add deletion check for containers

This commit is contained in:
shibao 2022-02-07 23:58:29 -05:00
parent 240fdd2965
commit 8e4bcf7abd
6 changed files with 96 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ If you're multilingual, this project can use your translations! Visit
- Typespec arguments can be named like `@spec function(arg_name :: type()) ::
return_type()`. Please use these for generic types, such as `map()` when the
input data isn't immediately obvious.
- Please define all typespecs for a function together in one place, instead of
each function.
- When making new models, please take inspiration from the existing models in
regards to layout of sections, typespec design, and formatting.
- With Elixir convention, for methods that raise on error please name them like

View File

@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ defmodule Cannery.Containers do
The Containers context.
import CanneryWeb.Gettext
import Ecto.Query, warn: false
alias Cannery.{Accounts.User, Repo, Tags.Tag}
alias Cannery.{Accounts.User, Ammo.AmmoGroup, Repo, Tags.Tag}
alias Cannery.Containers.{Container, ContainerTag}
alias Ecto.Changeset
@ -88,7 +89,36 @@ defmodule Cannery.Containers do
@spec delete_container(Container.t()) ::
{:ok, Container.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t(Container.t())}
def delete_container(container), do: container |> Repo.delete()
def delete_container(container) do
from ag in AmmoGroup,
where: ag.container_id == ^,
select: count(
|> case do
0 ->
container |> Repo.delete()
amount ->
error_string =
"There is still %{amount} ammo group in this container!",
"There are still %{amount} ammo groups in this container!",
|> change_container()
|> Changeset.add_error(
amount: amount,
count: amount
|> Changeset.apply_action(:delete)
@doc """
Deletes a container.
@ -100,7 +130,10 @@ defmodule Cannery.Containers do
@spec delete_container!(Container.t()) :: Container.t()
def delete_container!(container), do: container |> Repo.delete!()
def delete_container!(container) do
{:ok, container} = container |> delete_container()
@doc """
Returns an `%Changeset{}` for tracking container changes.

View File

@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.ContainerLive.Index do
use CanneryWeb, :live_view
import CanneryWeb.ContainerLive.ContainerCard
alias Cannery.Containers
alias Cannery.Containers.Container
alias Cannery.{Containers, Containers.Container}
@impl true
def mount(_params, session, socket) do
@ -38,8 +37,32 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.ContainerLive.Index do
@impl true
def handle_event("delete", %{"id" => id}, socket) do
Containers.get_container!(id) |> Containers.delete_container!()
{:noreply, socket |> display_containers()}
socket =
|> Enum.find(fn %{id: container_id} -> id == container_id end)
|> case do
nil ->
socket |> put_flash(:error, "Could not find that container")
container ->
|> Containers.delete_container()
|> case do
{:ok, container} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "#{} has been deleted")
|> display_containers()
{:error, %{action: :delete, errors: [ammo_groups: _error], valid?: false} = changeset} ->
ammo_groups_error = changeset |> changeset_errors(:ammo_groups) |> Enum.join(", ")
socket |> put_flash(:error, "Could not delete container: #{ammo_groups_error}")
{:error, changeset} ->
socket |> put_flash(:error, changeset |> changeset_errors())
{:noreply, socket}
defp display_containers(%{assigns: %{current_user: current_user}} = socket) do

View File

@ -26,8 +26,24 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.ContainerLive.Show do
@impl true
def handle_event("delete", _, socket) do
socket.assigns.container |> Containers.delete_container!()
{:noreply, socket |> push_redirect(to: Routes.container_index_path(socket, :index))}
socket =
|> Containers.delete_container()
|> case do
{:ok, container} ->
|> put_flash(:info, "#{} has been deleted")
|> push_redirect(to: Routes.container_index_path(socket, :index))
{:error, %{action: :delete, errors: [ammo_groups: _error], valid?: false} = changeset} ->
ammo_groups_error = changeset |> changeset_errors(:ammo_groups) |> Enum.join(", ")
socket |> put_flash(:error, "Could not delete container: #{ammo_groups_error}")
{:error, changeset} ->
socket |> put_flash(:error, changeset |> changeset_errors())
{:noreply, socket}
defp page_title(:show), do: "Show Container"

View File

@ -55,9 +55,10 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.ErrorHelpers do
@doc """
Displays all errors from a changeset
Displays all errors from a changeset, or just for a single key
@spec changeset_errors(Changeset.t()) :: String.t()
@spec changeset_errors(Changeset.t(), key :: atom()) :: [String.t()] | nil
def changeset_errors(changeset) do
|> changeset_error_map()
@ -66,6 +67,10 @@ defmodule CanneryWeb.ErrorHelpers do
def changeset_errors(changeset, key) do
changeset |> changeset_error_map() |> Map.get(key)
@doc """
Displays all errors from a changeset in a key value map

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
## Run `mix gettext.extract` to bring this file up to
## date. Leave `msgstr`s empty as changing them here has no
## effect: edit them in PO (`.po`) files instead.
## From Ecto.Changeset.cast/4
msgid "can't be blank"
msgstr ""
@ -93,3 +92,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "must be equal to %{number}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format, ex-autogen
#: lib/cannery/containers.ex:104
msgid "There is still %{amount} ammo group in this container!"
msgid_plural "There are still %{amount} ammo groups in this container!"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""