammo.create_ammo_groups(1, current_user)
test "update_ammo_group/2 with valid data updates the ammo_group",

View File

@ -6,19 +6,20 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.AmmoGroupLiveTest do
use CanneryWeb.ConnCase
import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
import CanneryWeb.Gettext
alias Cannery.Repo
alias Cannery.{Ammo, Repo}
@moduletag :ammo_group_live_test
@shot_group_create_attrs %{"ammo_left" => 5, "notes" => "some notes"}
@shot_group_update_attrs %{"count" => 5, "notes" => "some updated notes"}
@create_attrs %{count: 42, notes: "some notes", price_paid: 120.5}
@update_attrs %{count: 43, notes: "some updated notes", price_paid: 456.7}
@create_attrs %{"count" => 42, "notes" => "some notes", "price_paid" => 120.5}
@update_attrs %{"count" => 43, "notes" => "some updated notes", "price_paid" => 456.7}
@ammo_group_create_limit 10_000
# @invalid_attrs %{count: -1, notes: nil, price_paid: nil}
defp create_ammo_group(%{current_user: current_user}) do
ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user)
container = container_fixture(current_user)
ammo_group = ammo_group_fixture(ammo_type, container, current_user)
{1, [ammo_group]} = ammo_group_fixture(ammo_type, container, current_user)
shot_group =
%{"count" => 5, "date" => ~N[2022-02-13 03:17:00], "notes" => "some notes"}
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.AmmoGroupLiveTest do
assert html =~
test "saves new ammo_group", %{conn: conn} do
test "saves a single new ammo_group", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.ammo_group_index_path(conn, :index))
assert index_live |> element("a", dgettext("actions", "New Ammo group")) |> render_click() =~
@ -60,6 +61,68 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.AmmoGroupLiveTest do
assert html =~ "42"
test "saves multiple new ammo_groups", %{conn: conn, current_user: current_user} do
multiplier = 25
{:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.ammo_group_index_path(conn, :index))
assert index_live |> element("a", dgettext("actions", "New Ammo group")) |> render_click() =~
gettext("New Ammo group")
assert_patch(index_live, Routes.ammo_group_index_path(conn, :new))
# assert index_live
# |> form("#ammo_group-form", ammo_group: @invalid_attrs)
# |> render_change() =~ dgettext("errors", "can't be blank")
{:ok, _, html} =
|> form("#ammo_group-form",
ammo_group: @create_attrs |> Map.put("multiplier", to_string(multiplier))
|> render_submit()
|> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.ammo_group_index_path(conn, :index))
assert html =~ dgettext("prompts", "Ammo groups created successfully")
assert Ammo.list_ammo_groups(current_user) |> Enum.count() == multiplier + 1
test "does not save invalid number of new ammo_groups", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.ammo_group_index_path(conn, :index))
assert index_live |> element("a", dgettext("actions", "New Ammo group")) |> render_click() =~
gettext("New Ammo group")
assert_patch(index_live, Routes.ammo_group_index_path(conn, :new))
# assert index_live
# |> form("#ammo_group-form", ammo_group: @invalid_attrs)
# |> render_change() =~ dgettext("errors", "can't be blank")
assert index_live
|> form("#ammo_group-form", ammo_group: @create_attrs |> Map.put("multiplier", "0"))
|> render_submit() =~
"Invalid number of copies, must be between 1 and %{max}. Was %{multiplier}",
multiplier: 0,
max: @ammo_group_create_limit
assert index_live
|> form("#ammo_group-form",
@create_attrs |> Map.put("multiplier", to_string(@ammo_group_create_limit + 1))
|> render_submit() =~
"Invalid number of copies, must be between 1 and %{max}. Was %{multiplier}",
multiplier: @ammo_group_create_limit + 1,
max: @ammo_group_create_limit
test "saves new shot_group", %{conn: conn, ammo_group: ammo_group} do
{:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.ammo_group_index_path(conn, :index))

View File

@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.RangeLiveTest do
defp create_shot_group(%{current_user: current_user}) do
container = container_fixture(%{"staged" => true}, current_user)
ammo_type = ammo_type_fixture(current_user)
ammo_group = ammo_group_fixture(%{"staged" => true}, ammo_type, container, current_user)
{1, [ammo_group]} =
ammo_group_fixture(%{"staged" => true}, ammo_type, container, current_user)
shot_group =
%{"count" => 5, "date" => ~N[2022-02-13 03:17:00], "notes" => "some notes"}

View File

@ -111,10 +111,20 @@ defmodule Cannery.Fixtures do
@doc """
Generate a AmmoGroup
@spec ammo_group_fixture(AmmoType.t(), Container.t(), User.t()) :: AmmoGroup.t()
@spec ammo_group_fixture(attrs :: map(), AmmoType.t(), Container.t(), User.t()) :: AmmoGroup.t()
@spec ammo_group_fixture(AmmoType.t(), Container.t(), User.t()) ::
{count :: non_neg_integer(), [AmmoGroup.t()]}
@spec ammo_group_fixture(attrs :: map(), AmmoType.t(), Container.t(), User.t()) ::
{count :: non_neg_integer(), [AmmoGroup.t()]}
@spec ammo_group_fixture(
attrs :: map(),
multiplier :: non_neg_integer(),
) :: {count :: non_neg_integer(), [AmmoGroup.t()]}
def ammo_group_fixture(
attrs \\ %{},
multiplier \\ 1,
%AmmoType{id: ammo_type_id},
%Container{id: container_id},
%User{} = user
@ -125,7 +135,7 @@ defmodule Cannery.Fixtures do
"container_id" => container_id,
"count" => 20
|> Ammo.create_ammo_group(user)
|> Ammo.create_ammo_groups(multiplier, user)
|> unwrap_ok_tuple()